Revenge: The Toxic Feminine

Revenge and the Toxic Feminine blogs and books by sylvia Xamanka


Every single thing you see wrong in our world is a backlash against toxic feminine even if ordinary people are not aware of it. ‘Seeing’ energy is more than just putting on your glasses. A lot of things are going on that are unseen and it all depends on where your vibration is at. The truth is hard to hear because to condemn the ‘helpless’ female or the ‘mother’ who raised us, but this is exactly what we must do. We must ruthlessly examine the nature of the mother and the female which has been buried from sight and mind and replaced by a false matrix female type which at this point in time is running the planet. You don’t want to hear the truth because it hurts to talk about mothers and sisters and daughters, but unfortunately, the nature of the feminine has been buried for so many long centuries. We must unearth this past and the role that women play in creating the false matrix and the reasons behind it. We need to stop dressing the feminine in pink lace and embracing the ‘mother’ as caring and selfless because that is far from the truth. A lot of women have had no choice but to embrace their masculine natures as proper masculine men who are getting harder to find due to their own issues of lacking personal power, having been absorbed by the excesses of a female system. The false matrix has done quite the little number on us, laying over the natural female and redefining what it is to be feminine without allowing women the pathways to create their own journey. Just know that this following of Kardashian nonsense, emulation of rubbish celebrities and music stars and even casual adulterous affairs that lead nowhere are for the most part females who are extremely creative and have mismanaged their energy. We do not and cannot expect less of the blasphemous system which has herded women into a system in which she cannot move creatively, wildly, joyfully and with freedom. And since men are clueless and are unable to lead due to the way because nobody initiates them into masculinity (we can’t count the navy, army or these types of masculine groups because first of all, women go into them, and secondly, they are created primarily to harness masculine energy into believing it is doing good but in fact is doing harm to itself and others). The feminine tool is what we use to DREAM, the masculine tool is what we use to CREATE or MANIFEST and together this expands through existence in the smallest to the largest fractals. This polarity is how our reality is constructed.


I entered into this reality with potentially a lot of power, but there was so much tied into the darkness of my own roots, in other words where I came from. Remember, we have to sort out any darkness from the past and that means limited beliefs from our parents, school systems, and all that rubbish that comes with it. This doesn’t mean we perceive our past or our roots as an enemy, but it is a matter of perspective. We carry our own baggage, from other realities and parallel worlds and other battles we fought when we were in other lifetimes! You need to dig around for information about yourself and distracting yourself with nonsense is the first thing people do instead of facing themselves. It is an extremely difficult process and honestly, without the universe constantly interfering with me, I would never have been able to make any strides. All the elements surrounding me while growing up were there as immense obstacles that seemed unsurmountable until I sent out enough momentum and desire into the universe, bringing the solution to my problem to my door. At the time, I had no idea I was doing anything; it is only until many years later I knew anything about creating my own reality.

Not all of us are able to tap so easily into both polarities; masculine and feminine  are definitely within us all and also in everything in our world and universe. We can’t see things in black and white anymore as we are bleeding into the polarities; lower vibrational entities, mainstream medias and mainstream boxed in people with limitations, influenced by the crazed leftists who can’t smell their own crap. These are the cultists who believe the mainstream media including admiring certain fools wearing penises and dancing on stages to perpetuate their subtle control. All of this can be traced back to the old Dragon sisterhood hidden in the shadows for centuries.  The desire for control is what is behind all of this rubbish behaviour, because for so long men haven’t stepped up to their role as natural protector, law giver, stepping up with integrity and personal power. Most are so lost and have to start from absolutely no guidance to learn how to behave, but where do you get this guidance except from nature or from initiations of some sort, but where are they?! So, we end up with a chaotic society that the toxic matriarchy loves; turn them all gay and let them all wear dresses so we can all have a laugh. A lot of gay men have turned AWAY from the way the female is, that’s why so many are falling into this reversal of energy.  I know this is a difficult concept to understand which is why I keep having to explain it over and over; it is all an energetic configuration, which is created and then manifested.  

