The Multidimensional Imagination-

Creating Your Own Reality through Writing
“For me there is only the traveling on paths that have a heart, on any path that may have heart, and the only worthwhile challenge is to traverse its full length–and there I travel looking, looking breathlessly.” 
― Carlos Castaneda, The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge
It started with a bit of flirting that got a little out of hand: a lace glove, a perfumed letter, lipstick stains on an envelope.  Alright so I didn’t know what I was getting into, I admit it, but I deeply yearned for some connection in a world that seemed dysfunctional and totally cut off from ecstasy.  For years, I was afflicted with a malady that people think they can absolve by finding a romantic partner who will bring relief from the inexplicable and intense yearning for something greater.
Well, you have seen the old 1940’s flicks: the vampish moll brushing her leg against the gangster with his pin striped suit; well that’s me sitting at the table with the universe in a smoky nightclub, and it didn’t take very much seducing either.
Poetry was my first medium and it sprung out of the deepest parts of my imagination, and I wrote secretly, without remorse, flinging out invitations to the universe with purely harlot intentions. And there was nothing out of my reach, not the stars, not the sea, not even the sky, I even implicated the wind, pulling them all into a love affair I had shamelessly instigated. 
Admittedly, I didn’t know what I was doing, but as I authentically responded to my inner feelings, I catapulted myself into reality after reality and with each leap I made, I was fast gaining greater amounts of knowledge and further opening myself to the universe.  Back and forth, the erotic love affair developed all these fruitful components and I suddenly found myself at the whim of a demanding lover.
Well you can believe that once the imagination has been fired to that degree, the road to multidimensional awareness cracks open, for the universe responds to your secret desires, your inner wishes, your thoughts and you are left wondering how an itty bitty person like you can create such an extraordinary response from the cosmos.    
But beware, for multidimensionality is one of those all round killers; it destroys morality and slices into your perception of reality and brings you into unity with aspects of yourself.  
This is why it is not for everyone. It certainly is not for one who is still thrashing around in old belief systems has a lot of inner work to do to gain some clarity to see energy for what it is. But old belief systems like to turn tricks with the mind and often many who doggedly stick to their beliefs are the ones who are trapped the deepest in that slave mentality.
It is therefore, by using the imagination and creating our own realities and worlds that we understand how we are able to fashion anew matrix using the powers of collective creativity. Nothing created is ever really new. One simply adds to the vantage points of creation to make new roads or pathways or can I even suggest neuro waves that tap into the source of all creation.
We are not apart from the universe or the power of creativity which we can instigate by reaching into these pathways, by opening ourselves to the smooth-talking universe, whispering candy secrets to us, charming us into another trek into the promising unknown.
You and the universe are co-creators, but to catch the universe, you have to tempt, tease and excite it into joining you by showing your interest, and start that love affair as soon as possible. Life is fleeting, start your seduction as soon as possible.

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