Destructive Female Archetypes:
We are going to examine only two main archetypes of the Mother which comprise of the destructive and creative aspects of female energy. Though it is true enough that female energy has many more dimensions than this, this is the fundamental energy that has caused such chaos on this planet: the ‘destructive’ or ‘shadow’ mother and the fundamental damage it has caused in its own psyche and that of children who are coming forth. In fact, it is this Mother Matrix that is holding the planet in a spidery web. Naturally you will certainly get backlash from the imbalanced structures comprised mostly of ‘mothering’ institutions such as schools, churches and the current state of the family unit in which the oppressive mother not only dominates but oftentimes leads the way.

Look at these celebrities you love so much: These are BOYS, not GIRLS, so anybody who is encouraging this is a woman promoting the feminization of Masculine Energy because Yang energy is dangerously active and gets things done. This is how to decimate the Alpha male. And we aren’t standing for this not for a second.

The INNER SHADOW WOMAN IS INTEGRAL TO THE SYSTEMS….she is a nightmare to behold because she has been suppressed creatively and has to make up for that now that she is a supposed adult. Most people in general never really mature past ten years old.
the Shadow Mother is an Utter Nightmare
You are about to interrupt me and say, but Sylvia, the system is dominated by men. Oh yes, that is true, but ALL institutions are female, like beehives, and men who fall into them without thinking have also got to start examining where they stand in the big scheme of things. Some places like universities are ideally fabulous and essential places to continue studying, learning and experimenting, it is true. However, who is teaching? Is it a man who was raised by a creative mother or a destructive one? THAT makes all the difference! And we know that everything is energy, so it must be examined through that perception. The Shadow of the Great Spider Woman who currently grips the planet. She has two polarities just like everything in our reality: light and shadow. The Shadow part hates to be exposed but it is necessary or we will never understand the suppressed psyche or the shadow. We must gaze into it as it is part of ourselves. Women have got to start examining themselves by connecting to their inner selves and delving into the womb to find their magic.

TEACHERS in the System: When you have not a single shred of awareness, not any connection to the inner wild woman, not a connection to anything but your dense ego and how much money you are going to get and how to please the system because it’s the only thing that gets you off. Certainly, I have never seen orgasmically fulfilled teachers. And all of this under the PRETENSE that you CARE. The most destructive egoists are teachers in the system who question nothing and go along with the program.

