How To Become an Old Fool

The Ego Self and the Imposition of the Superego

Without an ego, you cannot survive anything in life, because you need to create or establish some identity in order to advance into success whether it is regarding career or family or anything creative you want to do. How could you possibly flow with life without knowing your personal power?  Establishing a strong ego from the start gives you a pathway to follow, an intention or belief in yourself and trusting your intuition that comes from an honest, authentic place.  You can’t know if you are lying to yourself unless you are aware and aren’t scared to drill into yourself ruthlessly, otherwise it’s all crap and you are deceiving yourself.  Many people accept whatever they are given as reality and most of the time it is because they are brought up that way or they simply have been told what to think and don’t even bother examining their beliefs.

It is important that there is TIME to examine what is true or not by being given space and most people can’t do this due to the tight grip of society or family. If you have kids especially, it is harder to have time to yourself and a lot of this is just the way society is structured in which a man and woman need to raise children alone. So, you hardly have any space for yourself and by the time the children are gone, your life has gone by and your energy has dissipated as well, so you can only examine yourself with the very little energy you have left. And if you are suffering form anything, whether it is trauma or any illness or pains, well you simply won’t have any energy available, least of all for examining belief systems or your own personal journey. Some people are lucky to be able to get through it living in a restrictive society as we are, but many can’t make it through and that is why it is important that information becomes increasingly easy to understand and available to the masses.

Finding the Authentic Self

Connection to the real self, the real ego which is necessary to set some sort of intent, gives you the ability to channel your higher self and information that can trickle down into your consciousness; and if you are grounded, it is even better as you will get clearer as you establish more of an ego. Not everyone can make a connection to their inner self if there is no interest in it, because many won’t do the inner work to learn more about the nature of reality. And that is all fine as well, they become part of the unconscious masses.

What happens normally with age though, people can become inflexible and stalwart in their beliefs and we see this quite often once people have been indoctrinated into systems which can happen at any age. People who end up in the systems and continue to enforce the old matrix rules without thinking then you not only become the slave, but also the slave master. This is how you turn into an old fool. Someone who never engages fully with the authenticity of life.

To be real and authentic with yourself is the only way to stop the inevitable march toward your own stupidity; not to just keep insisting that you’re right and a know it all. You need to be brutally honest with yourself and stop lying about things in your life, to stop deceiving yourself by blaming others for what has happened or unfolded in your life.  It is important to keep on searching within as it is the only way to get out of the madness that has inflicted so many. You can be part of the great intelligentsia, but it means NOTHING if you aren’t honest with yourself; I have noted many people who are intelligent but are full of empty holes in the background because they aren’t honest and won’t do the inner shadow work and feel unfulfilled but they lie to themselves endlessly, unable to face the void. Believe me, I know it is extremely difficult to journey into the self. Nobody is more of a fool than me, and it is why the universe had to push me and trick me into learning.

Once the world has flipped over after the great ‘crown’ issue or ‘covid’ issue which has to do with the ‘corona’ has also brought us to the point of beginning again on this planet, working from the root chakra, for lack of a better word, which connects to the crown. There is no exiting off that circle as long as we are here on the planet, until we have retrieved our own unified energy through the cycles of reincarnation. Until then, we must need to turn our attention to living in connection with our bodies which are connected entirely to the divine and it has been religion and ridiculous false morality passed down to humanity from Hollywood ideas.

The Primal Connection

The connection to the body is fundamental to our new direction, so you can be as intellectual as you want, make excuses to keep yourself trapped in restrictive situations like jobs you hate, families that are burdensome, suppressing yourself because you ‘have to’, or becoming self suppressive against your own body and your desires, you are in trouble.

Your primal connection is essential to the awakening and to ascension and while this is vastly important for both sexes, it is FUNDAMENTALLY VITAL for men who rule the lower chakras and can get stuck there extremely easily. With society not allowing the masculine energy with ample opportunities to link with their primal energy within, and finding ways to undermine them, it will not give them the pathways to the upper chakras where women dominate entirely. This return to the primal doesn’t mean we are going to run down the street carrying axes, living in caves and wearing horns!  

