Realities are All YIN, Differentiation is YANG.


Strangely in contrast to all this, women or the tonal must journey into the womb alone, she has no other choice as she is an internal HUNTER, while men hunt externally, and thus it is necessary for them to make a physical stand in the world. Both are within each other, of course.


 The dark wise sexual woman is hidden away, she works mostly in the cloak of invisibly, in the stillness, because her primal relationship with her womb, her own power, the universe is paramount.   This is why she is mostly not recognized.  Because it is there in the darkness, in the premenstrual time, in the folds of magic, where solutions appear, where cracks open between worlds and you can have insights.   The deep search means you want connection with this glorious universe, with this amazing reality, with this unfathomable planet which is a sentient, lively being.   

You can’t do that if you are worried about the Kardashians and what happens on the next episode, or your Only Fans supporters; this won’t let you go far because you engage with things that are not only not your reality, really boring, and also not part of your own unique creation.   Your joy must be of your own making and the Kardashians or the Royals are not part of your individual expression; it’s just a diversion of your attention.   You should mind your own business, look at your own path; but so many don’t do this because people don’t see their own part in universal expansion.  The paradoxical part of all this is that while seeing your connection with this unfathomable universe also makes you a child of wonder again.  

And all the while, the universe is waving you down, trying to seduce you, offering you expansion of your senses, a wild authentic path to follow and what are you doing? You are competing with men, screaming about equal rights and worried about gender pay gaps, all of these things which are useless, stupid and have nothing to do with your uniqueness. Your optimal health is to gather power during your life and during the final trimester of your life, you become an expression of this power; but be warned that if there is a violation of any kind in the genitals of a young woman, this will be an extremely difficult obstacle to face. And bless so many who are facing this atrocity.  Saying that, there should be no pain or discomfort during the menstrual cycle, and if there is, it should be addressed immediately. Not only are all women different, but each of their cycles can differ depending on the life’s circumstances.  

Just because a woman is an INTERNAL hunter, it doesn’t mean that you should sit in a cave staring at a wall for years or be an abused doormat; in fact, you should be engaged totally with life, including creativity, exercise, cooking, working, whatever you are doing doesn’t really matter as long as you are doing the ‘secret’ work.   Not letting your emotions swing you around by the hair uncontrollably; awareness means you have control of your emotions and you are fully aligned.    

You are not a domestic slave but a conduit of power and magic and the guiding force for the family and the community which contributes to the health of the whole planet! And if you write, or paint or create or even if you are a business owner, or even a full-time mother, you will still need stability of some kind in order to allow full creative expression.   It all rises from within spontaneously once you have truly aligned to spirit and your own authenticity.  

And leave men out of it, because they are exploring masculinity, that is their side which you should stay out of; you shouldn’t worried about pay gaps, or equal rights because there is nothing more stupid and revealing than someone worried about that.  That idiocy says EVERYTHING about you, and reduces you to the role of an empty headed, baby maker with hilarious false lashes.  

Once upon a time, the hearth meant magic, power, self nourishing and all the spaces you occupy in fact, whether it is a house or room or apartment or a garden, is an extension of the womb space.   The outside world is then the masculine and the inside of the living space is feminine; that means that any men that enter these sacred spaces, even your living space means you are sharing with a man who is honouring your soul.  Bringing someone in who has no idea of that, means risking poisoning this sacred space which you may share with children and thus putting all of you at risk because men are nowhere near the same as women and see things very differently.  

Men aren’t meant to be women’s lapdogs or their best friends though many do comply with female standards of behaviour without even knowing.  This contributes to imbalances, insecurities, and thus why masculine leadership is vital but it has nothing to do with how you care for the inner soul and also YOUR INNER SPACE.  Eating fast food versus cooking a soothing soup that you make yourself has a huge impact on your health.  

Men have a bigger responsibility and it isn’t sitting around playing video games like ten year old children while you are cleaning the house.  Video games are simply a substitute for the wild energy they are not being allowed to express in other ways; religious extremism is also a substitute when you are primitive, immature, uneducated, ignorant and have no true females that can offer guidance that can urge men into higher levels of knowledge.  The fall of the female contributes to blockages for the masculine.  How can he be guided into his own true purpose and vision if the woman he is with is destructive, doesn’t care, hates herself, her body and is invested in his downfall?

 Femininity has been killed by the woman herself by demanding feminization of boys she had raised, bred and ‘civilized’ with her crap including encouraging the trannies.  She had compromised the children by forcing them to comply with terrible systems, depriving both boys and girls who have been forced to lean on the systems in order to perform as expected and suppress their own hearts to please the mother or parents. 


The False Feminine in Action: Schools are the best example, especially the ones in the West which is what the Third World Models themselves after.