Thus, we have the fundamental destructive behaviour of the mother in the current state it is in: a victim, a controller, always trying to be a righteous defender to the death of ‘government policies’. The destructive woman is the ultimate lover of the institution, the lover of data and results, so she can present them to her superiors or her board so she can get praised and paid of course, by the same institutional sheep. This destructive monstrosity will view anybody different as a threat to the whole structure of their delusional world.
The destructive woman has no connection whatsoever to her inner world, her womb and her inner joyful being. She works to get away on the weekend, to fill her shallow pools, to eventually save enough to travel only to find that she is the same disease she was when she first set off. She is so disconnected that she doesn’t even KNOW that is not connected, but you and I, who can read the nuances of energy will see it in her behaviour, her delusional state in which she really believes what she is defending is real.
All you really have to do is take a tour of the school system or the mainstream media or the government bodies everywhere to find them riddled with this ‘dis-ease’. Anywhere there are schools anywhere on the planet, unaware idiots wander manipulating children into a hierarchal structure in which they betray their souls. These destructive women are completely disconnected from their awareness, playing up to a system of control and manipulation which is also supported by unaware mothers who agree to the nonsense of a system they are also a part of willingly or not. And unfortunately, children are not always the best quality either, so teachers also suffer at the hands of poor energy they are attracting.
It is therefore the immature Mother energy such as it is, which I address as the Shadow or False feminine which characterises the planet’s current energies. The Shadow woman or this false feminine is completely entrenched in old belief systems they cannot see past and tend to blame patriarchy for the planetary woes.Ordinary humanity cannot fathom that men are enacting on the stage what women are dreaming collectively. It is why also the destructive female is starting to feel the backlash from many men who are fast awakening to the reality of where they find themselves. At the same time, many destructive men who are the offspring of destructive women are also to blame indeed! These are the ones we are watching with eyes wide open.
Patriarchy is not the cause of planetary woes because women are the ones dreaming the world, and men are the ones enacting the dream in the physical. That wasn’t my idea, that is essentially how yin and yang energy works. It is the way of the polarities. Thus, both sides are responsible to bring back a simple balance into daily life and this will automatically reflect in the planet. You change YOURSELF first and leave the planet alone.I am shocked at how much blame is put on men regarding societal woes when women are the ones dominantly caring for children from birth to past adulthood. We do not even stop at pre-teens, we continue to mother grown ups into adulthood and parents, especially from old world countries, who continue to extend their control wide and far causing a lot of the chaos that we see today.You want to know why men are reacting so badly? Collectively both boys and girls are over-mothered or under-fathered. It is essentially causing a terrible imbalance which then spills into relationships, society structures, even in politics and beyond. Then it continues in vicious cycles until it appears its just men acting on their own. It’s not.
The ‘Mother Archetype’ in whatever form might have taken over the man’s psyche does not allow him to stray from the confines of the known, and often, the destructive mother is there to help push him into dependency, insecurity and control so that he never emerges out of the darkness. This destructive mother intends that everyone caters to her because she is afraid of facing her own psyche, the vastness of her magical womb which has either never been explored or she simply doesn’t understand it. The destructive woman has never been taught and thus she is unaware, narcissistic, a victim, a deluded wounded girl focusing away from her own true essence.

What must I give more death to today, in order to generate more life? What do I know should die, but am hesitant to allow to do so? What should live? What life am I afraid to give birth to? If not now, when?
~Clarissa Pinkola Estes~
The destructive woman or mother is unconscious. Even worse, she currently has control of men who are running governments, teachers who love conformity at all cost, instructors at higher institutions who teach a lot of the social sciences. The destructive shadow woman glorifies and defends her outrageous behaviour to the detriment of children. And this has spread to all corners of the earth wherever there are institutions ready to conform to female standards of behaviour. The destructive woman cannot see anything past her own stuck belief systems. She is critical, jealous and a manipulator in order to get her own way because she is threatened. She is perverted energy which should be transcended if we are ever to break from her cycle which is perpetuated by seedy institutions that are often disguised as ‘helping’ or ‘caring’. These are the places where she is blossoming and unhindered and supported by governments that she spawned, she is in her ultimate glory.
The destructive woman is already manifested in our world and is actually considered ‘normal’ because we don’t know anything else. We have nothing to compare it to because we are simply used to it. She is the ultimate saboteur, destroying her spouse and her children with conniving tactics that she herself may not even realize. The destructive woman craves power and authority, which is why she is a nightmare to deal with especially in roles of authority when she takes on the masculine role.
As Michael Tsarion states in his book ‘Dragon Mother’, this monstrosity has children for the purposes of control. It is also why the majority of ‘teachers’ go into that profession. Hidden behind the ‘care’ is a system that fails the human soul and craves the control that comes with it. The higher the ‘teacher’ climbs, (and I use the term loosely), the more she becomes an abomination as she abandons everything of her inner being to embrace the system.

I had to share the cover only by Michael Tsarion because the links magically vanish. That of course, isn’t going to stop us from distributing information to expand our limited perception. Google Michael Tsarion or go to Amazon for any of his books.
We can say loads more on the Shadow Mother Archetype, the worst atrocity that has hit this planet, hugely dysfunctional as she is totally unable to function from her true power and the beauty of her womb. I once worked at a Nursery in London where the women had all their uteruses removed or were suffering dysfunctions in that area of their body. This is how it works: you abandon the beauty of the womb, abandon the true female within and it shows up in your physical and energy body.
The Creative Empowered Divine Feminine

