Safety is NOT for the Lovers of God, the Seekers of Knowledge, Travellers into the Unknown, the Dare Devils or Heroes. Nobody can stand a feminized man, this is why the ‘bad boy’ archetype still thrives and why the book ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ went viral. The hero is meant to take us to dangerous places and at the same time, he provides a safety net!
Years ago, unbeknownst to me, I entered into a new world of my own creation. I didn’t know that what I was writing was about to unfold in real time and that I would be swept along by my own hand into another reality. This is literally what happens when you focus yourself and let your ideas flow and you thoughts create because they create your reality! This is something that I experienced and more of us than ever are experiencing this as time goes on, including the one percent elitists who direct this reality by rallying our attention and focus on their version of reality which includes artificial intelligence and mass surveillance. They are master black magicians who know the secrets of focus, attention, and psychological manipulation to create the reality they are wanting.
Interestingly enough, though I share this, many people continue to try to tell me: no, no, no. I’m sorry but it’s a yes. Just because you aren’t experiencing other realities, multidimensional events or other strange phenomenon and are stuck in a mundane five senses reality, it doesn’t mean we all are. I see countless morons who think that the paranormal is just our far out imaginations, morons who will do anything to make sure we stay in a five senses reality, but only an arrogant fool thinks they are alone in this universe. Men especially, unless they are personally hit by magical encounters, continue to perpetuate the nonsense of their linear, ‘no magic’ scientific attitude. Women who are closer to the magical nature of the planet and despite many who are delusional, still cling hopefully to fairy tales, and of course we know that this world universe is MADE of fairy tales, and the universe adores them.

So there I was in the labyrinth, literally in some tunnels in a university I was staying at for a couple of months; I thought I was there for a degree, but a strong guide was with me too telling me no, that’s not why we are here. But I didn’t really understand yet. The campus had tunnels with giant murals splashed with native indian symbols and the Venus of Willendorf which would later on become significant as I continued to study prehistory, archaelogical and historical accounts into my Aalayfan book series. I literally had no idea what I was attracting, because who in the world even knew about law of attraction?! I certainly didn’t at that time. To make matters worse, I hated being up there in that place, but it was the first time I found my first crow feather, and STILL I had no idea I had decended into what I call the ‘underworld’ which is really a learning journey to gain knowledge. It was the Crow and Raven family that has stayed with me as I travelled through this ‘underworld’, keeping a very close eye on me and guiding me through the Dream. There is no way to describe the horror of staying up at that university campus for four months in that icy cold isolation; it was a total utter nightmare in the 3D, and at that time I had not yet mastered the ways of the toltec so I didn’t know how to work with the external reality with the same experience I do now, with the ability to stalk groups, and literally control the reality I am in. I was crossing the days off on a calender to get out, but luckily my husband at the time, bless him, he who was also a guide on the path at that time, was protecting me on the astral level. Still, I was unclear as to what was going on.

