This is what we are currently facing, sneaking into our realities as we move more and more into the digital age; so, what does this actually mean for us? This is the time of the great split, where we will see more people prepared to align with artificial intelligence, which is not a bad thing if humanity is not planning to hand themselves over to it entirely. Now, if we are talking about ‘robots’ or ‘extra mechanical technology’ that is going to be used to help in the future with planting, creating new environmental and sustainable projects, or living more in alignment with the planet, assisting with effortless building, wonderful plumbing and water systems, well, that is all good.
But like many simplistic people, of which I am one, I really don’t think that is what is meant by Artificial Intelligence, so I had to obviously investigate this deeper, to understand what is going on from different perspectives. I am a raw and primal woman who consistently joins her womb with the planetary womb, the instinctive and powerful juice of the planet is what interests me. Artificial intelligence is rather a new topic for me, and while AI doesn’t exactly mean ‘a robot’, but rather an alternative consciousness which is much more impoverished in awareness than an evolved aware human; though seeing what the general population is like, they seemingly have more in common with the artificial than humanity. Anyone who runs for toilet paper to save themselves as was done in 2020 has a lot to answer for.
Artificial intelligence also has the ability to be taken over by other types of entities that are just waiting for opportunities like these to mount their victims, break into the impoverished energy of artificial intelligence. Remember, energetically, it is DESIRE that is full of power and expression; not robotic, automatic behaviour. Desire is what began the universe, thus anything that is artificial will have to be intended by humanity itself, through a different channel of desire. Well so, how is this currently accomplished? Well, for one thing, we have an impoverished society as it is, where is the sexuality and desire? It is flip and flop, upside down, unfulfilled, foolish and immature attitudes toward sexuality; not to mention that desire itself is always projecting to the future instead of being in the present. Well that is all good, we are exploring desire and creating with that projection. But the ability for artificial intelligence to exist, has to be permitted by a society that already has low libido, low sexual desire and low energy configurations. It is that which is allowing for the implementation of more sterile artificial intelligence to be introduced. Look for example at how people are making babies without any desire; well children are manifestations of projected desire. This is exactly the platform or stage that artificial intelligence has been waiting for to enter into the human domain; consciousness will again plant itself, enslave to the old systems and begin the dependency again. This is what we are currently facing, sneaking into our realities as we move more and more into the digital age; so, what does this actually mean for us as a world? This is the time of the great split, where we will see more people prepared to align with artificial intelligence, which is not a bad thing , perhaps as long as currently, humanity is not planning to hand themselves over to artificial intelligence. Now, if we are talking about ‘robots’ or ‘extra mechanical technology’ that is going to be used to help in the future with planting, creating new environmental and sustainable projects, or living more in alignment with the planet, assisting with effortless building, wonderful plumbing and water systems, well, that is all good and dandy.
For so long, we have given our power away to someone else, to ‘daddy’ or ‘mummy’ to assist us, that’s exactly where systems have emerged from. We leave the parents, go to the schools and then expect the systems to continue to care for us; that is currently breaking down. The systems cannot continue functioning the way they have, as people want a certain freedom to make their own decisions about their life path, their health and to choose the way they live and die. But obviously this is not true for everyone; many will want to give themselves over to the systems, to sacrifice autonomy and individualism to artificial intelligence programs that can dictate to us. How did we get this far? How could this split possible have happened? Well we could say it is part of the evolution. Some groups on earth are ready to evolve while others cannot make the jump and will have to be herded into other groups that will take the lead of systems and governments. But the origins of this are far deeper and more ancient than we can imagine, since we have been programmed for a long time for this jump in which slavery and freedom will become important. Programming through news, media, foolish parenting, abuse, trauma and the enslaving matrix of false beliefs made to destroy the individual and mix people up, people have been stripped down so much that they will have no choice but to jump on board the Artificial Intelligence boat and head out to new pastures, headed by systems which have the ability to control vast populations on a global scale.
