Getting the Attention of the Universe is easy, it’s just that we have poor levels of awareness. Many of us are inundated with heavy technology, distractions of all kinds which makes it easy to lose ourselves and yet we still we continue on the path of heart.
Depending on your level of vibration, desires are now becoming much easier to manifest. Once you are aligned with source, your life becomes magical, unfolding passionately moment by moment. Every spring in the park, the flowering trees beckon and like a mad hatter, I am there, asking them if they want to marry me. Marry me, I say, I love your jewellery and your dress and your cute hat; this is called innocence, and that’s the whole idea, to function at the level of the heart, like a child does. You focus with what you imagine when you are writing, creating stories, or drawing.
That is HOW creativity begins, with fantasy, and play and imagination. And from there, one goes deeper into knowledge gathering more information on how realities are formed, and how the laws of the universe affect us all.

the POWER OF FOCUS: Focus actually calls energy. If you are focused on what you want you will get energized. If you focus on what you don’t want, you will get depleted. ~Abraham Hicks