A visiting Greek professor who came to see us at the University when I was still in school told us many things, but really there was one thing I remembered and only this, despite his extensive knowledge of history or philosophy, and it was when he said, ‘Friends, the moment you stick your neck out, you get it lopped off by the dumb masses.’ Nothing has been more evident as we progress further into this century; that the individual doesn’t matter, and that the machine requires compliance and agreement.
Truly the sheer inability to accept anything different in the society is shocking, and by different I don’t mean pink hair and all this stupidity around gender ideology. I am speaking only about energy and the inability of those caught in the matrix to step into other perception. Because it is all about your own perception and your ability to see differently. You cannot see a different perception by sticking to what you know; cultures, religions, ideologies do nothing to help you move out of stagnation. Nobody said it was easy that is for sure. I would never be able to do that without help from external forces, but rest assured that when your heart is asking, the universe responds, especially when it is big questions like ‘Why am I here’ and ‘What is the meaning of life and death’ because huge things emerge from the desire to know, the desire to be free or the purity of intent.
If Western Civilization ever does re-emerge from the darkness, sure it will not be unscathed, will not just have new boundaries which will redefine itself, especially when it comes to the female and masculine roles which have nothing to do with Christianity or any other religion as such. This is an unfolding global phenomenon.
The new direction means we have stripped our beliefs including roles that we play within society until we are back to the red root chakra, stripping us down to the energetic roles we play such as learning how to be true females who care about their community, children and who are devoted to their own inner power. Not what we have had up to now with totally disconnected from nature itself, INCLUDING the horror of religions. Always know that anyone who screams for the establishment of oneness or ‘ishlamo-communism’, an insistence that we all conform to one way of thinking is truly working within the matrix or system or the machine. We can see that despite all the screams for religious propriety, we are living in the dark ages still, so far removed from our own innate understanding of nature, reality and even true historical truth, desiring instead to remain delusional, deliriously worshipping so we can go to God and get those virgins. Imagine how hysterically ridiculous this is as is the belief that we go to heaven, hell or purgatory; utter rubbish due to delusion, a distortion of reality, and the matrix which programs you into the kindergarten mentality. All that includes religions who insist on their delusional garbage which is why they are mostly rejected by science and why there is such a huge division between spirit and science. Really it should not be this way because both have to be considered together and must move together hand in hand always. Quantum physics is one example of this phenomenon.
Quantum physics tells us that nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer. That statement, from science, holds an enormous and powerful insight. It means that everyone sees a different truth, because everyone is creating what they see~Neale Donald Walsch
Farcical Belief Systems.
Because of hundreds of years, multiple realities, interferences by external forces and the matrix manipulation, the struggle for power between genders, within families, within all relationships really has been very real. Confusion, a misunderstanding of energy and a disconnection from the natural world have contributed to an impoverished state of community, family, and the tragedy of education. The dream of the world or the world we live day to day has been splitting into different paths; one is continuing the cycle of trauma and pain and regressing into a toilet bowl of nonsensical systems, disassociated with reality, authenticity and this lying to oneself is so shocking. This is why people who create the most heinous crimes have deep ties toward either idiotic ideologies or religion where they can hide their own stupidity behind these large archetypes they tap into or rather that can tap into them. The more broken a person is, the more susceptible, the more delicious they are for those who are starving for control or power to make themselves feel useful or important.
This is the collective story in brief: “I need to feel in control, in power over YOU, because you can expose my stupidity, my insecurities, my inability to look at myself clearly. So I use religion and family and the community including ‘honour’ killings as excuses for my incompetence, my lack of emotions, my inability to bond within the family because I was tricked into it and now I am forced to endure this prison. I am completely unaware of my unconscious behaviour and have never been taught to be a true man or woman of knowledge. If I’m a woman I secretly manipulate and control, and if I’m a man, and I am struggling mentally, I turn to god to porn or to drugs desperately seeking validation from everywhere because I have no guidance and have been left bereft with no connection to others except though established feminized institutions, all schools, political, sports, prison etc, and I am completely without any life’s purpose.”
