So many people living in beautiful paradises. You have gorgeous homes, cars, the ability to rejoice and savour life in all it’s aspects. So why are so many people on anti depressants? It’s an abomination especially in western countries where we have many opportunities to improve our lives. By the time you are in middle age, you should be bursting at the seams in joy, not sinking into depression. It is true that we have unexpected circumstances that affect us all, and that is true for everyone, but there is always a new perception. The only reason you depression happens is that you are out of alignment and you don’t see any other perceptions.
the Dream Parallel
The portals to the dreamtime parallel the everyday world. There is a veil over the dream world and it’s clouded by fixed belief systems or what we call our agreed on reality. It’s just you who can’t see blinded by your old perception and that is exactly what is collapsing quickly. Sometimes I can feel people haven’t advanced spiritually enough because of their reaction to the unknown and if there is no spiritual movement, one can never easily comprehend the changes within our current reality. This is nothing new, throughout history we have always been faced with massive changes on a worldwide scale and still people undeveloped, those who are evolving at a slower pace, or simply those suffering from cognitive dissonance.
As mystics and dreamers, as seers, we move forward, but we do so individually and yet as one toward the portals of the new collective dream. Traditional definitions of love are no longer sufficient, it doesn’t match with the new vibrations which centre around a sense of personal power, a sense of being grounded, and a knowing linked into your personal experiences on this planet thus far.
If you feel imbalanced or shaky or too vulnerable, then you have to still dig around to find out what and why, there is no reason not to be able to now with so much information available free nowadays. Just remember when you move along the path of spirituality, do not leave behind your scoundrel self; there is nothing serious going on here on this planet, so take your scoundrel self with you, embracing it with majesty. Your inner wild, your joyful self which is the ultimate lover expresses itself continuously and not only if you are creative but always unless you are a dead zombie.
You buy flowers for a woman for example, and give them to her without expecting back because you are connected to your power self and you know that you don’t have to worry about abundance because you are connected to source. You don’t buy the flowers and give them to the woman because you want it reciprocated, that’s INSANE. The same gesture you make to a woman, is the same gesture you make to the universe. The woman disappears really, you gave those flowers to the universe, and now you are engaging on a whole other higher platform, which is you and the universe in a torrid love affair but you see, men are scared to give and women are scared to receive.

Love gives total freedom to the other. It doesn’t ask for anything back. Just give freely. You are abundant. More will come to you. It might not come from that person, but another might appear. We live in a magical universe. Where do you think you are? The whole fabric of the universe is not made of science facts, it’s made of fairy tales and magic. Sorry to burst your university bubble. Not that we don’t love and know that science can contribute to society, but it’s SECOND to intuition and inner knowing and its definitely second to joy.
My dear friend Hemant in India has been dancing passionately for years and when he showed me pictures of himself dancing, I was stunned to see how deeply he had dissolved into the dance; it didn’t matter which woman he was dancing with, his affair was with the universe. The woman is irrelevant because she herself is in a torrid affair with the universe, so her objectification makes her free and ecstatic; she is in the arms of the universe spinning around. So why should anything else matter? My friend Hemant has dissolved into the passion, he’s not even there!

When You are alive with your own energy, you become the Divine Itself.
Copyright Protected@Hemant Uppal

You give generously for the fun of it, for the hell of it, the same reason you paint or write or sing; you don’t do it to get rich or noticed, but rather for the sake of the erotic, majestic universe that has it’s huge eyes on you. You build a castle on the beach and you know the waves will destroy it and so it is! But it doesn’t matter, you allow the flow of creation and destruction because you are powerful, ecstatic and full of song! The destruction of your creation is just another reason to laugh because you will never cease to be, to create and to move as one with source. There are many desires we give into, the joys that spring individually, but you can’t obtain them through the physical alone, but through inner inspiration, living day to day and grabbing onto ecstasy in a society that is full of the dead and obedient.

Pay attention to the dream world where you will learn to trust your skills of seeing energy, sharpening your intuition and learning that the universe responds to your feelings not your words, unless the words are powerful and full of intent. Your inner work in the dreamtime, in the beyond, engages source energy and also allows the expansion of your consciousness which will aid you into the multidimensional, into the quantum fields. And all of this has nothing to do with ‘science’, but rather, it has to do with what the universe is made of: feelings and millions of tiny stories woven together.
There needs to be more ecstatic expression in the day to day living situation on this planet. Either people waste their energy on pure nonsense and silly distractions like celebrities and their lives, trying to compare themselves to the standards set by the Hollywood idiots. Just because some idiot rapper speaks in some way or if some fool actor dresses a certain way, who cares, just mind your own business. You are entirely more exciting if you start looking around at the complexity of your life. You don’t need to go to the movies, you can create your own through expressing your creativity and there is so much to do and create, so don’t waste your time with these nonsense distractions. Only knowledge matters and engaging with life with so you can deepen your understanding of life, engage with Power, which is the universe itself. But for all this you need deep maturity, and you need to have energy. Some of us are born with energy, others are not; it’s not like you can just put it on your face like Maybelline.
It is always better to jump into the rabbit hole, follow the yellow brick into the unknown, drop everything you were, everything you thought you knew and start digging around for knowledge. Sometimes you won’t much meaning through just living or just dreaming because then you have to sort of make sense of what is happening on a deeper level and some people simply cannot go there. They still want life on their own terms, still are trying to control what they can’t, and pour out tears of self pity as they mull over their life; well just remember the paradox, that just as the universe watches you, engages with you, it is also quite indifferent. That shouldn’t make a difference to you at all. You continue into your own joy unfettered.
One day you will die, and dissolve into the greater whole. Your ego will dissolve, your body will go, but if you have placed all your attention on the poor worldly ego, then death might seem frightening. Others of us have touched the delicate seams of death and for those who have, we are forever changed, forever grateful, and we understand that we are here to create powerfully, and then dance into the brilliance of the spiral and exit this reality with no fear, defining ourselves as we go; yes, I am a scoundrel and I embrace it, yes I was once reached the second attention and turned into a crow, yes, I walked with those devilish wolves and talked with bears around a fire. Once in a parallel world, I unwrote myself; I got lost in the emptiness of the desert and met my higher self who shocked me into my brilliance.
In my Aalayfan Book Series, when Maraat the Python finally emerges from the core of the earth and erupts out of the desert, after we lured her out of the earth’s hot core, she asks Bissirat, Anatat’s daughter: Won’t You Dance the Spiral with Me?
And so suddenly we are awakened and seduced, and the pull into the bare desert is magnetic, an opportunity to see ourselves as we are, the only thing that matters is to see ourselves with clarity, so go on and Dance the Spiral with Me.