With Ravens, Crows and even Magpies, one can be assisted to move through the realities through dream journeys, Toltec teachings and masterful techniques that allow for the energy body to undergo developments. Ravens as a group hold magic, mystery and knowledge; once you start to truly search, you get their attention. Other animals can certainly assist as well depending on your soul path and journey.
Jumping into the Unknown
This doesn’t mean jump from a plane, drag racing, acting generally like a lunatic without rhyme or reason. It is a spiritual journey and mostly it requires you to meet yourself on a certain level, face to face with aspects of yourself that you have to deal with. Not easy by any stretch of the imagination. Who wants to see their ugly side? But that is the journey, and in the end, finding humour in seeing yourself, to look deep into yourself changes you dramatically because you can’t believe it. It’s more exciting than any movie you have ever seen!
One never takes the route into safety, but it depends on what we mean by this. Taking a lone trip into Iran during a war zone is one thing, wandering through the rainforest alone and lost, is another no no. Jumping into shark infested waters is not what I mean. Sticking your head in a crocodile’s mouth isn’t what I mean. We aren’t talking about this. We are talking about what has happened to our society, a TOXIC FEMINIZED SAFETY that requires ‘safe spaces’ or ‘masking’ or cowering under your couch in fear. This idiocy has now made its way into our everyday verbage: be safe, stay safe, what is this bullshit? It was already bad enough before and it was done on purpose to further soften us up so that we don’t question the ‘authority’ or ‘government’ that obviously loves us so much they really want us to ‘be safe’.
“If you think adventure is lethal, try routine”~Paulo Coelho Sylvia’s quote: “Adventure has gone energetic. You no longer have to move through space, you can move through time which is energetic”.
Freedom is seeded by those who are slaves to the system. That’s why we are placed in difficult contrasting experience which force us to expand into further knowledge and by doing that it shifts our perception. Freedom is the way we perceive things, situations, and by choosing our vibrations. Human collective consciousness always has a strong yearning for freedom. All this safety bullcrap they came up with now though, is emerging out of a feminized system that is behind all of this desperate behaviour from the old systems and EVERYONE is in it: medical sciences, university research, imbalanced relationships of all kinds, all are emerging out of a reality that is dominated by traumatized female energy which then keeps churning out damaged masculines. This is the vicious circle, and if this wasn’t true, then the level of human trafficking wouldn’t be as high as they are, government officials wouldn’t be acting like women, and the state of education wouldn’t be the way it is. Toxic feminization means we have to conform to female standards of behaviour which are frankly, extremely immature and foolish.
So essentially this ‘be safe’ horseshit means that you should stay bundled up with your damaged self and don’t ever explore the unknown or step into knowledge or power or dare to question authority. In fact, you MUST question every aspect of your life and take the deep dive into the unknown world to get enough experience. You are never meant to be safe, you are meant to take risks and jump into them and for men its very important, in their hero’s journey, not just listening to mothers and sisters and daughters spouting their nonsense and even men who are feminized perpetuating this rubbish. You need to ignore, rebel, do your own research into truth and reality and knowledge. You can’t just accept safety because how will you gain the experience to know how to make decisions? You cannot know what kind of woman you want if you haven’t experienced any of them! You can’t possibly know. If you are a woman, you must delve into the womb, excavate yourself and find out what you are hiding from yourself. It’s essential or you will keep following the same patterns over and over again.

The Journey Below is essential for anyone seeking knowledge. It is also essential for Masculinity due to the nature of reality.

Once you stop the world or change your habitual patterns, magical things happen. People cannot fathom that a ‘twin flame’ or ‘soulmate’ can happen because they have been organized by old patterns. So something like fairy folk or big foot can never be accepted. How dare you.
During the time I was experiencing the underworld, I learned alot about energy, and at the same time, I was writing in between, jobs in between moving and having to endure extremely lower vibrations that led me further and further down the rabbit hole. I was surprised by what I was experiencing and what I discovered. Alot of uncovering came during the deepest parts of the abyss, and I certainly do not see myself as a hero, I don’t see myself as being brave to jump into the unknown; in fact, I wouldn’t do it again because it takes you to the edge of pain and back and I’d rather not go there. Which sane person would ever do such a thing? But looking back at my childhoood, I could see that I already had a sense that I was ‘in death’ but nobody knew what I was talking about, my parents thinking I was weird and not really liking me because of my lack of conformity. This hasn’t changed at all. I will never comply, or conform, and always reside on the edge of the wild; however saying that, I am a female and I certainly enjoy the ‘safety’ of being contained by a masculine. That is however, another story, but my Aalayfa series unfolds that way and you will encounter many ways in which the masculine encapsulates, and contains feminine energy which is totally natural. Remember to stay on the edge of your wild. Yes, we have to fit into society, but society can’t control what is going on within, unless you allow it.
“I live at the edge of the Universe and I don’t need to understand.” Raoul Vaneigem