There are too many people already far gone and unable to return to their natural roots which is required with realignment with the planet and less with the matrix reality which has been handed to us by overlords, elitists and the systems have that have been so prominent so far. This won’t obviously be for everyone because too many have already chosen the path that leads off the timeline we are choosing collectively. Many who are too far gone to reach into the primal parts of themselves simply won’t understand or know how to adjust into the new world we are creating, but they will create their own with like minded people.

The crown chakra movement of 2020 brought us to a new level of protesting, and for the yang energy of the planet it is of utmost importance, to shake up the systems that have been failing for so long.  It is also shaking snoring masculinity to wake up and start protesting, reclaiming the hero within by understanding that they must individually or collectively realize how much they are suppressed or systemized by female standards of behaviour.

Using the primal instincts is absolutely coming forth as a vital part of existence.  For the woman, this is extremely liberating as she will be delving into her instincts, into her body which is essential by ensuring the body is in balance as much as possible and watching her diet. For the masculine, it is a return back to his sexual side, his root chakra which involves celebrating his wild side without shadow females trying to control his every move.  All people need to be physical but for men it is a mandatory thing to do something that engages them with their bodies and even other men, such as sports or martial arts, diving, whatever, you get what I mean. Pent up rage or energy needs to be constructively directed because right now it is being used by elitists to control men through the prison industrial complex, drug gangs, wars, or some other nonsense violence.

From my previous blog where I channelled the MASCULINE COLLECTIVE, here I go again:

Depending on my inner will and intention, I will, out of rebellion do the OPPOSITE of what you tell me; I will cause chaos or I will capitulate to you and become a secret passive aggressive nightmare and ruin societies or I will take charge of my life and not let a partner, mother, sister or daughter or the systems control or manipulate me.

I Am the Failure of the Systems: I Am that I Am.

Here speaks with pride someone who was a failure of the systems; never approved of, never accepted, and I hate the systems as much as they despise me, but at least I am not a fool pushing the narrative of a crumbling system that has never worked. It worked to cover deceptions, criminality, and the crazed power hungry, who never have questioned themselves, or accepted that there is a world beyond what is seen.  This despicable behaviour of the systems, simply pushes the agenda and idiots within these systems are a huge problem because so many of them have obtained power by giving it to each other, passing from one disempowered person to another.

The old is not exactly dying, but rather we are rising to parallel this shadow side of the planet, which is coming into a new alignment with itself. It will no longer be just ‘mother’ earth, but rather a planet balanced within. This must also happen within people, a rebalance but it won’t be happening unless we can recognize the roles of masculinity and femininity, and many of us have been going through the traumas and re-aligning with the true roles of the two genders.

To be a failure in the system is to be celebrating your freedom as an independent and critical thinker because the system is full of dufuses; look at schools as a primary example using women who have poor sexuality, poor ability to think, poor physicality to teach children! And teach them what? And how can you teach without your own powerful awareness and maturity? Let us go into ANY school and interview teachers and see what we get! Anybody can learn the countries on a globe, but critical thinking is a whole other story. The younger children are the more easily they pick up energies and so it does MATTER who you have teaching and certainly placing non-critical thinkers to ‘babysit’ young children who just ‘play’ is a crime.

Humanity’s Linear Thinking: It’s all nonsense

Most people lost in the same circular pattern of thinking, what I call thinking in a straight line, is how you get sucked into a brainless systematic way of thinking and behaving. Anyone who has been systemized perfectly to fit into feminized standards of behaviour which are ALLLL the systems, is going to be in very big trouble when trying to find fulfilment. A man who is a criminal stands a chance because he thinks on his feet, he thinks primal, despite the wrong choices, he is at least able to think strategically; but look at the systemized man and try not to vomit, with his gloves and his masks listening to the likes of BBC and CNN.