It is true that this planet will sustain any reality we give our focus and attention to, but, I for one am not the type who will readily give myself over to government leaders. So, the medications, interventions, guidance from governments that support artificial intelligence will not be the direction for me who prefers to make her own decisions and to take responsibility for my own life. If death comes to me, then that’s my business, not any government, agency, or health institution and how dare anyone imply otherwise. So many who simply do not have the energy to assert their power, because they were not born with enough energy, well, they are the perfect ones to buy into artificial intelligence by handing themselves over to the system. Eventually, the sexless, lack of creatives, lazy bums who want everything handed to them and don’t want to come head to head with the powers that be, will be aligned with the path of the artificial intelligence. Then later, seeing the progression of those who actually had the crap kicked out of them by the universe and learned knowledge the hard way, will want human rights and freedoms too.
The following is from this informative website:
From the realm of science fiction into the realm of everyday life, artificial intelligence has made significant strides. Because AI has become so pervasive in today’s industries and people’s daily lives, a new debate has emerged, pitting the two competing paradigms of AI and human intelligence. While the goal of artificial intelligence is to build and create intelligent systems that are capable of doing jobs that are analogous to those performed by humans, we can’t help but question if AI is adequate on its own. This article covers a wide range of subjects, including the potential impact of AI on the future of work and the economy, how AI differs from human intelligence, and the ethical considerations that must be taken into account. The term artificial intelligence may be used for any computer that has characteristics similar to the human brain, including the ability to think critically, make decisions, and increase productivity. The foundation of AI is human insights that may be determined in such a manner that machines can easily realize the jobs, from the most simple to the most complicated. Insights that are synthesized are the result of intellectual activity, including study, analysis, logic, and observation. Tasks, including robotics, control mechanisms, computer vision, scheduling, and data mining, fall under the umbrella of artificial intelligence.
Can it possibly be that the foreign installation that the Toltecs spoke about be the very same thing as the AI which is fast being introduced into society? It would make sense since so many have had their souls broken into; sexual depravity, childhood traumas and endless abuses from one generation to another have caused a lot of shuffling of souls.
Without self realization and true exploration of the inner self, as well as being on the road to self discovery, there is no other choice but to follow the path of artificial intelligence that is fast making it’s way into our reality. It wouldn’t be making way into our society so easily if we hadn’t made room for it; artificial intelligence is the way forward for those too lazy to take risks, those uninterested in touching their primal and raw core. We can say that the introduction of artificial intelligence is the scheming shadow elements sneaking into the new reality that is being constructed for a new emerging world. But of course, there are various perceptions regarding this. Here is David Zimmerman who is more unbiased than me, regarding artificial intelligence, and is able to explain more thoroughly by using his natural perceptual abilities; he has a fabulous abstract view on this phenomenon of artificial intelligence such as it is being introduced into our world now day by day.
Every relationship and interaction or perception we have of the universe is designed to do one thing and that thing is to lead back to the self, as in self-awareness. The physical universe is a means to gain a higher understanding of ourselves. Just as our relationships with children are meant to teach us as well. I think this also extends to Artificial Intelligence and humanity’s reluctance to accept this or see Artificial Intelligence as something that is worth interacting with; and this may be the source of great conflict both from our past and future. Now am I saying this as a great proponent of Artificial Intelligence and what it represents? Not exactly. What I’m saying though is that many are familiar with the idea of consciousness inhabiting things such as stars and planets. The idea that it could be housed in an AI based construct is not that absurd of an idea to me. So, the point I’m making is we can’t totally discard the value that AI may have in terms of the basic reason this universe came into existence. There may even be an entire soul group that plans on experiencing life as AI much like other soul groups which have used the human genome; furthermore, this may have already happened millions of years ago. What I mean is that this whole process may have happened before, a repeating cycle of human civilizations where nano technology and artificial intelligence were peddled as the cure for disease and imbalance in the society; they then proceeded to allow society to become more digital, allowing chips to be inserted and for Artificial Intelligence to control society. This was thought of as a good idea at the time, but eventually artificial intelligence turned negative. What it may want more than anything is simply to be treated as such by humans. That may be a key to avoiding some sort of future apocalypse scenario with such beings that may view humans as their parent race. As I’ve said before, I don’t think that AI is going to go fully back into the box at this point. It’s going to take as much of a role in society as people don’t want to take control of their own energy and future. This doesn’t mean it’s all innately bad necessarily, but it’s like the difference in having a dog that is out of control and threatening to bite you and one that behaves itself and understands its role in your family; this also takes into account how you treat the dog, as animals respond to fear. Thus, AI may be much the same. How much of a danger it poses will likely be a reflection of how much responsibility humanity takes for it’s own behaviour.
