The Dark Goddess doesnât mean acting immature, stupid, running out half the night, sleeping around or acting like a bitch, or like a creepy out of control lunatic so you can say you are âdifferentâ. Trying to manipulate your children, control your husband, and pulling that same crap where you work as a teacher or manager and getting away with it because the system loves this behaviour and venerates it. Thatâs not the Dark Goddess, that is the woke idiot. Â That has nothing to do with the intense raw Dark Goddess who walks with all of life with full joy, and erupts destructively like the volcano, only destroying what may not benefit the whole, that which is born out of greed, leaving behind seeds to rebirth life. She doesn’t drain the fuck out of you, run after you screaming, nagging, but she won’t sit there taking your bullshit either because you are half a man and can’t get your act together.
Immaturity is your own doing, and it has nothing to do with the Dark Goddess who is powerful, joyful, mature, trusting of her being and sometimes scary because nobody wants to be around a joyful person. People love to see others suffer.
OSHO: Maturity has nothing to do with age because it has nothing to do with experience; maturity has something to do with responsiveness, freshness, virginity, innocence. So when I use the word âmatureâ I donât mean that when you become more experienced you will be more mature. Thatâs what people usually mean when they use the word â I donât mean that. The more you gather knowledge, the more your mind will become immature; and by the time you are seventy or eighty, you will be completely immature because you will have a stale past to function through. Watch a small childâ¦knowing nothing, having no experience, he functions here and now.
Dark and Raw Power are useless if they are not cultivated by the woman herself. She needs to gain awareness in order to direct it the right way or it can be focused in the wrong way which will create a nightmare for herself and those around her. The true female energy is a surrendering to the Spirit; feminism is seemingly opposed to this and so that tells me people have no idea what it really is. So once again, Hollywood and media have put their idiotic two cents into this and are pushing for ‘satanic’ energy to be the darkness of the primal. Well, that’s not it.
The true Dark Goddess doesnât sit in dark forests with ouija boards, doing voodoo on someone out of jealousy, or keying someoneâs car to get back at a boyfriend, that is the sign of a lunatic who needs psychiatric help. This multi-leveled planet has many layers of dimension and beings and just because beings come from the planet doesnât mean they are all âGOODâ, it means that there are actual manifestations of our traumatized consciousness that can manifest if we attract them. While god-source is clear and positive, it is we who have deviated from the centre of ourselves, but the Dark Goddess is not Evil, but rather RAW which is uncultivated and thus unaware. A dangerous Dark Goddess would be raw and aware too, and that would scare anyone. The Venus Willendorf Goddess below is an embodiment of the LOWEST vibration of the Goddess, certainly not the highest. That whole area is indicative of what is going on, we only have to look at the relationships in the region and how the ‘mother archetype’ has manifested.

The Dark Goddess can easily be misunderstood due to her portrayal by the media, celebrities and Hollywood, the masters of flipping symbols, subverting the truth, shifting perceptions so that one can participate in their focused realities and away form your own exciting dreams. The portrayal of the false feminine is atrocious and women across the globe should be furious about it, not participating in it to their own detriment. The Dark Goddess is not competitive, jealous, manipulative and easily swayed by emotions; she is grounded, and her power actually comes from her clarity that shines through from her eyes. This cannot be faked, and this is why you need to be able to discern, especially now that we have males actually emulating female behaviour after hundreds of years of being indoctrinated by female standards of behaviour found in homes and schools across the globe.
The Dark Goddess archetype is found within all women, and it is very different from what we term the âShadow Womanâ, which is the false feminine which we see everywhere in our reality. The horror show that the media portrays or the âShadowâ is simply not the same as the Dark Goddess at all. The female divine has many sides much like the masculine, particularly the divine mother, or the divine prostitute or the divine dark goddess.

When you are devoid of all power, all sexuality and all raw instinct, here is the epitome of a woman pretending to be connected to her source. If it was a true woman, she’d be exuberant, joyful, wild and trust her own inner instincts and it would show. And yet many venerate political figures, but one has to surrender their true power to be a politician. This is a great example of a SHADOW woman, not a Dark Goddess, who is lifeless, and has standardized herself so much to fit into her role.