“Instead of transcending ourselves, we must move into ourselves.”
Marion Woodman
Oh, I have gone on and on about the Destructive Woman, but it is because she is so dominant in our reality. Like the Medusa, we freeze when we glance at her terrifying face, but what has happened to my wonderful Creative Woman who has fallen through the cracks? Well, she has gone into the Underworld, into Xibalba looking for answers, seeking her own true self, having suffered many setbacks and has come through the other side joyful, renewed and magnificently changed. She is the one we have all been dreaming of, wishing for and writing about. The Creative Woman is the ultimate inner traveller, the one who embraces the solitude of her own existence. She has found a way either through dance or song or art to express her own unique love to the universe. Maybe she has done this through her children as she nurtures individuality and guides without being critical. She is powerful and able to lead her children and guide her partner with her strong intuition and beautiful ways which she expresses with strength, humour and sometimes ferocity. She has no need to control anyone and easily falls into laughter.

Image of Tanit from Tunisia: She is a North African Goddess. She has MANY sides. Just because it is the goddess, it doesn’t mean it’s all good. She embodies many sides of the female archetype. One needs to access the divine within to discover their own relationship to the goddess. If you embrace only one side, you missed everything; multidimensional means just that!
The True Wild One recoils at institutions that keep anybody in emotional distress or bound to slavery. She can feel the pain of the other very much in her heart and being and doesn’t want anyone subjected to anything but freedom. She is not afraid of the shadows and chases herself ruthlessly asking ‘why am I reacting this way’ and ‘what am I afraid of’ or ‘why am i being judgemental’. She is ruthless with herself, NOT with the other but also knows when to defend herself because she is the lover of the universe and intends that the other treats her well. She is the lover of herself, the authentic seeker of all that brings her in tune with the universe. She creates, loves and dances her way into fulfilment without worrying what others might say of her. The creative woman is the ultimate rebel and she loves freedom for herself and for the other. She knows how to care for herself by accessing the inner mother, seeking a life that is filled with soul and inner power.
The Creative woman knows she is magical and serves the world out of her heart’s path, without being afraid, without needing validation, but only chasing the desire that rises out of the soul. This is not to say that the Creative Woman doesn’t have anger or fury or destructive energy. But she is aware of it, and if her energy flows well, she has way less of it than other women who are assailed during their premenstrual time with feelings of anger, anguish, depression.
The Creative Woman may feel the destruction, but she knows how to care for herself, how to use that energy to dream, to create, to go into her shadow aspect and discover hidden parts of herself. She is on alert and understands or taps into the secondary functions of her womb.The Creative Woman is the delight of the goddess. She personifies a variety of archetypes that spring out of the goddess and never takes anything personally or gets offended by the other. She is the open pathway to the divine and realizes the importance of linking her womb with that of the universe. She sees that everything is a mirror of herself and certainly doesn’t run crying to institutions which are a poor paltry way of gaining power.
The Creative Woman, she who is the one we desire and seek, is the ultimate lover. She embraces her sexual energy from within and doesn’t seek any approval from the outer world to validate it. She is connected deeply to herself, to her womb, and understands the importance of maintaining good energy and knows it is connected to personal power. The Creative Woman is highly emotionally intelligent and is in tune with herself. She dreams a way for her family to move forward, not at her own or the other’s expense, but rather, she encourages everyone to move together with joy and by listening to their inner guidance. Her anger will rise at the Shadow energy when she sees it and calls it out, for those who drive the false power, those who populate the current system with their atrocious behaviour.
The Creative Woman whether she is with a partner or not, single or married, or childless or not, will always know she is in safe hands with the universe, guided by the greater whole and in love with existence as she was truly meant to be. She knows her love and personal power will attract what she needs. She will know she is magical and the secret delight of the yang energy in whatever form it takes.
Lastly let me say that we should give some credit to the shadow self, that wounded self which points out the pathway to healing for us. It is the wounded Shadow self that holds the lantern into the underworld where we can descend to discover what we have been hiding from our own self.