Many years ago, back when I was innocently dreaming a new reality, I used my imagination, picked apart the earth, splitting it in half and peering into it like one does with an egg. Then I looked inside to see what was hiding, especially as I had recently heard the mythological tale of the Old Serpent Woman hiding inside the planet’s core. Who was she and what was she doing in there? And what ancient stories could she tell? It is never easy to abandon all hope and enter the darkness of the underworld, but that is what I had to do; to fall deeply into the labyrinth and lose yourself there is one way to begin excavating for knowledge. I was far too resistant at the beginning but that is because I had no idea what was going on; I wish I knew that I had descended into the cold and darkness and was on the early stages of discovery. I wouldn’t have struggled so much but would have had a more playful attitude about it all. The worst part of it all was that it was all my own doing; anything I wrote from pure imagination, manifested into reality which is exactly how this universe works. Vibration, intention, and energy are components of our reality and have a scientific basis as well, for those who love science.

The planet responds to your emotions and your feelings. That’s why it is important to have control, not to be all over the place and to be moved around like a chess piece. This means becoming more aware and not so attached to things, especially world affairs. That’s why everything is invested in forcing you to waste your feeling and energy in nonsense. This planet is predatory and so are the forces that feed on us. You are more than you think, you are beyond your emotions, beyond your body, beyond the human form.
The planet’s history is not religious; that is the excuse being used to escape the true historical events that have been suppressed for ages. Besides a serious lack of awareness, true sin is the disassociation with the natural world and the planet’s consciousness, not the nonsense about eating an apple. What people don’t realize that these religious texts are mythologies, based on astro-theology. The lack of knowledge that has been replaced by a false matrix, perpetuated by the mainstream media, historical deceptions and cover ups on the nature of reality. If people were given the real information when it comes to certain truths by authorities, then the information would have a snowball effect and then other things that were denied will suddenly emerge about our reality. That’s why there is this death struggle in which the mainstream narrative is being held onto tightly.
The distortion of reality, this delusion will be sat on like a cork, because admitting to ONE thing will automatically blow that cork and then authorities will have to be held accountable for the coverups and lies. Imagine still believing the mainstream narrative and then calling yourself a spiritual warrior. It’s a complete disgrace. It is better to just say you are a charlatan and embrace that, at least then that’s being truthful. If you are still harbouring hope and faith in the mainstream historical and religious accounts, you are sadly living in the dark ages. Those stories are there to make sure you remain complacent and believe without questioning. It takes guts to question your own belief systems and more guts to question the collective beliefs which provide a cushion for those too cowardly to move out and think for themselves. The professionals working as project managers, teachers, solicitors, middle class professionals and nearly all of the liberal universities spewing their ridiculous nonsense.
Your life is like that. It is magical and mythological and beyond linear time and space; and everything in existence is the unknowable, the unknown, the mysterious. The only reason you deny it is because schools, parents, religions and systems have brainwashed you into believing the mainstream nonsense which keep you locked into a matrix of false beliefs. We are living in the dark ages where people are not willing to read or dig for information and just accept anything that comes up in memes or in mainstream media. Everything needs to be examined and if too much time is spent watching movies, drinking, going to endless parties, or with such nonsense distractions, you cannot possibly be thirsty enough to hunt for knowledge. Men hunt for knowledge externally, then carry it within, women hunt for knowledge within then carry on with it externally. These are the true primal hunters, and together they can intelligently cooperate using both the yin and yang energies to their advantage. Once these energetic roles are recognized, one can use them while standing back and discerning the energy; what is amazing is that once the roles are understood, one can integrate the opposite within them which is paramount to becoming knowledgeable. It takes time to read and assimilate and to process and to understand, and for many of us, it took trips into isolated deserts and underworlds to figure out what is going on. Many of us were thrown out of the matrix to save ourselves from the distractions and nonsense that distracts the masses to this day.
Divine Feminine Awakening, You Say? No, the Feminine is already wide awake in the shadow element, and this particular archetype has full control globally as it did in ancient times. Nothing has stopped and their interest lies in DNA, Viruses, Snake Venoms and their favourite thing of all: control! And all of this is under the guise of safety and care. I’m sure they care a lot.