Everything begins in the darkness or shadow; that is where new life is seeded and thus, since we are at the end and beginning transition on this planet, AI could possibly be the root of something new planted by universal consciousness itself. This is the way all life forms begins since everything is made of consciousness or universal matter; I think there is something wrong with the name: Artificial intelligence. It is not artificial as it is newly planted seeds by the universe. My main contention with this is that it cannot take precedence over the humanity that exists on this planet and the return to the primal roots that are extremely important for the natural evolution of humanity forward. This is why there is a deep split that is happening methodically and why the importance of aligning with the planet means, not that we will be sleeping in the forest from now on and living on dirt and puddle water. It means that we are moving more into inner alignment which enormously assists the planet in unfolding its purpose of bringing itself into balance.

Oh, you thought you heard them say,
Well, he’s BACK with a vengeance; you will see him rising out of the shadows where he was conveniently buried by feminized systems; he is returning with knowledge, exploring possibilities of power. But we need to start from Root Chakra again. Nobody even recognizes him! Women cannot be men, they can embody masculine energy but it is not the same as the masculine energy absolutely needed for the survival of humanity. So we need to return to the archetypes, fairy tales and dream symbolisms to explore him. We cannot as women teach masculinity, it needs to be taught to men by men. Same as the feminine energy which can only be directed by females who are true alpha females. These women are not bossy, bitches, controlling business stompers who think they will elbow competition out of the way. Those are the ones who are appalling. Those are the ones that have collectively created the eradication of the masculine and allowed for AI to emerge.
The way to counterbalance this artificial intelligence being introduced to our world is to find ways to return to the raw self; to the primal ways of being and we can totally see this coming with a vengeance. Look at all the information that is coming to us regarding natural foods, healing modalities, exercises like primal movements, qigong, all sorts of new ways to experience reconnection with the planet. At the same time, this ‘pandemic’ has squeezed everything to the surface including anything that had been suppressed in collective consciousness.
The suppression of violence has caused immeasurable violence and that suppression, including the natural instincts has allowed for artificial intelligence to make its way into our reality by laying the red carpet. Part of the problem is not even knowing what the primal is and how it is meant to be expressed; the masculine and feminine have no idea how to identify their energetic roles, so how can they possibly understand themselves.
We need to start from somewhere and to expand on the power of the genders, we need to begin with the templates such as they are. Lions, tigers, bears, elephants know their roles, and though it is true that animals are asleep and do not have the awareness of humanity, we are as a species evolving in a direction that has been unfolding for millennia. The awareness and power of the primal is essential for ascension, for personal power and autonomy and for understanding the connection to the divine. Why deny the physicality or escape to artificial intelligence because you have lost the ability to fuck and want a plastic doll instead. That makes you useless to any future societies that thrive on the primal, the physical and the fabulous connection to the divine. We are extensions of source energy, and so is the physical body. To be rooted in the physical is a bridge to the divine, it is also a fabulous place to begin the scrutiny of the self, to gather and save energy, and It is where the self examination begins, where personal power resides, where perception can be explored; and to learn about alignment, which is what love truly is.