Our Collective Global Society has disallowed for the Primal Scream, and it has been going on for a very long time, pushed by the media, by so called traditionalists who haven’t gotten deep enough into spirituality and want people to embrace old fashioned values so they can escape the madness of the lunatic lefties. One must venture further than religion into true spirituality to get any true answers; all mainstream religions while they have elements of ancient stellar cults have been altered and rewritten. Until one does step into ruthless examination, the mysteries of the planet, of the stars and the self cannot be truly understood. It is an undertaking you have to do YOURSELF. There is never cut and dry good and evil emerging from people; it comes from somewhere including the use of substances in which you open yourself to all sorts of interdimensional low vibrational energies.
Unfortunately, links keep getting removed from my website, so here is the link you can cut and paste (Dark Secrets of the Vatican Revealed. This is an example of the extent of the Vatican steeped in filth up to their ears; and people are still running to church and Vatican to be saved. It is utterly unfathomable to me, but then I thought that people stocking up on toilet paper during the Cov*yd business revealed the level of people’s awareness and intellect.
My poetry book, ‘God Loves Strumpets: Erotic Conversations with the Universe’ is inclusive of simple guidance on how to discern and navigate through difficulties from a different perspective, inclusive of my own experiences which broke the barriers between myself and this amazing universe, giving me the tools to reclaim back my own personal power using verse, and re-establishing a wild connection with the divine. This is the story of the underdog, the innocent scapegoat who has emerged triumphant with her own PRIMAL SCREAM thanks to parents who pushed me into that freedom without even knowing. My parents names were the exact same as my bullies names at school; imagine that! Thus raised in a lower vibrational family, which misunderstood, and couldn’t bear anyone different, as well as the schools who had the same agenda and still promote their agendas which are not just about control but for disempowered women in their masculine energy to get promoted as if that’s an accomplishment.
The Underdog, the Scapegoat and the Primal Scream.
Thus all my writings are the stories of the underdog, the scapegoat, who has her own PRIMAL SCREAM. Raised to wallow in stupidity and the mundane nonsense of agenda filled families and schools, who think they know better and often mean ‘well’, but this is where the damage is done and we all know by now that such damage can be a focal point for some sort of power. The underdogs, scapegoats and ever more traumatized, have to search in their own abyss for their personal power; a very difficult thing to do. For the sexually traumatized it is near impossible and I have the greatest and highest respect for those who can achieve power after such depravity. In my case, it was my ability to tune into the alternative, the signs of the universe always reaching out to me; at first, my innocence made me turn to ‘god’ but obviously without any guidance and with limited knowledge naturally we reach out to religiousness which was a starting point for higher knowledge and a higher way of seeing. In response to the inner workings of my soul, I used poetry one of the oldest, most venerated expression, which is akin to music to get the attention of the universe; a dangerous thing to do, toying with the spirit, moving to the edge where the unknown beckons. Poetry therefore was simply a tool, an arrow to the heart of the universe. Then step by step, my vision became clearer and more authentic as I aligned with the source itself; this is why now I would never abandon my own self, because that is the point where power and love begin. And all this because I began that love affair with the universe years ago, in the darkness, all alone, there was nowhere else to go, nobody to catch me. With no support, the Primal Scream rises out of you like a battle cry.
It was only when I come to London where I was pushed into survival mode, a place that is not only difficult but if navigated carefully, one can come to certain conclusions regarding the nature of reality. The streets, the physicality of London in which one falls into the totality of the root chakra, one can come to many conclusions; only I had the support of my higher self, the knowledge that couldn’t find me unless I was present in the root chakra. When it comes to becoming a man of knowledge, one needs not just information but also a time to process and absorb what is learned.
Primal necessity: Getting physical has never been this vital, as Yang accelerates on the planet.
The Primal: being physically aware, present in the body including sexuality, emotionally aware, intelligence that comes from the body and the awareness that comes from source and the earth. Have a sense of ‘knowing’ what is true, authentic and often have passed through trials and can now see more clearly.