We can see this in all aspects of society, this disempowerment which has allowed anti-progressive women to take the reigns. The feminine dreams and the masculine enacts, which means that anything immoral and deranged has been dreamed by women has created this chaos that we now see that has emerged so systematically. We are not living in a primarily male dominated society, even though it APPEARS that way. We are living in a matriarchy that has been established, fixed and promoted even by men who have become like women, don’t have any concept what it is to be a man with no male direction or guidance. This is why shows like Dr. Phil is so popular in the United States where there is a starvation for fatherhood; not that I am promoting him because he is also under the power and control of the system. His popularity is due to the incredible collective desire for the masculine to finally take the reigns. It is the same thing with the explosive popularity of ‘Shades of Grey’ which is just another scream for the masculine to take the reigns and lead us into adventure or the unknown or beyond our sexuality. Unfortunately, they are more clueless than women, so that’s that! As we progress into the new reality after the Covid business which is nothing but the crown chakra activation (which is why there are mental issues, delusions, etc, in relation to the pandemic. You will either fall into the delusion pushed by the elitist cabal or you will become an independent thinker).



Taking the knee as we see in sports is an important phenomenon. I see comments online that say that politics don’t belong in sports; OF COURSE THEY DO! Men are the spirit and they operate together as ONE and this manifests in sports, in politics, in governments, in relationships. Of course, it matters and the only reason that you aren’t seeing why this matters is because you do not understand the energetic roles of the sexes and how they operate together normally as co-creators. This cooperation of masculine and feminine energy begins from the smallest fragment and it expands to the outer galaxies, including from within because we live in a polarity based universe.

The incredible violence which includes how the masculine has turned on its own creations allowing for global slavery, child abuse and trafficking on an unprecedented scale.  Up to now, we are totally backwards reality which includes an incredible amount of suppression of sexuality, creativity and free speech, but it isn’t even about that. We have men secretly being subversive because they are unaware of their part on the global stage; neither women nor men know their true roles in the greater scheme because if they did, we wouldn’t be in the state that we are in currently. Without the interference of the media, we wouldn’t be fed the nonsense that is stemming out of the elitist rubbish, the mainstream media including the movie industry which dictates to us how to behave and what to believe. This continues to fuel the backward reality that has been thrust on us which is dominated by the systems including governments, schools, health centres and the mainstream media. Everything is compromised: archaeology, philosophy, history, galactic history, origins of our world, etc. Delusion is the order of the day, it is the way most people operate, in fact, the vast majority of the masses on this planet are living at the root chakra only. They live by holding onto basic survival due to the numerous amounts of war and the fact that many people are simply survivors of conquests. What then can we expect with people holding desperately onto a culture that really is just about survival: much of the world is just there and they take their culture of barely surviving wherever they go. Survival, food, money and shelter is really much of what most people are interested in and that is all root chakra. This means that people are immature and that is where so many people are stuck, at the state of childishness, immaturity, and never growing up to understand the potential of their sexuality and even their role as male or female. Countries in the West are tops in female immaturity and countries in the East top in masculine immaturity.  Countries like North Xorea (K) which is a holocaust country, Saudi Xrabia (A)which is oppressive or even Xhina (Ch) are lacking the spirit of the west where there is still access to books, information and knowledge that we need to advance spiritually. The countries of the west are dominated by girlish women which is why everything is more relaxed: jails, sentences, higher standards of living, but of course, all this relaxation is due to a higher vibration in general. You are not likely to be in the same vibration in Lehore as you are in New York; it is a completely different perception whether anyone likes to hear this or not.  But it is in lower vibrational countries where wars occur and so does instability often instigated by western countries and there is a good reason for this.

Here is the conversation or vibration that is being expressed by the wild masculine on all levels channelled by me personally because men can’t seem to articulate this if they are wild, raw and simply can’t do this by themselves because alot of them are unable to ‘see’ energy and simply wander wild and generally have no real awareness. My assemblage point shifted abruptly by her own masculine double and he has had a lot to express that has come from another level of reality or dimension. This is briefly what has manifested in our world, what he wants to say, about what has manifested in our reality due to the ridiculous, toxic femininized systems of control that has created the mess we now see.

From my Masculine Side to the Collective:

If you continue to tell me what to do, I will continue to rebel violently. The more I don’t have any say or be able to lead the family or the business or group in general or forge my own path into freedom, the more destructive I will become.  I do not know what it is to be a man because nobody is teaching me, so if I get sucked into the feminized system, I will become passive aggressive, and later, when you are not watching, I will sneak around and cheat, or join with my band of brothers and create systems like the illuminati or clamour to be in a government office where it is safe and I am protected by the ‘brotherhood’ and of course this will make me feel like i belong finally. I am now a man in control of my feminine world. I will be giving my power away but at least I will maintain control over my reality, and feel important for once in my life. I really don’t care if you suffer or bleed, nor do I give a shit of anything except what I can control in my own world; othewrise I don’t care about anything because if I cared, I wouldn’t have given my power over to the systems that abuse children who are my collective responsibility to protect. Me and my brothers finally can feel that we are empowered in some way, even though it is all false, but we are so desperate for power, so what can I do?

