Reaching for True Power: Duped by the Systems


Nothing on the planet is every what it appears to be. If a chicken was once a dinosaur, and then things definitely are not what they appear to be, are they? In this upside down reality where things appear one way but are inverted, then we have to be careful how we interpret another person’s presence or even who they are. We don’t know their mystery entirely nor what purpose they are trying to achieve here on the planet. This is why it is best to just figure out your own purpose alone and you still won’t get closer to knowing yourself completely. People on the planet who find themselves under collective focus like political figures, celebrities, even ruthless dictators, all of these people are simple characters in a story on the world stage. The reason there is so much focus on them is due to the collective beliefs or expectation which puts them into archetypal roles; isn’t that what these actors are for people? Looking to such people as heroes or saviours or to ‘act’ on your behalf and to represent your beliefs is a huge mistake. Your job is to look after your own beliefs and reaching your own potential as an expression of source energy, as a manifestation of god source on the planet.

This reality we are currently in, being a stage of some sort, in which we as players are here to battle not ourselves, but to face the unfathomable, to forge a spirit of power and manifest our own desires. Remember this is not just in a dog eat dog world, but a world in which we are hunted incessantly for our energy; how to drain our energy is the purpose of being here, and as a spiritual warrior, you are here to take it back, by tackling those beliefs. However, if you are mindlessly going along without being alert, you will gain nothing but a life that is really boring. What will you gain from an existence that is lacking magic? Magic happens when you start digging around, trying to get the universe’s attention, knowing that it is all an uphill battle and still you are trying to unfold your own desires; and STILL you will be at a disadvantage because you are dealing with unknown factors. An example of this would be a certain aspect of myself who has manifested in an extremely toxic situation as a male in this reality and yet still, he is useful for the purposes of gathering information and delivering it to other aspects who can integrate it. He is simply unable to view his own purpose, hidden from him, but which is increasingly clear to me. My point is that there is no way for him to perceive his situation without connecting to his higher self in some way or reach for authenticity and channel his own information. He cannot in any way perceive his own part in the bigger scheme of things and that is precisely my point; we cannot always see our own contribution to the planet and the earth itself. Our presence is often a mystery or a puzzle that we need to keep discovering, knowing that we are surrounded by other actors who often push us using friction (arguments, resistance) to create a fire in which we react to. I am generalizing of course, due to the complexity of circumstances for every individual and our contributions to this reality and to other worlds and realities needs to be addressed. Some people refuse to see their shadow sides, and get caught up in their own ‘light’, and while it is amusing, it is there for us to see people’s ‘delusional’ worlds, our singular devotion is just to our own self.  


It is obvious that we won’t be able to get everyone to agree to the way the world is run which is fine, but we still need to allow for freedom to the other so they can flourish; we can only step in to guide people to a certain point and then withdraw ourselves. There is no other way except if you follow the systems which continuously tell people what to do. Unfortunately, this telling people what to do which stems from issues with power and authority has caused mayhem on this planet globally. There is hardly any place that is untouched now with the need to control others to the point of insanity: jobs, home environments, places of leisure, relationships, schools, health, governments, religion, science, even philosophy, higher learning, etc, you get it, all of these systems and structures were created out of the need to control others. It is likely true that many places were opened for ONE intention, but have been overtaken by rubbish government type workers who couldn’t give two craps about you or themselves. Their plan is to work so they can save enough money to travel so they can tell their friends! That is how sad the situation has become, that people think this is living. Truly I am not against learning or knowledge, but the systems are an abomination due to the lack of awareness that is prevalent.

You are living with no magic, you have settled with nothing, for emptiness because there have not been any valid teachings for youth; boys are decimated before they enter this reality and girls are suppressed in so many ways which pushes their anger and creativity down, and then they become your wives and daughters and you wonder why they are so controlling!! A lot of parents contribute to this by adding trauma, sexual, emotional or stupid abuse, ruining children to such a degree that it changes their natural ability to connect with source; then they are medicated so they can be easier to control. A lot of children do NOT need medication or prescription drugs, although I am not against this either. Many people who have been traumatized need a shaman, alternative doctoring or even a soul retrieval; and the only reason people dismiss this is because the ESTABLISHED answer or reasoning is coming from mainstream media or too much linear based thinking. There needs to be a desperate marriage between science and spirituality or there will simply be no progression. The education I had at the universities in Canada were nothing short of a joke; so was the impoverished teaching that went on during elementary and high school. I am a product of the system that created me to be deviant; if you don’t want deviants like me running around, then the methodical systems should transform to cater to the individual not to the collective. We always get the best ideas when we nurture authenticity; that is how we will improve our systems, allowing for new structures that give more free reign for creativity and awareness. It is collective intellectual impoverishment that has created what we are living today. The ASS generation reigns. Their minds on how to get bigger asses or bigger lashes; well that isn’t helpful to the situation but alas, it is the vibrations that are SO low. We certainly are living in the dark ages and have been up to now on this planet.



What you ask does this have to do with power? A lot. Doing ‘a line’ doesn’t mean you are empowered or have any strength to draw on; you are not a wild child or a wild girl or a ‘free spirit’. This is RUBBISH. Hollywood media, mainstream music, and movies have pushed this idea which is a false representation of what it means to be ‘wild’.  To be taking drugs, drinking till you pass out is not ‘a party’, but it has become something normal because people don’t know how to behave otherwise or what to do with themselves. If you want to get drunk on ecstasy, start learning how to vermicompost or start making creative cakes or building your own art collection or start singing. Now we know indeed that the drug trade, including pharmaceutical drugs are a HUGE business worldwide for all parties involved not just organized crime. These things go on due to our desire for feeling good or ‘ecstasy, so society has filled in that vacuum that we are dying for within. This actually links heavily with sexual gratification but I will not pursue that now, but will come to it again in another blog. One thing at a time.