The Shadow Yang: depends heavily on mothering, the systems for approval, mainstream scientists that won’t include any spirituality and take money from investors who have agendas; that includes those in corporate positions who invest in harmful agendas and have no awareness because they never ventured out of familiar territory, they simply accepted everything of what the teacher and the parents told them because their desperation is for people to clap for them and approve. This is an extremely dangerous stance for both genders; men react very badly and dangerously while women hide behind deep in the shadows and this dysfunction then emerges as some sort of control and disconnection.
What is the Primal Scream and Why is it Important? Actually it is everything.
What is the primal scream? So many of us are buried beneath a makeshift desert of belief systems, victims of bottled passion, empty vessels with no juicy or juice no joy, no yummy desires brewing under the surface, just boob heads with empty minds except what is dumped into there by media, social media, religion and the nonsense you were taught at school or your agenda filled parents. What is your desire? You won’t know unless you are connected to your body and to your own source. You need to really get into the body in order to align with spirit; the spirit is the gift of source and the body is gift of the earth. The body is the key to ascension, and the embracing of it, not denying it and not ignoring it for another world or ‘paradise’ which is an idea embodied by Gnostics and fools.
Everything evil is revenge.
Otto Weininger
Harnessing Feminine Energy requires some Insight.
The Primal Scream seems to be akin to sexual gratification and though yes, it is extremely important but it is only one part of orgasmic living. The masculine harnesses female energy to use to create or to destroy and yet so many men are clueless about their own actions and their influence in the scheme of nature. This is what happens when you are disconnected from your body and your primal instincts and your own scream and instead embrace these institutions that are ALL feminized. The whole thing then amounts to one thing: there are no rites of passage for either boys or girls except some superfluous ones that are replacements for serious rites that have existed since forever. That’s primarily why we are in such a big mess with nobody really growing up and facing reality.
THE KEY IS TO EMBRACE YOUR BODY BECAUSE IT HOUSES THE SPIRIT AND SPIRIT CAN TAKE SHAPE. Anyone who can discern can pick up energies from your body including your intentions. The animals know how to do this instinctively, that’s why the animals are our first teachers. They do not teach about LOVE, which simple minded people believe; animals have their own mysteries, their own intentions, their own planetary intentions, they certainly don’t think the same way of death as we do. They choose you, not the other way, and they teach through the dream state which is a portal. They work with you by guiding you to evolve your soul. They themselves are also evolving through contrast and experiences. And on a small note, there is NO extinction of animals, energy never dies it only transforms.
The damage done to the physical body by religions (denying the body), society (unnecessary surgeries, horrible diets) and traditions (unwanted marriages) is phenomenal. This is why the more educated you are, the more you turn from the body, because you abandon the physicality for BBC though there has been a huge trend of younger people emerging with more awareness of their bodies and have their emotional intelligence intact (as well as going in the other direction as well).
Divorced from the Natural World and Your Source
The first thing you are robbed of by the time you reach adulthood if the system got it’s claws into you, is to rid you of any primal scream; stripped of your origins, your primal energy, and that awesome everyday awe experienced by the ancient who were forced into the unknown far more often than we are living in cities. I am definitely not against cities but the fear of natural world, the strange viewpoint of people who have stifled the primal, (which then emerges in other ways, such as driving drunk, drug use, acting crazy or out of control, deeply troubled marriages, etc). By the time we get to this point, people don’t even know they are deprived; and I haven’t really touched on the serious deprivation of sexuality, the twisted ways it has emerged and how it expresses itself on the world stage. Religion, shame, guilt and all these split ideas regarding good and evil have done huge damage to human consciousness and the planet itself.
Religion is meant to open your heart, to make you feel joyful and authentic and expand your mind. It isn’t meant to enslave you, force you to conform to trite dogma as they stand there screaming their heads off that they are right. This is an abomination and is rife among all major religions; morality exists only on a higher plane but we know for example, most normal people understand that you don’t attack children sexually. We all agree on this and the one who does, should have his head lopped off immediately. This is a point which we can certainly all agree no matter what religion or culture we are. Thinking that Jesus will save you, and you clinging to some rubbish and believing in old books from another time and place is insane; certainly we can examine them and get meaning into our past but that’s all. God isn’t going to save you because there is nothing to save you from. If you want to start some dialogue, try the spirit by whatever name you use, or the natural world which is just as alive and vibrant as god, but reverence for god or Source energy begins with your own self and nowhere else.