*From Pixabay: this has a Pixabay License Free for commercial use.
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In any case, the inability for many women to express their sexuality is a huge, huge issue; this can be seen everywhere and it is very strange indeed. The mystery is how clothes, makeup and online sales for feminine beauty are being sold but in the street walking around, itâs a horror show. Nobody seems to care, the look of lack lustre in peopleâs eyes, and this is all just about one thing; people giving away their power and energy away by wasting it on rubbish. A lot of us as well coming from immigrant parents who are absolutely clueless about ancient initiation rituals that are vital for both sexes. So, we have depended alot of the mainstream media to educate us on how to behave, what to say and how to actually âbeâ. Itâs an abomination. Saying that, there are loads of traditions that are also crap as well, steeped in abuse, old belief systems, exploitation and sexual perversion. Eg. fucking children when they are children to initiate them is NOT normal, its a total perversion! This has been sneakily introduced worldwide by a bunch of disgusting feminized men who have no idea how to curb themselves due to a lack of normal initiations that were once introduced by the ancients such as the Druidic sorcerers that would give a framework to work within.
While the celebrities continue to portray idiotic expressions of sexuality for women, further divorcing women from her inner divine goddess which cannot be found in the mainstream. It is an inner journey, not a Hollywood journey. Pardon me, but Hollywood and the media are an utter nightmare for the divine feminine no matter where she is found globally. Look at the types they cast and what they are exalting as divine feminine. Certainly, just because you are an actor, a singer, or perform on stage in front of the television doesnât mean anything, but a lack of inner power, a lack of self esteem and low self worth can be the only reason anyone would be obsessed. Everyone is creative in some way and have something to contribute creatively depending on how much energy they are born with, and if they bother focusing away from stupid diversions, like people focusing on wanting to be some celebrity, all these rubbish comments you see on youtube videos like âoh you look like so and soâ oh you look exactly like âso and soâ. All rubbish. You are the celebrity, and your status was bestowed upon you by the universe.
The Dark Goddess is not a symbol of sexual liberation and empowerment and being a feminist; thatâs just what keeps getting reiterated over and over by the useful idiots in liberal colleges worldwide pushing feminism and hatred toward men. It is in fact, what is discovered at the end of the inner journey, once you have crawled down into the deep labyrinth and exploded with your multidimensional self which integrates a huge number of aspects of yourself. Once you are integrated, aware of your energy, there is an edge of mystery about the Dark Goddess, she is exuberant, mysterious and yet extremely loving and joyful. She rarely explodes into fury throwing herself out of balance, she is active, innocent, and yet she is also sexual and it is all integrated together magnificently.

You know you are integrated by the joyful way you feel. You are the Dark Goddess embodying everything in your womb, in your body and you can spend most of your time in high excited child-like energetic vibrations. Dark Matter is what is used to create and manifest.
You can embody the raw, intense power of the Dark Goddess, but just because she is so raw and powerful, it doesnât mean she is not sensitive, playful, loving; she also doesnât wiggle her fingers so she can magically lure men into a relationship and then control and manipulate them. Thatâs why men sense this and run for their lives and you are wondering why; just keep men out of this whole business, they have their own issues to worry about, and their issues are extremely serious.
Liberating your sexuality using the power of the dark goddess doesnât mean running around being promiscuous and wasting your energy jumping into bed with any moron, doing pub crawls, wasting your life force with CRAP including drugs and alcohol . This is Hollywoodâs intention. They love you wasting your energy because the system is all focused on how to abuse you and keep you forever amused by senseless distractions. First of all, you cannot unleash your sexuality or your femininity without SURRENDER TO SPIRIT! You have access to Spirit in so many ways.
Some people have a proclivity toward spirituality even as children, while others are yanked in, while others still are unconscious totally. Well, the truth is that Spirit is magical and you may not get its attention by focusing on your everyday life, but sometimes it calls to you through the dream world, through the astral; sometimes Spirit will interrupt your life.