Taking any drug, pharmaceuticals as well as any drug affects the aura and the soul, so does alcohol; that’s why people act strangely or vastly different from themselves if they take substances. You become tainted, susceptible to all sorts of rubbish low vibrational nonsense if for example you take alcohol or cocaine; you are a donkey, ridden by external forces you can’t see!  Your inner soul, which was grounded and sturdy at birth, now moves to the side, which is why children are targeted young by cabals and the depraved as well as moron parents who we see all the time in the news emerging as psychos, killing or abusing children. Don’t ever expect people to ever heal from such atrocities; it will take years and years and possibly many lifetimes for this to occur.

Alcohol and drug abuse of any kind moves your inner being forever from within, shaking you loose enough for other invasive beings that can enter and take over your body and your consciousness. That’s why any sort of abuse requires soul retrieval; destroying children through abuse from a young age creates a VACUUM within and in that empty space, something else can fill that vacuum. Haven’t you heard that saying that ‘Nature abhors a vacuum’? They are trying to disprove this idea too, because again, then there will have to be an admission that there is something more beyond the fives senses, god forbid!

So, it is exactly this drug use or amphetamines or alcohol, etc making people behave as they do, losing their authentic selves while getting ‘mounted’ by other entities who then tell them how to act, what to say, to cause mass deaths etc. The only reason this is not accepted is because we are locked into a stubborn reality that keeps insisting there is nothing else but these five senses; thus, you don’t believe in aliens, monsters, mermaids, bigfoots, whatever, so lower vibrations love this because you become dinner for beings that feed on you in many ways. And you can also be a feeder yourself. For example, that’s what Tourette’s is; it can’t be explained by the West with their narrow view of science, which ridicules anything alternative. They would never even consider that one might have to go to a shaman to deal with such a thing; you can tell from the ridiculous Youtube comments that people are truly living in the darkness, extremely below true knowledge, it is very scary.

On a side note, children will never, ever recover from extreme mental, emotional or physical abuse, and sexual abuse which is the worse kind. The level of healing to clear out trauma will take several lifetimes and beyond. It is an abomination of the worse kind for both sexes and is often perpetrated by victims themselves. Again, once you deprive people of their authenticity and create that vacuum of self hatred and rejection, you open the door to any lower vibrational rubbish to ENTER. Once again, the only reason this is not accepted is due to the societal refusal to believe in anything past five senses. It is insane and this is what makes humanity easily controlled by anything and anybody; retrieving personal power is the key to healing the self and no way will society allow you to do that so easily.

Societies on this planet, no matter where you are anywhere in the world, are locked into a matrix as you know well; a time and space reality collectively created. On the surface, it is where we reside, on a different level, it is a feeding ground for inorganic energies or other unseen forces or energies which look to suck the life out of you while you sit there crying in despair, enraged or feeling pity for another; it is actually to the point where even seeing a movie that creates horror or fear is a perfect way to feed off of you if you really are drawn into the storyline. Don’t forget, we create our own reality in that way, by focusing and then manifesting; what are you focusing on today?!

Up to now, the powers that be, the cabalists, the elitists and the controllers of this world have guided the vastly ignorant populations, using to their advantage the fact that populations are completely ignorant. They have thus deprived not only individuals but whole collective societies and cultures of any knowledge which they can use to advance toward the inner path. This is why we have this obvious sickness in our societies now! And people continue to willingly give over their power and this is what happens when people believe they have no control over their lives and realities.

Example: I had a four car accident years ago in which I emerged unscathed thank goodness, but as I stood there waiting for an ambulance and the police, I realized that I was entirely at fault for the accident on an energetic level. I had attracted the ending to my circumstances and the desire was so strong that I caused it, despite who got blamed for the physicality of it. I created that outcome due to the power of my desire, and I caused all of it.

And you can see as well that few want to take responsibility because freedom is expensive and there are only not many who will take steps toward it. It really takes a lot to step out of the box and into true power; many are stepping into the dance though. Certainly, they may be silent, they may be on the fringes of society, but they are all there and the way to find them is through the heart portal. Your feelings are your guidance to what is true because a lot of people say they are on the fringes but that’s not always my feeling, there is a lot of bullshit and you have to really discern to find what resonates.  On the path of your truth, you are discerning, authentic and you know that this world is after your energy; how to suck it up and leave you empty and drained in the end.

Stop Wasting Your Energy

Thus, the path to power comes hand in hand with discernment, watching your energy carefully without wasting time on stupid things like following the Kardashians or getting tied up with dating sites or getting into emotional tangles because you saw an animal die and you can’t sleep at night now, or going out every night to get drunk like a fool until you pass out. Getting sucked into the mainstream media narrative and carrying on with fear or helplessness because that is the reality you are being given, not the reality you are creating! And that is the whole difference.  Make your life meaningful to yourself by being on the path of the heart which means you are directed to what you really want, by following your own fabulous desire onto a pathway in which doors will open for you because it is your intention to go that direction. You can direct your will, your intent and create magical pathways into your own reality.



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