The Ancient Natural World
Those of the ancient world who had a different outlook toward nature than we do; as we mostly live within the matrix of the modern world, our ideas imprisoning us in the ‘systems’; while the ancients and even people just a hundred years ago, lived differently, their fear and reverence and knowledge of the natural elements was quite different. For one thing when it comes down to the elements, which have as much consciousness as the planet, you are forced to rely not only on your extra-sensory perceptions to interpret, but also on your physical body which picks up information and delivers it back to you. This is why so much shamanism and nature based religions are so involved with the physical body and it’s importance to spiritual evolution.
The main religions however, do not take this into account; in their opinion, the physical body is temporary so ignore it, lie to yourself, pretend there is some sort of low vibrational morality and live according to lies and rules. The body is a gift from nature, from this earth, it is one of the greatest blessings! It is where we are housed, where we can control the cells of our body by raising our vibrations! It is here in this temporary environment where we swim surrounded by the genius of nature, embodied spirit in these fabulous, juicy forms. We can sing and dance and spin and travel and smile, taking our own humanity to the level of higher awareness. We would not want to be in other realities, other planets, other places in the universe when we are here surrounded by incredible wonders, living on the back of this planet. Here is where we face life and death, mystery, laughter, separation, union and murderous rage. Why would we want to be anywhere else? Even the angels watching down from ‘above’ (which they are not, it is interdimensional), would be jealous of us, sitting around in sunlit streets, drinking coffees and chatting, singing in bars and learning new dances.
Moaning is Your New Job
And what do you do? Moan. You want to leave the planet, you hate humans, you are losing ‘faith in humanity’ as I see so many people writing all over the online comments. This is all rubbish. The problem is your own miserable narrow perception, not humanity, not nature, and certainly not the planet. You with your fake morality, wound up in old foolish ideas that force and shape your belief systems or wound up in a life that really isn’t as exceptional as you might believe. Just look around in the streets wherever you are; the majority of ordinary people’s struggles are due to societies forcing their will on youngsters or children to mould them the way you want; and by the way, poverty and economics are also affected by belief systems and can affect entire countries because countries are nothing but fixed perceptions. This is also why many countries cannot come out of their own drowning in their own economic despair; it is true that many impoverished countries have been invaded or exploited, I’m not disputing that, but it still involves perceptions, vibrational frequencies and law of attraction. Not just political and economic forecasts.
Reality and Your Delusional Fantasies.
God isn’t coming to save you, it won’t ever happen, it’s just another fantasy, clinging to the past, a reaction to the encroaching ‘other side’ and so people cling desperately onto what they think is tradition but clinging to the Vatican and it’s belief systems is insane; they are more than ever into systemized thinking. But people are delusional and do not want to dig deeper or research and it’s getting worse with all these idiots cancelling free speech. First of all, spirituality is a private issue, so all this ‘heroism’ for god, is just a cry for help and it is obvious what all this is about!
AS ABOVE, SO BELOW. Whatever happens on the planet is also going on above in the stars. Paying attention to something other than Tik Tok will help, like researching or reading books or learning active meditations. There are so many e-books at our fingertips now, and so many You Tube videos of people’s groundbreaking research on all sorts of interesting topics. There is no excuse for ignorance such as we see on such a grand scale worldwide.
There is only the bottom line: the roles of the masculine and the feminine have to be redefined; leaving boys and men in the hands of dirtbag feminists and their male lapdogs lurking in the shadow is not what I envision for masculinity. What normal, passionate, organic woman would ever accept this? And what man would marry a closet feminist and stand strongly for the systems while taking a knee and dedicating himself to feminine standards of behaviour? SO MANY! It’s now nearly everyone! Thus the energetic roles of the female and male need to be defined and ‘Ishlam’ which is the widest spreading religion currently offers some sort of respite, albeit IN THE DARK AND UNCONSCIOUS SHADOW! Yes, in the Shadow!! Men themselves have no idea because there is no real guidance, they just follow using other men’s experiences, so they follow blindly and then start screaming about religion so they can get some sort of control back for themselves! It’s shocking!
Sexuality is Connected to the Natural World.
