Freedom, Imagination and the Inner Child.
Our authenticity is destroyed the second we are born into this reality. As soon as we are out of the mother’s womb, we are labelled, subjugated to all sorts of utter crap by the systems defining who we are and why we are here. Nobody can tell us that and nobody has the right, that includes parents, teachers, or employers. We are born sovereign beings on this planet, but we are filtered through a system as soon as we are here by mostly unaware adults and are ushered straight away into a system that works against us. This is the absolute truth and we all know it. This doesn’t mean parents are going to let us run loose or that schools will abandon us. We are not talking about living in the jungles the minute we are born. We are talking about guidance and opportunities and the understanding that children enter this reality with their own purposes and pasts and their own awarenesses. We are multidimensional beings, vast in our experiences and everyone has the right to find their own paths depending on their level of awareness.
Some children born with little to no energy cannot make these choices alone, this is very obvious by the quality of children being born. They are NOT all the same and neither are we. I do not argue that we are all part of source energy but it all depends how much of that energy is flowing through. Nevertheless, we are entering a new world in which we must have the opportunity to become our own authority and thus the systems need to reflect this demand by the new energies entering through now.
If you think everything is airy fairy bullshit and you think that we are all going to stay fixed in the old world perception by seeing things the same way, you will be left behind because that is not the direction of this planet and the spiritual warriors that are here are seeking new alignments and higher vibrational ways of living. Science and religion has so far perpetuated the biggest crimes on this planet and it is due to this lack of authenticity, a betrayal of the self that has caused this.
Your Inner Child is who you are here to satisfy, not the school system, the parents or the government or your partner. It is your RIGHT, your responsibility to your inner self. Don’t leave this planet unfulfilled. This universe is your secret affair.

The job of parents is to guide you to stay true to your heart, to your joy and to allow for you to manifest your own dreams, your own reality, on the path of heart. It is not the job of parents, teachers, gurus, idiots and more, to tell you how to live. The parents, the teachers and the system itself are huge culprits in allowing fresh new energy to be manipulated and bribed right out of the soul’s desires. Because a free person is dangerous to the system.
Because people do not delve deeply into their shadow sides or examine their own psyche, they disconnect from source and thus their ability to connect to their authenticity fails them until they do the work, or get shaken enough until they finally become aware. We are not responsible to the system no matter how pretty it is. Our responsiblity is to sovereignty and inner power and to ourselves, not to any system.
The purpose of the system is to humiliate you enough so you can eventually surrender to it. If the parents don’t do the job, you get sent to a feminized education system run generally by UNAWARE morons who really believe they have the best in mind for your child. It has worked out so far because the general public are brainwashed and have also been expelled out of the same system.

Here is where we are. Old Traumatised energies called illegal migrants are being shipped en masse to countries with one notch more of awareness. They try to force a fit into those old systems and perpetuate them through their mediocre perception which doesn’t preclude the slave mentality and a view of abundance that isn’t anywhere near the western view. So their importation isn’t just part of a criminal syndicate but also a well thought of plan to full eliminate the west. Think about it, nobody will protest for a piece of bread thrown at them, or government housing or a mediocre job at a school where you are continuously humiliated. It is the plan to suppress any higher levels of awareness, or to allow for a change in the old systems.
Authenticity requires a Journey into the Subconscious
In the world of Aalayfa, Anatat, the heroine’s awareness sharpens only when she falls into the depths of death, and begins to realize that her dream reality and her awakened reality become increasingly blended as she shifts her awareness. This is exactly the same journey we all make into the unknown as soon as we are born. What most people do is die unaware without ever exploring their subconscious and so oftentimes die unfulfilled. But the planet says, ‘Won’t you Dance the Spiral with Me’
Doomsday scenarios of a planet gone wrong is just a perception. In my own perception, the planet is getting much better by shedding its old linear conceptions, throwing off any old worn ideas by shaking them off like fleas. This results in the strange climate changes going on. Certainly, running around trying to save the planet from climate change is the biggest load of nonsense there could be. Earthly battles are no longer for planetary resources but for information, consciousness and energy. This is why it is so vital to be able to discern and understand it. This means engaging authentically with ourselves, becoming a man or woman of knowledge and investigating and asking questions about the broader world we are living in. This is very difficult for those who are at the survival level of life because they are constantly engaged in finding a way to live rather than being engaged with higher thought forms or awareness. Empty meaningless ways of living or living inauthentically will never give you a pathway toward freedom or creative expression that you so desire. There will always be an emptiness or a bitterness of having missed something in life.
Check out my book series: The Aalayfa Series

Doomsday scenarios of a planet gone wrong is just a perception. In my own perception, the planet is getting much better by shedding its old linear conceptions, throwing off any old worn ideas by shaking them off like fleas. This results in the strange climate changes going on. Certainly, running around trying to save the planet from climate change is the biggest load of nonsense there that there could be but remember it is all planned and executed by those who know they can manipulate realities and emotions as well. Your job is to stop being manipulated.
Earthly battles are no longer for planetary resources but for information, consciousness and energy. This is why it is so vital to be able to discern and understand it. This means engaging authentically with ourselves, becoming a man or woman of knowledge and investigating and asking questions about the broader world we are living in. This is very difficult for those who are at the survival level of life because they are constantly engaged in finding a way to live rather than being engaged with higher thought forms or awareness.Empty meaningless ways of living or living inauthentically will never give you a pathway toward freedom or creative expression that you so desire. There will always be an emptiness or a bitterness of having missed something in life.
“We’re going to tell you a very big secret about children. They are freedom seeking in a way that you have not yet experienced the desire for freedom. The youth that is coming forth in this time are poignantly coming to express their ability to be free.”
To break out of the matrix, once and for all, you will need to be your own authority. Your own mother and father to your own inner child. It means taking responsibility for yourself and your reality as well as your ability to create. As you see, in the Hood of Aalayfa, Anatat makes the journey with her higher self into the world below. That is who is waiting for you. It is your higher self, the one who is waiting for you to fall in love, to turn your focus to them. But of course, that means magic and imagination and dreaming and being a child. Of course, the paradox of all this is to be connected to your inner child AND your warrior self, AND your lover, AND your polarities. That is a lot of work but it is worth it as you embrace and integrate your own aspects and this certainly doesn’t mean sticking your head in the sand while the world goes to hell around you. Pay attention to everything.

Fall in Love with Yourself, the Only Authority there is
What is better than falling in love with yourself, trusting your own beauty and self worth? What is better than being your own authority? That is what the school system beats out of children everywhere and the teachers become this way too, perpetuating the system and also becoming fools to it. It is a master and slave relationship.
They instruct you that you must do what they say and conform while at the same time telling you they respect individual rights. Children are blatantly lied to right from the start and manipulated into betraying their souls. Parents are complicit in this because they are doing it for the good of their children without realizing this is catastrophic.
Schooling is great if it is done appropriately and with awareness so children can access aspects of themselves and engage with them. Those same children then grow up and run the same system and the cycle continues. The centre of everything is the inner child. If this playful loving side is not accessed or understood, then we have people catering to the system and only that.
The higher self and consciousness have plans for the younger self and the first thing is for children to learn to trust themselves, their hearts and to follow their own passions. Thus, joy is in the simple things of life and enjoying to the best of your ability.
Break free from the matrix by making yourself the only authority and your higher self the greatest lover there is and saying that, the whole system needs to be overhauled by people who are aware, not the mindless donkeys who are not just in the schools but are governors, and on school boards, long, long lost to their souls and to the joy of living in the moment.