Once there is no purpose, then life becomes a celebration or a revenge against life itself; a silent rage against the tonal which a man with no purpose or knowledge cannot control and so blames everything around him except himself. The systems within the systems force you into old outdated traditions, unwanted fidelity, controlling, manipulating behaviour that is vile and does not lead anyone to freedom. We see this everywhere, there are countless examples and the acts of revenge are getting bigger and bigger. Sometimes desires take over because they have been so suppressed but anything in the shadows can evade people who then get consumed with power and control. A financially stable or capable man depending on his inner purpose can be driven to destroy everything around him for power because he doesn’t know what it truly is; his job then isn’t to expand his empire but to seek knowledge and look deeper for awareness. Not to turn to drugs, porn or video games, this is shockingly infantile. Listening to the Mexican drug cartels tell their stories is a whole other level of insanity and the desperation for power and control and that includes all violence which has been bred out of poverty, dysfunctional families, and all sorts of trauma. Just walking around the streets in most of the West, we can see the cluelessness of people and their energetic despair; it is in people’s eyes and their energy. It is WORSE in third world countries and other countries where there is no understanding of anything except religion because it doesn’t match up with their limited knowledge of life. That is what is driving the impoverished into the first world where there is some semblance of order.
Examining the Inner Shadow
Sitting on their internal unexpressed resentment, people will begin to backlash; porn, gambling, drug dealing, human trafficking, torture of animals, etc, and pretending to be happy, to go along with your systems. In the worst scenarios, they manifest as religious extremists, all sorts of violence including engaging with the black web and engaging with children abusively in one way or another. In a world that has a kindergarten mentality that permeates families, societies, institutions, few can escape the torment that is somehow suffered by the inner child. It is the inner child that has to be firstly addressed and it has to be addressed by the same gender. It is Brotherhoods and sisterhoods that have been lost but it is those very tribal organizations that once were responsible for teaching children not just ABC and math, but their own spiritual roles within the society, not bashing children who have specific talents until they are angry and bitter and rebellious. There are always exceptions to everything but once upon a tribe, we knew how to deal with individuals and had insight into their unfolding path. In this reality, we only get lucky if our parents turn out to be the 5 percent of a global population.
In place of tribal initiations that once existed, we have replaced them with organizations that absorb the individual and pull them into a group such as drug cartels, freemasons, NFL/sports, religious organizations, the industrial prison complex, universities, governments, but what is ‘allowed’ in these organizations dictates behaviours. It is the nature of these systems to condition you like Pavlov’s dog into your belief systems.
Female Destruction happens when there is no Inward Search
Women have the job of doing their inner work instead of trying to control external circumstances but we are in a time when they have a hard time being contained due to the lack of safety and the fact that they are the mothers, primary caregivers most of the time; they were left to themselves if not abused in some way, they stepped into male roles while men have taken a backseat to aligning with their own masculinity. So in that role, they cannot handle men stepping out of line and are trying to force them into compliance which has the opposite effect; even in the silence you can expect issues to arise secretly. One has to understand then one’s role as a man and a woman and strive for the authentic self but it is a matter of knowing how energy works. This is internal work plus it is knowledge which one needs in order to take the steps; I have seen people doing all kinds of internal work and though it is a good step forward, they are still not really able to release the control or understand their own varied role in attracting what they are experiencing. One example is a woman who was extremely traumatised as a child, went deep into exploring her inner self and yet still, and understandably, unable to understand that she was also a key part in her own suffering. Sometimes if you are deeply traumatised to begin with, it is virtually impossible to accept or release what happened no matter how much internal examination you do. You simply have to do your best with what you have.
Women Step onto the Masculine Solar Path
We want to be cared for, to feel safety and containment but when the masculine energy is confused, purposeless, sits around playing video games, is on drugs and drinks on the weekends and has no purpose but porn and nonsense like that then women have stepped into those male roles. This can go badly as well as we can see how masculine women are in their attitudes, their demeanors, their appearance and this adopting male shadow behaviours like going out drinking and passing out like a dufus. But there are also a sort of women who have taken a journey below onto a Solar path of discovery to uncover their own male and female sides and come to certain realisations. This is why the shadowy left has emerged with such passion, determined to defend abortion and green hair and the victims that abound on the planet. It is a manifestation of that troubled, immature, shadow side of girls that has been damaged. This is why there is so much screaming, crying and demanding by this immature sect though other women who are truly connected to their inner selves will not behave this way at all. Women at their very finest are inclusive, open hearted and laughers, understanding that our small communities matter, so do our dreams, and nature and nourishing the soul and that inner pathway to discovery is the way forward.
