I am Sovereign

The Awakening Dragon: it is you. Joys of Creative Writing by Sylvia Xamanka

Like Grandmother Spider, channelling or writing or any artwork builds on itself, using simple movement of life, cars, people walking dogs, having coffees, children moving down the sidewalks,  couples flirting; the world around me moves in waves, inspiring me to be fluid, working the energy of power into my creativity. I do not wait for the muse, nor do I search for it in what has manifested around me because it is totally useless. So it is the feeling I chase instead. No matter where I am, cities or mountains or streets, in woods or in a room, it doesn’t matter, the power moves through me, directing itself, engaging with the living consciousness around me. I Am what I Am.

“The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamouring to become visible.” ~Vladimir Nabokov

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