Linear thinking has emerged from the stupidity of feminized standards which include submitting to the systems. Let’s look at the Nazis for example, the news that is available only online, certainly not in schools or libraries is that the Nazis were steeped in the supernatural, in black magic, time travel portals, Antarctica, aliens, etc. It is you who has been fleeced at school and deceived into believing what schools are training you to say; a watered-down version of reality to keep you just dumb enough to believe the narratives and serve the systems. No critical thinking allowed. Look at Paul Roland’s book on Nazis and the Occult, he suggests in the book that the Nazis were crazy and that they were ‘fantasizing’ or ‘crazy’ but it is Roland who isn’t able to get past his delusions and accept that there is certainly a reason why the Nazis did what they did and they were fully clued into everything and blitzed out of their minds on the drug ‘pervitin’. Drugs allow OTHER entities to ride on your back and pretend you are a donkey; you need to get that clear through your mind. That’s why they are pushed globally as something akin to ‘partying’ and we have societies of idiots who believe this. Ecstasy is not a drug, it is a state of being accessible to us all! 

The Delusional Old Fool can be Any Age

You can be any age to be an old fool, mostly it comes from traditional ideas or holding onto some dream or ideal which isn’t based in reality. But your whole reality is held up by that thread and so unravelling it would devastate the world as you know it. You are sold all sorts of delusional ideas including the idea of ‘heroism’ which is not going off to another country, losing your limbs, suffering from ‘PTSD’ and then being thanked for your service. That’s how you ruin good men, by sending them off into the delusional makings of people like Kissinger and then roping both men and women into that delusion. This will be hard for men to accept because it has been engrained since forever, bless them, and it is exactly why they gravitate to drugs to help them shift their perception. The harder and more focused the perception, the harder the push needs to be to change that. Romanticizing war is better than admitting to what it really is, the very ugly truth about war which we all know and I don’t have to get into it here.

The delusion of the hero tied in with wars both cater to the immature feminine nonsense that a man is off to defend his country as she waits for him with the children to return; a nefarious purpose though hides behind it and that is the use of masculine ‘energy’, wasting it on NONSENSE and that is happening worldwide, but it is Hollywood and the media (UK, Australia too) that keeps romanticizing this rubbish.

So, men go into it thinking they will gain something and they most certainly do! They gain strong teams, and friendships and team efforts which doesn’t happen anywhere else at the moment, so they work for a goal and in togetherness because men thrive in teams. Meanwhile here is our friend Kissinger:

Linear Thinking is linked entirely to Systems.

Linear thinking or systematic thoughts are what are stopping us as well from progressing into the supernatural, time travel, the paranormal, out of the box thinking, the strange and different and the unique, everyone says they want that, but that’s not true; it has become evident more and more as people who stand out have their heads cut off with a swish of a braindead moron who is intent on keeping the old systems alive-most of this is due to NO TRUE EDUCATION and just parroting what you hear without examining anything in depth. It is like defending communism without ever reading anything about it. I find that very strange and it is no wonder the elitists want to get rid of people who they refer to as the ‘useless eaters’. Despite the resistance of people, more and more people are being pushed and pressured by universal forces to adapt or change. The truth is that if one thing is admitted to be true, then the house of cards falls down; I mean look at the disappearances in National Parks and how they are covered up. What is more revealing are the Youtube comments of ordinary people who continue to deny anything paranormal; maybe if a house fell on their head it would help.

Becoming an OLD FOOL is easy if you are inflexible, have delusional or systematic thinking and keep following what you hear because you have been programmed to; it’s insane, and then you go to the cinema and watch movies about people who are daring, take risks and stand out of the crowd and you clap. But if someone does that in life you are the first one to cry and moan. People generally do not want anyone to be different, no matter how much they insist. It’s all bogus rubbish and all we have to do is look at what is happening around us now with censorship in overdrive. OLD FOOLS want everything to stay the same; they are inflexible in body and soul and age faster due to the lack of energy flow. You can see this in the street, it is no longer hidden, but in plain sight.

But we know that there is nothing to fear, death is an illusion, so what if you end up in the earth eaten by worms, or you go up in a puff of smoke, you won’t be there anymore anyway.  So what if the climate changes, stop and use your nugget, because if you live the right away, then you won’t care! Low energy, poor energy, low vibe can certainly live on this planet and not know anything and continue living well. But it is the OTHERS I am reaching out to: the authentic ones, dancing across dimensions, always reaching to the heart to guide them, using the mind to reason, and joy as their map to freedom. Self deception is the biggest trick there is and so many fall into it.

Trickster Coyote says: Stop lying to yourself or fall into the trap you set for yourself by creating a webs of lies and getting trapped in it. For further examples, see Wile E. Coyote.

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