Return to Aalayfa: Awakening~Book Four (ebook)


To reassemble the Divine Osiris, Anatat has to travel through the illusory underworld, embodying the archetypes of Isis and Inanna as she searches for his sacred body parts: arms, legs, torso, and head. In those lower worlds, she encounters Jezebel, Krishna and assumes the role Kali Ma and of course the triple goddess of the moon, but she isn’t travelling alone. There is the mysterious, and yet comical guest star with her, veiled from her sight. Finally, Anatat encounters the mysterious Fisher King under the water who keeps her husband’s most sacred power organ, oh yes, you thought you knew the ancient stories of Isis, of Inanna, of Ishtar. But this is the New Now, and Osiris is waking from the dead.  Meanwhile, chased by the dark shadow isn’t going to make a whit of difference to Anatat, the Sorceress and the Other in a parallel reality, as they pull together to restore HIM, even if he is a royal pain in the you know what. Welcome to the Underworld, where true knowledge is learned through experience, where you travel to the far reaches of the universe with just a thought, and discover that you are your own nemesis and your own saviour.

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