Girls suppress the anger or shame down, give everyone one face until once they are triggered then the horrible instability rises and you think she is a crazy as she systematically disrespects you, destroys your kids, steals your house, chases the wrong men because she can’t discern for beans who is who and what is what.  You could also be doing all the right things and the man you are with is causing the issues because he’s unstable and doesn’t know his role either.  This is so common and if communities were normal and balanced, we would have support for all this dysfunction.  Thus, wrong schooling, controlling religious dogma, ignorant parenting and wrong focus has created roads that lead one astray from the heart.  If you are then a man matching with this desperate, delusional, immature girl screaming because they want to have their way, to control the narrative, desperate to have you submit to their of behaviour you are in trouble too. Schools are the biggest examples of these exceptionally delusional power hungry mongrels who get in power with their donkey brains to cover their secret subconscious shadow which they have not faced.  Thus 99 percent of teachers when they get into any position in a school are still stuck in puberty.  They can then hide behind the advisory board, the governors who look like they crawled out of the grave, and be protected by this false masculine power that they created themselves! This is why there are so many young teachers getting involved with their students and it is exploding all over the news; they have the same brain as the boy as they are stuck in that mentality too.  They never progressed to true womanhood. The idea of ‘schooling’ isn’t a bad idea if we could alter it by welcoming new fresh energy and awareness and that means that most of the power hungry lunatics who think they are normal and believe they are doing ‘what is right’ need their behinds kicked from here to Timbuktu. 

Realities are Feminine

All realities are FEMALE, they are not masculine, which means that as you swim through the ocean of femaleness, you have to find a way to establish or create that masculine or spirit to stand apart from the hungry female.  If you can’t do that or other older experienced men of the tribe are not initiating you into the masculine secrets, you will inevitably fall into the feminization.   

You start to doubt your identity, your sexuality, and consider being a ‘tranny’ which is what happens when men fall into the sea of femininity and can no longer define themselves.   You do not see this happen in the most ancient tribes that have rituals for masculinity; and in cultures and societies that have nothing for masculinity, they will help to finish you off via religion, militaries, or banking where they suck the life out of you and you are none the wiser.  Everything is psychological…and female.  And unless you pull yourself right out of the obedience line and start getting around town, searching for your own identity and your own preferences you will be pulled right in.  A born again Christian or some other rubbish in which poverty and unstable economies string you along to believe in other than yourself.


Masculinity on the Edge

The masculine energy or the Yang has taken the road down into the underworld losing itself completely but why is this? This struggle between the masculine and feminine has become a way for the masculine through its unfortunate blindness to start scrambling in the darkness searching for what it means to become a man. To redefine oneself completely and understand that without rites of passage, there cannot be masculinity; it needs to be taught in action.

The energy of Shiva is one of pure consciousness, still and detached and aren’t men quite like this?! Loving their space and their silence so much? Unlike the noisiness of Shakti, that dynamic cosmic dancer who is an addition of joy for him and shouldn’t be a burden!

Shakti’s seductive movements inspire him to creation or destruction and that is exactly what happens with the everyday relationships between men and women isn’t it? The emperor archetype is one way upright, but flip him around and suddenly you are dealing with a monster who is purposeless, stupid, leading us astray and taking the community and the world with him while he plays video games, can’t be responsible and doesn’t have the scruples to comprehend higher levels of awareness.  Women must feel safe if they start families or engage with any man, you can’t have a tyrant or a fool living with you or that affects your vibration. 

 That is why we do not engage in relationships with just any man! Unless you are self loving, not desperate or needy and the universe is your lover, then you will fall into deep love and men who are vibrationally suited arrive.  However, sometimes it is a learning experience, a partner that brings us to sudden awareness, and sometimes these abusers force us to take personal power back!

The damage is horrific as we have seen with the emergence of traumatized wounded females who are way too controlling, have no trust or faith in the universe and then get into politics, economics, and in the school systems.   But women can hide these things deeply, and anger, shame, fury can affect children from the womb and certainly contribute to the downfall of civilizations. Both sides need to start searching but each side has to do it in a different way because that is simply how we learn.   


This is why it is urgent for men to start searching into themselves and to each other in fact, so they can get out of the blindness that has been leading them to the edge, adapting female standards of looking, behaving and not understanding that you must go beyond the female to differentiate yourself.  

That is the reason for initiations but this needs to be introduced early to boys younger and younger.  That is the only way to save them from the onslaught of the feminine despite idiotic protests by those who are already systemized.  They are already IN and can’t get out. 


The very existence of the delusional, the agendas pushed by governments especially in the last hundred years to eliminate masculinity completely have begun to push the yang energy to the surface.  Either we push together for freedom, supporting heroic and caring communities in which the human being matters for something or we support a stupid, decaying system that doesn’t seem to understand that are intrinsically dedicated to the natural wellbeing of this planet and all it’s wonders.  All of this begins in the blossoming of the male and female relationships; by bringing balance to these relationships, other things can come from this.

Destroying ecosystems, waterways and forests, and even cities which can be wonderful places to live in harmony if we approach it all with good intentions and harmony.  It is literally all an energetic mindset or vibrational alignment.  What are we going to align with? All the money in the world won’t save you from polluted water and dirty air, you still have to deal with it just like the rest of the world.  Also, look at all those people who won huge lotteries and lost everything because it is totally about vibration and energy; a poor mindset will beget poverty.   However, a grassroots movement won’t begin with the planet, it will begin within the rebalancing of the family, the roots and the community.  Let’s look at the origins of school shooters for example, where did they come from? How were they raised? Nothing else will fix the environment,  the economy, the politics, the imbalances that are present, at least in this reality.  Just people can have children, it doesn’t mean they should; people have them because of pressure, because others do and they compare but so many people suck as parents even though they think they are good parents.  More delusions.  But that’s what the systems wants, for unaware stupid parents keep churning out malleable children because they are great for business. 

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