God Loves Strumpets: Conversations with the Universe

I cannot Dream of You, Without Being Ruptured.”


The Precarious Path: Erotic Undulations from the Heart to the Universe. 




There are strange things that often we cannot see, blinded as we are with the mundane everyday world that rarely allows us a glimpse of the extraordinary. But magical things happen to those who take unknown pathways, different directions, and because it is not an easy road, and certainly, it is not something desired by the masses.  From what I have gathered, this is seemingly not a conscious choice, certainly not for me.

Thus, on this strange journey, I noticed that events unfolded in front of everyone’s eyes and yet people still couldn’t see, but I was aware of it all, moving around me, shifting in plain sight, but the masses are generally clueless, a trait that the trickster universe absolutely revels in.  These gorgeous erotic poems to the universe weave between mini explanations that remind us of how complex it is to deal with Shadow and Light, Rebalancing Yin and Yang and discerning energy correctly.

And of course there is me, in an entanglement with a saucy universe, pulling me forever in a precarious place, and finally forcing me to come face to face with myself (not that it hasn’t been a blast).  But of course, coming through the other side, I have discovered a fountain of joy that has brought me to a culmination. 

So, what do you do when you come across Yourself, but HE is not as spiritually evolved? 

Here are the severe longings of the soul, the devastation of a twin flame connection that blind-sided me into another world, shattered my perception of reality, cracked my luminous cocoon, sent me flying head first into other versions of reality, while the whole time, Sotiras, Mr. 3D, sat trembling in fear, totally deaf, dumb and blind to what was going on, refusing to admit the truth.


  Entirely and naturally, to my masculine embodiment: Sotiras the Saviour, Osiris, Wild Pan, the Lover, 

that Emperor, the Magician, who took the plunge into the dark underworld and shockingly forgot himself; 

but stirred the ancient memories of that which we have all forgotten.




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