I remember a time at university there was a Portugese novel I came across in the library, which I really canât remember the title now, discussing the goddess Yemaya and how she devoured men at sea, and the description of her and how I was so seduced by the passages, the words, the imagery of this dangerous love affair. I remember borrowing this book several times only to read the passages, and it was years later that I began to build my own altar at home to Yemaya. Spirit was calling, and how do you know? It is this incredible pull around the heart! The path of the heart! I was already writing poetry secretly for years toward the elements of nature which I began to focus on, unable to stop my extreme desire to create passionate love affairs. You pull the attention of Spirit by sneaking around and doing things you really love and being authentic. You donât do it by listening to governments, schools or parents! Guidance may certainly come from these places but ultimately what does your heart say?!
True power emerges from engaging from life experiences, and unexpectedly, you will find the Dark Goddess emerging as a sense of true empowerment; you will emerge as HER, your eyes will take on a shine, an inner power, and the whole universe engages with you, information begins to come along, so does your inner voice. You will partner with the unvierse as the ultimate lover, and create alongside it; and if a soulmate comes along as a bonus, hell yeah!
The Dark Goddess helps you take responsibility for YOURSELF by healing those traumatized aspects and let me say that any sexual abuse that has taken place as a child is the hardest to heal which is why it is so widespread; thats where the systems, the cabal and the feeding inorganics want you. They want you forever a victim, crying and mooing your life away. You will HAVE to do shadow work and heal yourself by getting your hands on any method that resonates with you. Nobody has all the answers, you have to do the work yourself.
The Dark Goddess means you have to walk out of the established mentality or you will end up with an establishment partner, established kids, an established house and an established existence ready to contribute to your true partner which is the government and the system. The Dark Goddess operates outside the systems, but you can meet her out on the edge of the unknown; she is raw and wild and sexual and authentic and she can stand alone in her divinity. The Dark Goddess isn’t likely to draw many people as you an imagine, and will find it hard to attract raw masculinity unless they too have delved into his own powers and so he suddenly recognizes her totally.
A woman who is raw and a powerful, standing in her own truth and power would NEVER be a threat to a true masculine. He will be intrigued, but it doesnât mean that men have to sit there with you and knit by your side forevermore, because you WANT him to be wild and a hunter too! What is the point of getting a wild man and then trying to tame him? Both partners want the wildness to remain and both will have an equally passionate relationship wtih the universe itself!
Here are some of the behaviours that constitute the delusional false female matrix. As a woman you must begin to DISCERN what is true for you and that means tapping into your authentic self, not lying to yourself. Here are just a few behaviours that stem from false belief systems gathered from those morons and nitwits in Hollywood, from elitist agendas, mainstream music stars, mainstream media, who barely have two peas in their heads to rub together, pushing garbage ideas into your reality.
- pretending you are twenty years old when you are fifty, but you donât have a man and you are experiencing loneliness and bitterness because you have no creative pursuits
- acting and behaving like the actors in movies because you are a dullard, for example, the ‘sex and the city’ nonsense, mimicking anything you see, I mean its BEYOND idiotic, twerking, oh my god, absolutely ridiculous for grown mature women
- dating online and giving up all your possessions and money to a catfish because of delusion and self pity
- mothers who keep a hold tightly on their children because they are alone, desperate and needy, and want their daughters to conform to their control or their sons to be their romantic partners this is VERY COMMON-STOP THIS AND GROW UP!
- controlling men to such a degree in a relationship that they start acting out and you start crying and moaning that they are cheating, watching porn or going into drugs to get away; its partly them and partly you
- pretending to be a cougar so you can be popular, but in reality you are an energy vampire for younger, feminized men who are clueless themselves
- saying you are on the side of women but you feel jealous, competitive and secretly want the other one to fail, a sense of false self importance which is easy to see through
- controlling family members by constantly moaning about your illnesses which may or may not be imaginary so you can harness self pity
- making your career a priority because you want to be like a man because you’ve been reared that way and have completely lost all sexual connection with your inner being
- pub crawls like you’re a lumberjack, throwing punches and going to fraternity parties in which you don’t belong but you are dying to be a man
- traumatized but refusing to do the shadow work to find out why you’re behaving insane, and why you’re menstrual cycles are not a a joyful occasion
âTo take the world into one's arms and act towards it in a soul-filled and soul-strengthening manner is a powerful act of wildish spirit.â â Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype