Journeys into the Psyche for Rebirth
“Be wild; that is how to clear the river. The river does not flow in polluted, we manage that. The river does not dry up, we block it. If we want to allow it its freedom, we have to allow our ideational lives to be let loose, to stream, letting anything come, initially censoring nothing. That is creative life. It is made up of divine paradox. To create one must be willing to be stone stupid, to sit upon a throne on top of a jackass and spill rubies from one’s mouth. Then the river will flow, then we can stand in the stream of it raining down.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype

I have gone on and on about the Destructive Woman, but it is because she is so dominant in our reality. Like the Medusa, we freeze when we glance at her terrifying face, but what has happened to my wonderful Creative Woman who has fallen through the cracks? Well, she has gone into the Underworld, into Xibalba looking for answers, seeking her own true self, having suffered many setbacks and has come through the other side joyful, renewed and magnificently transformed.
She is the one we have all been dreaming of, wishing for and writing about.
The Creative Woman is the ultimate inner traveller, the one who embraces the solitude of her own existence. She has found a way either through dance or song or art to express her own unique love to the universe. Maybe she has done this through her children as she nurtures individuality and guides without being critical. She is powerful and able to lead her children and guide her partner with her strong intuition and beautiful ways which she expresses with strength, humour and sometimes ferocity. She has no need to control anyone and easily falls into laughter.

When one begins to embody the true goddess, she engages with this universe, and begins to connect authentically with her inner womb. Without the opposing polarity, one cannot ever reach maturity. If one is a feminine energy, she goes to the masculine naturally, just as the masculine will naturally be drawn to the feminine. Available in my shop: Erotic Conversations and Transformation tips.
Who is this New Creative Feminine?
BEING RUTHLESS WITHOUT YOURSELF: It doesn’t mean to be harsh or rude to people or being a big meany. It means essentially to chase yourself out of your own old patterns, out of self pity, out of self sabotage, out of self delusion. Take a look at yourself first, because it is yourself you’re responsible for first.
The Creative Powerful Goddess recoils at institutions, keeping anybody in emotional distress or bound to slavery and just like the planet she can not just feel the pain of the other, but can embody that pain. Such is the distress of the planet we see all around us now, reflecting our own disconnection with authenticity and the natural cycles. Our exploitation of the planet comes directly from being unable to connect to our inner being. It is the same for men and women, the imbalance is springing out of both, but it is the woman who dreams and the man who enacts primarily, though there are variations on this theme.
The Creative woman is not afraid of the shadows, she chases herself, asking questions of her relationship with nature and the greater cosmos. She listens to her INNER conversations, asking herself piercing questions like ‘why am I so judgemental’, or ‘why do I feel envy’. She is ruthless with herself, not with other and has high honour, knowing she holds herself high, defending herself but being careful how she does this without being a ‘bitch’ or shooting her mouth off like a fool.
The creative woman is the lover of her own inner being, the authentic seeker that brings her in alignment with the universe. She creates, loves and dances her way into fulfilment without worrying what others might say of her. She is a master of controlling her own behaviour, honours her power, she doesn’t have to understand her own mystery, but she revels in it, always in pursuit of knowledge.
The SHE whom I speak of, is the ultimate rebel, rejoicing in her union with the universe no matter if she is in a relationship or not! She is the ecstatic one, the joy dancer, confidence that comes with her knowing of being at one with the planet no matter where she walks.
The Creative woman knows she is magical and serves the world out of her heart’s path, without being afraid, without needing validation, but only chasing the desire that rises out of the soul. Whether she has children or not it is irrelevant as she can access the inner mother and seeks to fulfil the cravings of the soul.
This is not to say that the Creative Woman doesn’t have anger or fury or destructive energy. But she is aware of it, why it is there and can understand why it is erupting. She knows that is her sexual energy that she uses to create, to dream, to manifest and uncover hidden aspects of herself. If she is not in great health, she chases her illness to uncover why it is there, what patterns she is repeating and what she can do to disrupt these old family patterns. If she is brimming with life and energy, she doesn’t waste it on bozos, booze, idiots, drugs, because then she could have a child she doesn’t want or lead a meaningless boring life (which she is free of course to create).
The Creative woman, the goddess personified embodies many different archetypes, never gets offended by societal nonsense and is not a ‘know it all’. She can detect bullshit and surrenders only to authenticity because she is an open vessel, a pathway to the divine for the masculine and for her children as well. She sees that everything is a mirror of herself and certainly doesn’t run to the comfort of the institution to gain validation. She knows that the job she does is not reflective of who she is and certainly doesn’t define herself that way unless she has bought into the system hook line and sinker.
And as we are right now, the current system is nothing but a shit hole of female standards of behaviour we are all forced to comply with and we can add the ‘maxine’ and the ‘masks’ to that pile of crap. If someone can’t see that these are symbols of compliance and submission, they are snoring and clinging onto the old systems. Masks are symbolic especially for men that ‘I have given over my balls to the state to dictate to me how I should behave.‘ Female standards of behaviour!’
We do not live under a patriarchy, but a matriarchy and this is especially true in these big four western countries: the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Australia. We can add South Africa in there too though all areas have their own particular frequencies so South Africa will differ from the rest due to the vibrations. Any and all of the English-speaking countries and following closely behind are the contenders like France, Germany, etc.
The English speaking countries are very much in control of the vibrations and perceptions of the rest of the world because that is where the strongest feminizations occur. Only in an English-speaking country would it occur to anyone to have a ‘safe space’. It’s absolute NONSENSE.
The Creative Woman, she who is the one we desire and seek, is the ultimate lover. She embraces her sexual energy from within and doesn’t seek any approval from the outer world to validate it. She is connected deeply to herself, to her womb, and understands the importance of maintaining good energy and knows it is connected to personal power.