The Return of the Great God Pan

The Return of the Great God Pan by Sylvia Xamanka
“Yet half the beast is the great god Pan, To laugh, as he sits by the river, making a poet out of a man. The true gods sigh for the cost and the pain .” — Elizabeth Barrett Browning

You can call him what you want, certainly he has been suppressed, twisted, his image manipulated, much the same way Lucifera the Light Bearer was twisted into a dark shadow of herself. But you want to know what does a woman possibly know about the Great God Pan? Well it takes a deep hideous dive into the wounded heart and nobody would ever want to do that. It takes alot of guts and as Mirabai, the dark lover of Krishna says, ‘in order to love prepare to cut off your head and sit on it’. I chronicle the agony of separation from the divine masculine in my book series and in my twin flame poems, because that’s what it is: a total agony, a torture that cracked my luminous cocoon. I was, of course, scientifically dealing with emotional body and layers of conditioning that lay over us as we go through the cycles of life and death.

How you are spat out the flame of desire, uncontrollable passion and insurmountable obstacles that spurned me onto the path of knowledge and right into the arduous path of Spirit. Too bad I didn’t realize that when it was happening and I learned about it years later. You cannot possibly ever face the spirit without being authentic or if you are lying to yourself constantly and doing things for money or fame or societal acceptance, that will get you absolutely nowhere. As well, trying to fool followers into ‘freedom’ while hiding other intentions which is constantly going on requires a vibrational match. If you are attracted by a fool, then you need to look in the mirror because the universe always brings you the story of yourself and it isn’t always pretty.

I was pulled into the darkness, onto an utterly difficult journey into the authentic, except to find out that your own twin is the highest of scoundrels and you don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Music, drugs, women, a low self esteem and an ego so massive, you’d never see it hurling down the mountain at you.

But you see, only a bonafide pair of twins with higher soul contracts can manage such an arduous path because trying to get the Great God out while he is hurling shit at you isn’t exactly a romantic journey.

I can hear the sounds of the liberalites with their nonsense crying ‘but he’s abusive, but he’s scum or he’s controlling, he degrades women, he is this and that’. That’s the cry of the emotionally impoverished, of the liberal protestors who are clueless and immature, those crying and screaming for some stupid justice which they know nothing about. Well, this doesn’t count in the world of the Spirit. As Mel from Golden Twin Flames once said, ‘the Spirit doesn’t give a rat’s ass about your morality’.

The soul at higher levels sees with a wider vision, it’s expansive, and you are forced to see things from the soul and heart level. The higher level souls don’t care if you are hurt, they are seeing from THEIR persepective and you simply have to flow and adjust to the higher soul or you will experience the pain, such as I did. I still am secretly annoyed at what I experienced and it’s not for the faint of heart! To go swimming into an open wound of the heart is not an easy feat, but it is also from this place where we are cut open that we can recognize something of ourselves, in that darkness, you start to recognize something strange, and your beliefs and understanding of the universe suddenly increase and your awareness sharpens. I’m sorry to say that pain stimulates awareness. I truly wish it was more like honey and milk and roses, but it is the stab of pain that brings you into awareness. In my own circumstances, the pain had my own face, my own countenance, it was myself, so how do you battle with a perceived enemy who is you?!

There is only one responsible for creating, attracting and manifesting your reality and it’s YOU. Sometimes it is obvious, sometimes it is not. We carry our own vibrations too from other realities and parallel worlds. Unresolved, subconscious, it is still there, and you have to uncover it and stop lying to yourself. YOU are responsible for your own reality, not poor god and certainly not the devil.

He isn’t just the Great Horned God, or PAN, or Cernunnos. He is the Masculine Spirit found buried not just in archaelogy or pre-history, but literally buried deep below the collective unconsciousness; it is this power that we must access from within, and as you can see from the evidence around us, men are trying to tap into it, some do, some are unsuccessful, while others tap in but end up in jail, arrested or in some trouble because they are completely unaware of their own inner workings which needs to be taught by men themselves to EACH OTHER. Not by women! (So you can imagine what this means about schools which are dominated entirely by women, as well, the OLD system in which men were teaching boys by spanking or hitting them is beyond my comprehension–since when is humiliation in any form constructive? It’s sick and it is usually promoted by immature fools also raised the same way). So what does this mean for women, for they can also tap into their yang side, not by pretending to be a man, certainly not! It’s ridiculous and this was a way of disabling men completely, and as we can see, it has worked for the most part. A woman can touch her masculine side by taking action in creating something to benefit society, following her path into creativity of all kinds, delving into the unknown, exploring her world wtih awareness. It doesn’t mean, by any stretch of the imagination trying to copy men in any way, this is ridiculous. You can certainly tap into your male side within and still be in balance. And if a woman can enter fully into her femininity, she will attract the masculine in it’s raw form. This is why one must be fully alert to recognize what they are attracting to themselves. But if a woman is traumatized or is the false feminine, she will keep attracting the REVERSED PAN or just damaged material! So saying that, where did the Pan archetype go?