According to the mainstream, this is the awakening of the Divine Feminine, the Goddess herself; alas there is a goddess that is already very awake but it is in the shadow or a false overlay of the mother. She is the one who continues to hold onto the old divine matrix and continues to birth shadow children and contribute to the sustainability of the old systems. She loves them because they are all about control and manipulation and men who support this controlling false overlay is merely a no-hunter, someone who has no power within his world because he has given it all over learning how to PANDER TO WOMEN including his sister, mother, daughter or any other woman who is demanding it, including the great society which is also overtly feminized.
What matters to these outrageous types which are now over 95 percent of our population globally, is shallow nonsense which we see covered all over social media constantly. You know the ones I mean, the ones that will make sure you comply with the rules of society; and why men who are clever are running for their lives away from this once they realize how they have been trapped. Either they run, or they comply with the standards of female behaviour which are in partnership with the governments and systems, which are her true divine partner because she can control them. This is an orchestrated partnership between systems and old false female narratives which have co-conspired to create a submissive, slavey society so that the ancient cults that have ruled for thousands of years on this planet, continue to thrive and maintain their narcissistic positions of power.
Dead, numb people who are out of touch with the natural world, out of touch with their inner beings and too disassociated will never be able to discern or go beyond the five senses. This has become extremely important because the predator and prey situation now on the planet has changed within the matrix due to the advent of the internet which has allowed astral, etheric cords to reach through to you from anywhere. You can become easy prey now more than ever, by invisible cords reaching you from any part of the world. While little has changed in the natural world, humanity which has evolved to a point where the heightened senses are necessary to go further, to get clarity and stop falling into easy traps set by unseen predators. I’m shocked to see how pervasive this already is, with people wearing so many masks and your ability to see beyond the facades is now more vital than ever. People leave unique marks on their social posts like scat and urine, and if you are out of touch, how will detect them? Your task is primarily to get sharp and clear and fierce; and be careful with any small feeling that you get. For me any feelings of sudden irritation or anger are immediate flags that there is a problem with my engagement with whoever it is. Start where you are on the path and go from there, you will make mistakes, trust wrong people but you learn from that. What matters is to maintain your boundaries, your barriers like the masterful wolves do in the wild; cutting off anything that threatens their survival. One of the most interesting experiences I had was someone who was attacking me from the ‘west’ but was enraged with me secretly due to his jealousy, and inability to truly stand up in his male power. It is terrible when a mere Sylvia is a fiercer warrior and all the struggle to try to ‘get’ me due to his immature feelings of being rejected. This battle had to culminate on the astral where he has absolutely no chance; for me, this was a fly on the back of an elephant.
Discernment doesn’t mean that someone is posting light and love online that it is the truth of reality, or their truth. You need to have active senses and living a dull life without active primal instincts and a higher view of the universe, you will not be seeing with full clarity that’s for certain. That’s why people who spend a lot of time in nature become extremely acute with their seeing and their senses get heightened. You are in a precarious position at all times in the natural world because everything is alive, everything has intentions that are not always ideal; in fact, if given a chance nature will consume you, taking your life from you without even a thought. This is the world we live in, the earth itself is a place where battles take place constantly. But for now, this is the experiences we have to deal with, where the knowledge has to be excavated and where questioning critically requires personal power and energy. A good question then is: where are you wasting your energy today?
One needs to be thrown off the path by spirit to figure out what is actually going on and what journey you are going to undertake; and furthermore, it takes years of experience and searching for knowledge before clarity arrives. Certainly, clarity can come at points in your life, but it may not make sense for a long time after. One needs to be able to have time alone without interference to be directed by the inner self, authentic and to stop fooling yourself. Otherwise, you are open to be manipulated by systems which sell you baloney and by the time you are onto them, it’s too late; or you may NEVER be onto them at all and simply spend the rest of your life deluded.
For example, if your job begins to define you, you have been fooled already; if your parents or church or the manuals at work define you, you are living immersed in delusion. The way out of this is awareness of your PATTERNS of behaviour. Just because the manual talks about health and safety, it doesn’t mean it’s right; just because donkeys in government tell you to wear a mask and stand six feet apart from each other, it doesn’t make it right. You need to understand subversive symbolism and mass psychology, but if you have never heard of this, you have perhaps been watching too many series on mainstream media and not enough time looking deeper into things. Governments are elected officials that were placed there by fearfully based masses who can’t think for themselves and want to be led by the nose. So, they elect dufuses who can then tell them what to do. CLARITY doesn’t come with being stupidly stubborn and clinging on desperately so you can be right; clarity is a result of having an expanded awareness and an openness which not only senses energy but also can empathize with the other. This doesn’t mean being emotional about it, it means seeing from that viewpoint and expanding on that clarity you have already.
Internally you KNOW something is wrong or it doesn’t feel right or true to yourself. It is a very subtle feeling that can come over you, when people are selling you baloney; I remember that a lot of nonsense was sold to me by parents that have no clue about whether they are coming or going, but unfortunately these are the biggest role models we have growing up. Still, our parents depending on who they are, mostly push us into further contrast until we give birth to powerful desires while trying to wrestle us down. Or they are fabulously supportive and really aware parents who then we can really bond with later when we are adults. Mine pushed me into freedom with their narrow mindedness mentality that I would never have reached if I had stayed with them. How dare anyone try to suppress children’s pure authenticity and yet that is exactly what happened. It was not until I started the journey on my own and pursued my interests; but it was a step-by-step invitation by the universe to unravel the old beliefs of the matrix and undo the damage of the limited beliefs that were imposed. I was quite lucky that there was never sexual abuse growing up because once that is done to children, it may take lifetimes to undo this terrible damage and that is precisely why it is done. It destroys the centre of children’s inner self completely, shakes the soul around, and shifts the perception, making it easier for other entities to possess the child. The Islamic world has been saying this for so long, but the west has devalued this so they can bring their little scientists in with their clipboards to tell us how it is. THAT’S WHY WE HAVE OTHERWORLDLY SENSES, so we can feel and discern. All of this economy driven society which doesn’t want everyone to benefit is also behind the thriving of the sexual trafficking of children; it is an entirely feminized system, which has created a need for authority, and to keep people impoverished in all ways so they can keep funding the establishments.

“Thinking your way through life’s challenges with the limited perspective of your five senses, will no longer work! YOU must expand your reality to include the unseen ‘other’ realms.”
― Elaine Seiler, Multi-Dimensional You: Exploring Energetic Evolution
Internally you KNOW something is wrong or it doesn’t feel right or true to yourself. It is a very subtle feeling that can come over you, when people are selling you baloney; I remember that a lot of nonsense was sold to me by parents that have no clue about whether they are coming or going, but unfortunately these are the biggest role models we have growing up. Still, our parents depending on who they are, mostly push us into further contrast until we give birth to powerful desires while trying to wrestle us down. Or they are fabulously supportive and really aware parents who then we can really bond with later when we are adults. Mine pushed me into freedom with their narrow mindedness mentality that I would never have reached if I had stayed with them. How dare anyone try to suppress children’s pure authenticity and yet that is exactly what happened. It was not until I started the journey on my own and pursued my interests; but it was a step-by-step invitation by the universe to unravel the old beliefs of the matrix and undo the damage of the limited beliefs that were imposed. I was quite lucky that there was never sexual abuse growing up because once that is done to children, it may take lifetimes to undo this terrible damage and that is precisely why it is done. It destroys the centre of children’s inner self completely, shakes the soul around, and shifts the perception, making it easier for other entities to possess the child. The Islamic world has been saying this for so long, but the west has devalued this so they can bring their little scientists in with their clipboards to tell us how it is. THAT’S WHY WE HAVE OTHERWORLDLY SENSES, so we can feel and discern. All of this economy driven society which doesn’t want everyone to benefit is also behind the thriving of the sexual trafficking of children; it is an entirely feminized system, which has created a need for authority, and to keep people impoverished in all ways so they can keep funding the establishments.
Powerful people from the past like priests and high priestesses who had huge positions of power like in Ancient Egypt or other places that people now venerate from the ancient historical accounts were obsessed with power and control. Just because it was eons ago, it doesn’t mean people were very different. Many of these who were holding such positions before are also back on the planet in new positions, and still trying to fleece people like they did before. What they never expected was that divine seeds and original creators would actually become embodied on this planet at this time of transformation. They are too arrogant to even recognize that would actually happen because the new age provides a nice soft place of belief systems where they can land. So blinded by their self importance, they wouldn’t recognize for example that the neters themselves would manifest on this planet. And they have, though they would not be recognized with just the five senses alone. They have appeared again with the same intention of continuing their mindless control over humanity, because they are blind to the very possibility that power may stem from within. This obsession with control and power is not only insane, but at the root of all the maladies on this planet.
*NTR. This is the Egyptian word for God, for a deity, or for a divine object. It is spelled NTR in hieroglyphics and pronounced Neter.