If one does not face their own inner shadows, they will simply live an unconscious life, with the mirrors that rise around them simply the same unresolved issues rising until they are dealt with. Everyone is on different pathways, but at least question yourself before you are triggered or you react. Your inability to see things differently or to stick to your beliefs is why your reality is the way it is; you are creating it with your thoughts.
The Kindergarten Mentality dominates Globally.
Those who think they are more clever than nature, more perfect than that which is our greatest teacher are the ones to fear; biology cannot be changed to feed your delusion. Maybe in another reality but not this one in which delusions, self lies and doctrines dictated from religion such as shame, hellfire, paradise create a babyish mentality. Be wary of getting into it with any partner that believes such detrimental nonsense because you will be yanked into it sooner or later. Idiotic, babyish expectations that are out of alignment creates an inauthentic self because people simply copy what they see in the media which has now become the community or the tribe. Thus the kindergarten mentality is what dominates all relationships and has seeped into politics, economics, and social structures across the globe now.
Thus this incredible disconnect from the primal and nature due to the interference of church, state and man made structures that have nothing to do with the true primal, but people are turning to this safety so they don’t have to turn inward. Wearing Diana Lucifera’s red shoes and prancing around in the Vatican using subversive symbolism to re-enact old pagan rituals isn’t something the masses will understand perhaps. But that’s why you need to pick up a book, examine true history and philosophy and alternative history before you open your mouth.
Neither men nor women can follow the other into knowledge; they can criss-cross learning to learn about each other like the tonal and the nagual, which are the earth and spirit but knowledge comes from power and experience and engaging with Power directly. First thing is to detach and not be swayed by every little thing that triggers you, or shoves you this way and that; a man or woman of knowledge learns from engaging, also from books or movies and moving out of comfort zones. Even if you are in a comfort zone, and you do not wish to do what I did, dropping my whole life, throwing it in a bin, leaving with some suitcases and ending up at Heathrow airport alone in London. Well you don’t have to be that drastic. Rest assured, I never made the decision to do that alone; I followed my intuition, my dreams, the signs directing me and for that whole month before I left, I was seeing the Union Jack. I knew where I had to go, but we have to uncover this by ourselves and this falls in step with our intention and my intention was also not mine alone. It was a culmination of many selves in various realities that are unfolding simultaneously. Think upon yourself as a sun with many rays going into various realities, parallels and times.
This is why the path is solitary and so important for the woman to be connected to the inner womb, the dream state, the power within. Sleeping is therefore extremely important and that means sleeping earlier; and it seems to be as well, that women and children need more sleep than men. While that is clearly me generalizing in the extreme, it is what I have learned through experience. Women must sleep earlier and longer too, even though for many it is very difficult due to responsibilities, stress and a lack of a dependable community. That is why there is more demand for governments to support single mothers but that is definitely not the answer because the state cannot replace the father. Ancient societies depended on small communities but we have all but lost that and now there is a lot of pressure on families and single parents who often find themselves struggling economically.
Putting on fake body parts to become a different gender is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard and it comes from people who are divorced from the natural world and delusion has become their normality. It is pushed by the institutions that are defended mostly by women who are pushing an agenda because they want to be in control and do not trust the universe and have embraced a false self. But rest assured, the same way we fell into the root chakra, this will force the genuine female and male to work together authentically to re-establish community with more freedom. Meaning can only come through understanding knowledge, inner power and taking responsibility for one’s own stupidity. Looking within has never become more important. Reading about spirituality, waving a wand, burning some incense, swimming naked in a sea in Thailand or making a video about yoga doesn’t make you an expert in spirituality. Unfortunately one has to go into the depths of the underworld, fall to the bottom of pain or something that shakes them, reassemble their souls and regain some semblance of self empowerment to begin the journey. So Only Fans and bar hopping on Friday and sniffing cocaine, sitting in front of video games for hours on end will not get you in touch with yourself. These are distractions, addictions and excuses so you never face reality which is that you are the centre of your own reality and you are doing it to yourself.