“The Anima possessed man is a spineless wimp who does not know when or how to take action in the world. He is moody and sulky and throws tantrums like a toddler. Although very passive, he totally overreacts to slights and confrontations. He is not appropriate in his actions, either he is paralyzed and can’t find the energy to do what needs to be done, or he jumps into action when he should be thinking about it first.” (Anima and Animus in Fairy Tales, 2002)

We are supposed to be wild sexual beings who find satisfaction in love and desire and passion. But if there is ANY sexual trauma on either the boys or the girls, forget it. There will only be fear and nobody will venture into sexual satisfaction, why would they when there is no trust on either side? Men are not your girlfriends and women are not your possessions. If the Great God Pan enters into the NEW WORLD ORDER, the OLD World Order will crumble and we will find ourselves with a greater freedom, but that is only if he is not in a perverse, upside down energy.

He is Known by Many Names and for me, he is the Beloved One.

You wouldn’t recognize him anymore. Though he is the embodiment of all that is masculine and wild, you sure wouldn’t know him at all. How could you possibly recognize this ancient deity or archetype that has been tarnished, perverted, twisted in ways that are imaginable. Across the realities and cultures, he is known by many names: Great Horned God, Lugh, the Green Man, Cernunnos, Shango, it doesn’t matter what you call him, what matters is how to recognize him, and what he is bringing to our world and our new reality. He is the one that has elements within you.. Knowledge, power, creativity, and a return to the natural individual who understands and integrates the primal and natural into the individual self.

Hidden beneath London was once known as ‘Lludunum’ which translates to LUGH’S HILL. Lugh’s temple sits at St. Paul’s Cathedral, buried under there, just as the wild man is buried in you. Source: MICHAEL TSARION “THE IRISH ORIGINS OF CIVILIZATION”.

 Whoever made it out of this mass brainwashing has been researching and learning on their own for years but the rest of you have ‘BECOME RECEPTIVE’, that’s what needles are. They are phallic symbols and they are going into you. In other words, the SHADOW MASCULINE, has been giving the SHADOW FEMININE energy through the needles. Like everything, it is an energetic transference of energy.  This is why there is such a vast difference in the reactions of people. Without being a seer, one cannot understand the complexity of this. One has to be able to see past the five senses and identify this and yet still, many stay trapped in the fixings of the dream-like world. 

Remember that the masculine gives, the female receives, no matter what the manifestation is, this is the way it works. The masculine manifests externally what the feminine energy has intended. This works even within one person, depending on how much you have accessed your opposite. For example, dreaming of a new reality is accessed by the female, but then it manifests around and that is masculine energy. Taking action is masculine too.   

If the female is perverted and has rejected the masculine, it will pervert as well and be unable to access the true feminine within. It will be operating in what we call ‘the Shadow Female’ energy in which she uses all sorts of stupid shallow actions including manipulation, deception and competition to rope a man or a child and to end up in a delusional state. Then you get stuck and can’t get out. That’s why rebalancing relationships is absolutely vital in this reality. Everything works around them and influences society and its operations including politics, economics and social structures.

Should the Great God become inwardly accessible within and become enlivened, the structures such as they are now, will begin to collapse. He is returning from WITHIN men who aren’t about to be subdued by governments and rubbish ideologies of the past. The archetype whatever it is within will rise out of the flames and so will the knowing from within. It must rise from ordinary men, not from celebrities or elitist morons who have other ideas about us ordinary people. The power is with the people, not with the elitists.

Currently, the universe is supporting fully this emergence of Yang energy, and unfortunately because most men aren’t strong in their actions, women have started to access their own yang sides within. Those traumatised by society or men, are forced to be their own saviours or are way too out of balance to be restored. In countries in which the vibrations are WAY TOO LOW, there is no point in trying to educate or access higher levels of awareness in impoverished regions. YOU CAN’T. You can try to educate them until you’re purple, it doesn’t work like that and now things have progressed into states of despair that some people in third world countries can’t come out at all.

Alpha male doesn’t mean those idiots you see in movies like the terminator or policitians or men who spit, smoke and get into bar fights. It has NOTHING to do with that. The true Alpha is balanced in his emotions, in his actions, he is the positive powerful emperor who is decisive and clear in his seeing. Just because he takes right action though, doesn’t mean he is in his true form either, it depends on many factors. You can be in the police force but can be moral or corrupt, all depends on the actions taken. A police form requires a higher perception, an intuitive, one who is in sync with the laws of the universe, otherwise the whole thing is useless.

The Rise of the Father or the Great God will bring back order or discipline back to our realities. Right now, we have governments who are acting like ‘fathers’ so in reality they really think they are helping because they are being funded by the negative shadow energy. These governments have abolished ‘fatherhood’ and taken its place by providing social welfare including shelters to single mothers as well. This has happened worldwide. You step away from the family you created because you never thought it out, you never felt true desire, you got into the trap of marriage, had children you either you didn’t want, or couldn’t care for, but that’s what the system is waiting for. For you to to make children so they can have free donations, they can take care for them and you can’t be driven down into uselessness. So you were driven out, or you were promiscuous and had children you can’t take care of, so the system provides for them. It has taken the role of the father and has done this without you realizing. You need to see with a wider vision, without believing everything you are told by media, government and society. You need to dig around, research, simply put, stop being naive.

Your Morality Isn’t Real. There is no God.

“Your experiences are what allow you to access the inner god archetype.

The Great God Pan because of his wild nature is wild and wants to try everything. He stumbles forth, his wild nature intact(DEPENDING ON HOW MUCH ENERGY HE IS BORN WITH), wanting to try as many experiences as possible. He wants to try many experiences including various women, various experiences, various jobs, locations etc, which of course, there is no moral judgement against. What the issue is when he decides not to follow his desires or his heart and tries to live inauthentically or to the standards of his culture or society because he is scared of judgements. This happens ALOT in non-Anglo-American cultures. Anything that is not English speaking. Non-English speaking cultures have huge pressures to conform to RIDICULOUS standards, depending on the culture. Simply astonishingly stupid ideas that people are forced to comply with for the sake of family, religion or culture.

Suppressing the Pan Energy is why we are faced with this upside down society. If you don’t make yourself the Captain of your own Soul, someone else will move in and take the chair, take control and whatever external entity it is, doesn’t give a hoot about your wild Pan energy.

This is the greatest sin of all! To lie to oneself, suppress the Pan nature but so many men are complying and this compliance has caused this rubbish type of world in which governments have taken the role of the father, but all systems, remember, are ruled by female standards of behaviour and shockingly men are also enforcing them, that’s to our detriments. Just note that alot of women have been traumatized through family, schooling and parenting too, and unfortunately, it is these females running the globalist show because they will do anything to get back power and control to gain some sort control and stability. These traumatized or shadow women cannot be reasoned with, they are victims of the system too, and have no idea how to reach for true power, so they will reach for your throat instead. Manipulation and trickery is their tool and men fall for it because they want a relationship, so they agree to substandard female behaviour patterns, forgetting that their purpose is to reject these behaviours and forge onto the path of power like a true hunter.

I would google and research Yuri Bezmenov who speaks about the ‘useful idiots’ of which we have plenty of globally. Useful idiots do not want to change the system, they love it and normally they refuse to be responsible for their own lives and want some other authority to be in charge of them. This is why we are at the stage we are at now, polarizing continuously in more than one way, but on a simpler note, people born into our world now, are not born from parents with pure desires. They are lacking energy, and when you lack energy there is no way you can use your energy for more complex feats, you become less than ordinary as a result of the dull birth and the lack of energy.

A lot of men are simply not aware, and there aren’t alot of role models around to show them HOW to gain back power, so they just copy others and without initiation skills, how can they even fathom what is happening, why they have missed something, why it has happened in this way, and then they enter the world which is already rife with manipulative women and corrupt men in all systems. So they follow that path without understanding their actions are a result of feminization, not masculine teachings. Many are defending their own chains and love the female standards of behaviour because then they don’t have to make a decision to save their life. This new shift in our world now though has shaken many men out of their complacency and many aren’t going down without a fight.

Now, for much of our history, men have taken substances, including smoking tobacco, and other such substances to connect to the elements or to nature or ingesting mushrooms to shift their assemblage points or points of perception. But many men are taking much harder stuff, abusing alcohol or drugs to the extreme without understanding the consequences. And in fact, men who join armies, systems, sports, etc, are often given alot of substances and this CHANGES THEIR PSYCHE, their consciousness, their perceptions, causing untold misalignments and then they act like idiots and we wonder why. Because men are such uniform channellers, they are so easy to hack, and what happens is that its easy when you are compromised to be ridden like a donkey by all sorts of entities or beings that are waiting for you to edge out of the way, then they sit inside you. I don’t know how to say it otherwise for clarity.

Because people dont believe in the supernatural, in the inorganic world, in life beyond the five senses, people think it’s just psychotic behaviours that come from abuse of drugs, medications, etc, but there is ALWAYS more behind it. The elitists know there is more to the world than what we see, its YOU who is in denial because then that would shake up the world you live in, thinking you know when you don’t have a clue. So we don’t question it, and when some crazed maniac goes on a rampage in public, we think its ‘terrorism’ when in fact, they are often compromised and that’s why they are so clueless afterwards and have no idea what they’ve done. This happens all the time because so many can access altered states of consciousness and if someone has been traumatized, it has the same effect, splitting the psyche. You don’t need a specialist to tell you this, that trauma creates divisions from within.

Time to use that Pan Energy to create something new. Your desire for excess alcohol or drugs or easy money doesn’t have to destroy you, because you can choose the way of the heart and follow your Inner Pan! This is easier in the Anglo-American cultures then it is in non-English speaking cultures who are bogged down tremendous amounts of beliefs, customs, religious nonsense, because in the West, thanks to softer feminine energies, we have more access to knowledge and up to now, more accessible energies while in the East they had communism.

There is no morality. There is no hellfire except what hallucinations you create in your mind. Everything is part of the experience of living. The only sin there is is UNAWARENESS. So do what you love with awareness and you will be at the top of your game. Alpha plus awareness equals badassery at its finest. There are Alpha Females too, but women are hoping ecstatically for the Alpha male to re-enter and because it is so scarce, we flock to bad boys and you are wondering why. Well, this is why. They are SCARCE, most of them capitulating to the system and the government are boring as fuck, lacking power and intellect, so my suggestion is to stop making children with them. We want them intelligent, decisive, wild, playful and to make us feel safe! This is the PAN NATURE!

Telling the Great God Pan what to do? Think again. And I don’t  mean that if they are killing someone you stand there and applaud.

It’s a way of raising boys in which requires a proper aware masculine in their lives, not to hit the in the face stupidly, or to abuse them or to humiliate them which happens an awful lot. If there is abuse or trauma how can anyone be trusting? Safety is a requirement. We see how war traumatizes entire generations, leaving unfathomable markings for generations. Sexual trauma is even worse, that is why it is especially rampant in the depths of some institutions, sitting back there till it festers and then explodes to the surface and then we are shocked because we preferred our comfortale state of living a lie. It’s too painful to face the truth and I can see this with many people who are trying desperately to hang onto their innocence, and refuse to look at truth in any way.

In general, men as a group operate as a unit, but not when women are in the mix. It doesn’t work like that, because of the types of energies we are. I don’t want to hear some fool cite examples of girl groups working together to prove the opposite point. I’m only talking about energy here and only that.

Targeting Children with Rubbish Belief Systems

This calamity, this disgraceful imbalance that has happened is due to religious, cultural rubbish and the ridiculous way children are manipulated and bribed in the system to agree to sell themselves out. Girls are bribed out of their magic from a young age, and suppress themselves deeply, enraged, unexpressed violence, they are talked out of their fantasies and unicorn dreams by the system which is a dark system based on shadow men and women. Boys are completely emasculated to make sure they FIT INTO THE SYSTEM and that is what we don’t want! So you can see the complexity of it. The risk factor for boys which once long ago allowed them to make their own way into the world, and gather experiences, that wild RISK has been taken out as boys turn into men and comply with the system which in turn applauds them for doing ‘good’. The wider joy of hunting, obtaining knowledge or experiences have been taken away and in their place we substituted video games to curtail boys and their natural hunter aggression. But this curtailing of the wild Pan nature is why the energy is as perverse as it is. And it is not about race or culture anymore, it is about globalism and the deviance and bottled up sexual energy. Half crazed men who have been beaten down are now running systems based on perverse energies, catered by men who never grew up and have not an ounce of awareness. So now we must begin at the root again, and it is all pointing in that direction globally. The new reality emerging and this cXvid situation has really pushed alot of yang energy to the surface. That was the reason why there was a huge push for feminization for years now. For this ultimate moment that the globalists are salivating for: wear your mask and shut up and do so without a fight.

Globalist Fascism is due to Emasculation: It’s Connected.

In order to push for rebalance, relationships between masculine and feminine must regain some sort of balance, but I won’t go deeper into that now. We need masculine energy to start taking the reins, taking matters into his own hands, and some extraordinary men are doing that; standing as individuals and creating their own organizations and becoming their own heroes! This is the PAN ENERGY UPRIGHT, not in reverse. In REVERSE, it is the elitists! Remember we live in a polarity based universe.

Here’s an example of primal, aware, conscious masculinity expressing positive Pan Energy:
The Emperor Tarot Card

Our world, our reality, our universe as we know it, is based on POLARITIES. The Emperor in the Upright displays other qualities than the Emperor in the Reverse.

The Question of Sexuality


This topic requires a whole other post because of the hugeness of it’s importance and how it has been manipulated and perverted so long and so well, it will take unmuddling to come out of this one. Suffice it to say, for now, I would suggest to do everything you can to download or read or beg for this manual which would explain with all the purposefulness of a spiritual warrior, on masculinity, sexuality and perception regarding in taking back your power in more than one way. My focus is entirely on men and women relationships only because this is all I know.

Wait. But what does a Woman know about this?!

We know only that we need good, knowledgeable men we can trust to take matters into their own hands and plant their foot into the system’s behind! This means communities need to get smaller and that our actions need to be honourable and that we must be accountable for our actions. We are spiritual warriors, lovers of this universe, joyful beings of light and this is how we must see ourselves. We musthold ourselves to account without blaming anyone else, and it is only this way we can have small communities that work. It’s a whole other vibration we are jumping to, and the way is through knowledge and the open heart that is willing to work with others on the same level. We are no longer at the survival level, but at the level in which we can work together for example on community gardens and share our produce. We are being pushed to this magnificence, in which our long time dreams are coming true but only if we activate the Yang, the action part of us!

They once said, ‘The Great God Pan is Dead!”. But no, he is not! He is here, in the tunnels of darkness, emerging wild with knowledge and true power. He is in many of the emerging awakened Alpha males, who must start recognizing each other and working without competition, creating new rituals and gaining experiences that allows them to unfold their own authentic individual paths. Paths that are not dictated by schools, women, feminized institutions. Men are meant to chase women, not the other way around, but no woman wants to be chased by a man who can’t make her feel safe, has no vision, no purpose, no discipline, no sex drive, no creativity. It ain’t happening.  

Welcome back to the Great God in all his forms, across the planet, not taking any shit from anyone. He is the challenger of systems, the one who was arrested for keeping his shop open despite cXvid restrictions, he was the one who was arrested at protests, he is the one who is at home blogging, creating podcasts and continuing his research, writing books to the detriment of the system. He is the one who challenges the system with his heart and soul. Sometimes he is also the one who didn’t go to school because he knew about your plans to emasculate him, so he did his best to escape the manipulation and rubbish you feed him at school, (otherwise known as the bribery system). Schools CAN be wonderful places of learning, but not as they are now, chock full of manipulation and nonsense teachings, and stupid standards of behaviour. They are also NOT meant for all children, and this has to be acknowledged. As they are now, they are a detriment to our society and our world and look at the idiots running them. If you are too intelligent, you do not belong teaching or learning in any of these standardized institutions. They are for idiots. 

So, the Great God Pan, our wild shit disturber, the wild man of the woods, that you have forgotten, well, he can hunt and garden and build. He is the one who takes us to dangerous places sexually, he is as necessary as breath for the safety of women and children and for the joyful ecstastic being he really is. We need him in order to shake the old foundations, women need him for safety, for blissful direction, for co-creation, for joyful ecstasy!

So, if you are sitting there quivering in fear, wearing a mask and scared of getting your hands dirty because you need hand sanitizer because you are scared to die, well let me inform you: you are already dead and buried. Where is the INNER HUNTER? Here is Janice making us sick by showing her wild Pan Energy. Is this it? This is what happens when men don’t know what it is to be a man. This ain’t it.

Janice doesn't have any idea how to be a man.

My entire Aalayfan book series is the journey of one woman, who falls from the heavens into the world below, like the fallen angels. She is stripped from her royal cloaks and her great crown is taken. She descends into the world below looking for HIM, the Divine Masculine who has lost his way, been sold a whole load of cracker jacks and bollocks as the British say. She journeys with the Spirit through the darkness of the Underworld, searching for meaning, emerges with power and understanding and knowledge of the self. And all the while, she is searching for the Divine Masculine, shocked that he is emasculated, clueless and lost in a reality that is backwards, in reverse and is akin to hell and doesn’t believe in anything beyond the five senses and a boring linear reality. But most marvelous are the discoveries along the way, the joining of opposites in a dance that is eternal. Join me on the path where death is your ever knowing companion, where you fall in love your higher self, and when you are struck by the realization that death is the only place where you meet love and power and fear, and awaken to your own personal joy.

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