So I implore you, just keep going against me, not taking my lead, expecting me to sacrifice my wildness so I can fit into female standards of behaviour that have nothing to do with me. I will keep destroying everything, and out of that destruction I will create gangs and mafias and wars and protest by your side against it all; I will create spiritual organizations, movies, songs and gangs because those are manifestation of the toxic female dream. This is why there is so much focus on feminization. The more I try to gain power in the feminized world, I will start behaving like a female too which is your dream but I am so helpless, I can’t find my way out.

You think you are going to control me, but I will resist this, whether I am a criminal or an officer, we work together as one as we often seem to be in opposition but we are the same vibration, whether you are aware of this or not. I will be the head of an organization but if I lack confidence or I’m a half a man or one that wears a dress, I will be in self loathing and pull everyone down with me in that pool of destruction. If I have sided with feminized behaviour, or I am allowed to be over mothered, get ready, because even if it appears that I am with you, secretly, I will violently rebel somehow because I have been deprived of independence and personal power. Governments and churches and schools already know about masculine energy which is why they creating strategies, games, armies and wars so they can pull us men in so we can move as one unit and help them achieve the control they lust after. This is why I even violate my own creations, because I am in toxic male energy now, after having been brainwashed by overly feminized schools, church morality, governments, and that destructive media especially, exporting Hollywood rubbish to the four corners of the earth.

It is time for my rising, which means initiation, knowledge, meditation which is includes the physical and spiritual (martial arts with meditation etc). I am ready to be shaken awake but I have to stop the old nonsense of limited beliefs and thinking like a mainstream scientist and take full responsibility for my role in the great awakening. I must lead the way by rejecting current systems, and this is why women chase bad boys, criminals, popular rap stars, serial killers, etc. It isn’t that this is normal or healthy, it is in fact perverse, violent and stupid behaviour that is totally unaware. But to the primal female and her instincts, these miscreants reject systems, and rebel against the norm and thus have the potential to lead the way to freedom personally and collectively. This is why there is more desire toward criminal types than police types; both have the potential of the masculine spirit but the criminal is bound to reject the system more.  Too much food, church, parenting, schooling, ungratifying relationships have now led me to this secret rebellion which is expressing itself on a collective level. So you wanted to control me? Think again. If the Great Horned God is wild and free, so am I!

QUOTE BY ALI ZECK : “Honestly nothing more frightening to me right now that seeing a grown adult male wearing a mask and believing it helps. You are supposed to be the protectors of humanity and instead you’re a cuckold to the technocrats trying to destroy it.”

What do we have here? What is behind the mysterious black cube? In order to delve into the depths of this, one has to do some research and ASK QUESTIONS. The major religions are nothing but unscrupulous hallucinations; one has to keep digging, do research and stop accepting things without questioning. One has to delve into history, pre-history, planetary history, galactic history. You need to go FURTHER.

Final note from an Alpha Female:

I just wanted to say that watching men especially during the pandemic donning their masks so they don’t get into arguments with idiots in the systems was an utter disgrace. I was getting visceral reactions because I can’t imagine that anyone would pander to the governments. My absolute favourite vomitous sighting among the many I saw (besides people lining up to get vaccinated because the government threatened) was that men especially, lined up WITH the government to dictate to others to wear a mask and standing proud too. If this was you, then please, contact me so we can find your balls and sew them back on. It is the ultimate disgrace, the ultimate insult to all of existence that you would not stand up for your own masculinity, for your own rebellious, passionate self who is the external creator or manifester of realities!

True masculine energy which is wild and free and sexual would NEVER wear a mask and sit there clapping for the systems. And if you sat there listening to the girlfriend, wife, sister instead of shredding them to bits like a wolf, you are entirely to blame, because you accepted the instruction from a shadow woman, and allowed her to push you into submission. You made us all sick to our stomachs watching you cater to the SYSTEMS that are feminized institutions run by immature girls.  Do you think the Great Horned God, Cernunnos, or even wild, crazy Pan, would wear a mask and clap for the system like you did? This whole ridiculous fiasco should have set you off and in a violent way! Don’t expect women to do the work. You are a spiritual warrior, your violence can be creative and passionate and rebellion is the order of the day!

My entire Aalayfan Book Series is the story of how the Goddess descends into the darkness to awaken her lover from his slumber. Wake up, Osiris! The point of awakening is the death of the institution such as it is.

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