Divorced from the Primal Instinct creates Perversions.
It is the do-gooders who are the biggest problem in our society. They are the ones that cause the stifling of desires, pleasures, physicality a lot of which is related to masculine expression. The birth of the little Ter*rorist which plagues our world is what happens when you destroy the heart’s desire, when you stop guided initiations into adulthood, when you refuse to understand that masculinity must physically express itself and if it is not guided, it will create perversions and chaos. People don’t even recognize this and that is how utterly feminized we have become! The deviance comes from the systems where the do-gooders with their judgements dwell in partnership with religious dogma. Also once desires are perverted, so is the energetic force within which twists and then you start to believe what the parents and church tell you that you are sinful, shameful, and humiliate you so they can control you. And now we find ourselves here, where systems have purposefully destroyed sexuality and desire and now couples settle for all sorts of rubbish partners with low frequencies, low energies and rubbish behaviours.
Women, Natural Magic, and the Fairy Tale.
The Natural Organic Woman who is actually mature and grown past twelve years old, which is about five percent of the population, who are actually connected to their own wombs, their joyful visions and the belief in their own dreams; these are the women that do not and should not settle for any rubbish man to have children with. So what we are left with is women who are dis-possessed, unsatisfied, with no orgasmic activity, or true bonds and getting worse with the extreme lack of communities. If a woman doesn’t respect herself, she cannot love you, so expect that your children will be subjected to subtle destruction. That is why following the heart is vital but following your BODY is even more important. What is your body signalling to you? The female energy is the guardian of what enters into this world, so ‘body counts’ which is quite shocking is a distortion of the female energy. The woman is the guardian of the portals of this earth reality.
Accumulating Power Through Creativity.
A woman who is organic and normal doesn’t go after ‘boy toys’ or prey on children or try to seduce young boys as we see these stories blowing up everywhere in the media in schools, etc. A woman who is healthy in body and mind is creative, and passionate and has boundaries. This is why when a woman goes into menopause, she is faced with whatever power she has gathered in her younger years; a power in which can serve you in a healthy way. Unless of course she has been stupid, addicted, abusive, boring, a boozer, a moron; in that case, she can expect to have to face that about herself. If you behave like an immature moron, abandoning her creations such as children or her sultry creative side which includes, building homes, or dancing, or sculpting, or creating something! And you spend all your time running to bars, getting drunk and acting like a sheer donkey, fighting with police, screaming to be right, what do you expect? The menopause is the time of great power if you have used it wisely. You become a rose, a blossom, a vibrant being of joy; and the beauty will radiate.
Acting Like a Lady to the World and a Strumpet for God.
Act like a lady, fold your napkins, don’t talk out of turn, pay attention to the inner self which guides you in the silence; never, ever settle for a partner who is weak, stupid, and compliant. Hold onto your sword of fire, your wildness, your dangerous side, because if you are in a relationship how is he going to hold space for you in his world? This is the imbalance! The creativity, the dance of fire, the sexuality that emerges from the natural kundalini, the vibration naturally adorns the nervous system, awakens energy around the body; dancing itself causes divine connection and a magnificent connection to the inner self and the primal within. Of course to access all of this, you must be in a healthy, normal organic state of being. You need to examine yourself, stop watching those programs like Love Island and the Bachelor business and such rubbish. These are all diversions from your own unfolding story, yours and the universe together! Act like a lady in the eyes of the world and guard your secrets of your empire by going within, where the power of creativity is waiting to blossom.
Side Note: The staggering levels of romance scams that are happening are due to the naivety of the feminine, the pleasers, the doormats who think they will save people due to their own foolishness, weaknesses and the blindness that they have never confronted. It is not the police or any other organizations that will put a ‘stop’ to this. It is entirely the woman’s fault for not taking the inner path, not making the powerful connection with her own womb and nature, and is now expecting the police to step in and save her. Save yourself by doing the work you have avoided your whole life.
Dedication: This blog dedicated to the brutal, yet cunning Shamans who came after me in another attention, with force enough to shift my assemblage point as I survived the streets of London dealing with bozos and miscreants in the systems. To you Don Juan, and for you as well, Theun Mares, for walking with me in the Dream, shocking me into those ultimate realizations.