Your imagination is what is used to create Hollywood’s reality, that is why the state of the world is where it is at, because all they had to do was draw your attention into their rubbish or subversive reversals of symbols and energy and make you think it is ‘cool’. For a more detailed explanation of subversive symbolism, I highly recommend looking at Michael Tsarion’s work which is available on or you can google him and find his work, as he has been censored years ago. The Battle for your Focus is on. for more on works by Michael Tsarion
The destruction of the world has been done over time, systematically, by contaminating belief systems, using trauma in every conceivable way to move peoples perception into a victim mentality. Oppressor or victim mentalities are now everywhere due to this inability to see any different because of the uniform way the masses have been manipulated into perceiving their reality and it is the way Hollywood and the elitists have been focusing us through movies media and now the mainstream media. Diversity of peoples, cities, landscapes, towns, cities, are being pushed toward globalist conformity and what is gained from this? Simply more control and because of this pressure to conform into one thing, it has even affected the energies of people; children born out of no desire, no intent by the father, further contaminate the reality we are in. First of all, there is no MORALITY which means there is no right or wrong, you are advanced and mature enough though to act by what you know in your heart is the highest alignment you can muster. For example, you might lie to get a day off work which is one thing, but to decide to kill someone in the street because you are a psycho and have mental issues are very different things indeed. It is normal to be authentic, aligned with your heart and to listen to your desires.
Where Is your focus going? Are you creating your own world or someone else’s?
Looking around now with everyone focused more than ever on social media is what creates their reality they will live in, but it is a double edged sword because the battle or fight now is for attention or focus; so what are you focused on in your world? What are you looking at? Do you think that this world is lacking resources? If you do, you are completely wrong, it is your mere perception of the way the planet, but it is, in fact, a multidimensional being that we are living on that is undergoing a transformation just as we are. There is an unlimited storage of life, abundance of food and water and everything we need to create a paradise, it is a matter of FOCUS; but we are in a limited view of the planet and ourselves too. This has been the purpose of creating ‘oneness’ and control because if you control perception you control everything; let me give you a perfect example of this perception which is now global. Look at these countries in Europe: Turkey, Greece, Albania, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, etc. The mentality is EXACTLY the same among the masses; indeed there are a few who make it out, but there is no available information in English to take them beyond to where they should be. Socialisms, western media projecting an ILLUSION has sorted them out. They may know about masonry or the EU or globalism, but there are few aware of how and why the transformation of the planet is taking place and the situation that goes beyond the 3D. Out of these countries, we might find five percent of people who know anything beyond the perception they get from the television or news, or what they hear at school or what the media tells them to believe. If you think I am generalizing then why don’t you go out and interview some about their mission in life or what their dreams are? The same story you will hear one hundred times because it is the story of exploitation, self pity, or surviving something in their war- torn country; it’s always the same. It is the MEDIA responsible for this which really controls the cultures and has destroyed diversity. The issue is that if you believe then that the planet is finite, it will be finite for YOU and all those who think like you; unfortunately for you, the planet is shifting and changing constantly, shaking the fleas off it’s back as it tries to heal itself and realign with power, and what it has learned through the experiences it has gained. Exactly what has happened to the rest of us too, where we have journeyed below into a labyrinth and have learned through the experiences of the waking dream and the nightly dream.

What does he mean by this rubbish?
This is the old mentality which believes in a ‘finite’ earth because it discounts the idea that the earth is vibrational and that it is inexhaustible in the resources it can provide. This kind of mentality tells us that he is a madman for believing that the earth is finite and that it is without it’s own ability to dream itself into other possibilities. This earth has gone through billions of rebirths and has survived and isn’t going to be outdone by Attenborough and his limited views. The whole thing about this is that it promotes a non-magical view of this planet and we all know that isn’t true at all. Maybe according to Attenborough’s limited perception.
Ww3 is the Battle for Your attention, for Globalism and Conformity
Conformity, Communism, Tyranny and Globalism is Orgasmic for the World Elitists
WW3 is the battle that we are in, now for attention, focus and energy because wherever you place it, is that which you will draw to yourself, which is why we have all been doing work on ourselves for years before we got to this point here where we are marching to the beginning of something new. Either you are a critical thinker, willing to march to your own thoughts, or you are heading toward the dead way of life which includes artificial intelligence which is more like the idea that you are willing to be fucked over by governments and systems that are also dead, passionless and without any understanding of ecstasy and joy. For some people, this is their path, for me and maybe others like me, we are embracing the way of PAN, which is the energy of the wild, free, joyful, sexual, and the re-connection with the earth; this also means understanding that beyond the matrix of thoughts, we are all being monitored by external entities, certain vibrations are targeted in particular, but we are all connected as well; that doesn’t mean we need to be uniform either because there are many on this planet who are here for their own lineages, their own battles, their own ascensions and we are certainly not all the same. You might think that the freemasons or governments or elitists have control, you are wrong unless you give your power to them. But this requires understanding the nature of this reality, which means, that waking up isn’t knowing that a group of elitists are controlling you, it is about becoming discerning and looking at your own life. Especially if you want to ‘save’ the planet, which is utter nonsense. It doesn’t need saving by you. You need to save yourself from your nonsense beliefs, shadow elements and the behaviours and patterns you keep mindlessly repeating!
Hollywood Defines Who You are Because You’re Snoring
HOLLYWOOD defines the roles for you even if you aren’t aware, because once diversification was destroyed through mass immigration, destruction of old tales rooted in mythology and legends which were once held dear to people, now the tales are gone, the dance is over and Hollywood and their movies and music and morals are what is dominating our landscape and also encouraging their type of morality and sexuality. That is exactly what is dominating the entire world perception because someone in Italy and someone in the US or Australia has heard of, and is usually fans of let’s say, for example, the Rolling Stones. I am just using that as an example but the same could be said though about movies and a Jennifer Lopez romance would be something that would be copied or emulated because that is what you see in the media. This is the type of madness and affliction we see all around us. We do not hear tales of Great Grandmother Spider or Baba Yaga or Amaterasu because they are replaced by Hollywood versions of reality. Once you focus into the Hollywood reality, you are actively contributing in creating that world which then manifests in our world. When this is done en masse around the world, guess whose reality we are creating?!
If you want morality, try starting with your own life and acting with impeccability which means acting the way you think is right, for the highest good of all. It means behaving so that you benefit but so does everyone else, it is a way of seeing or perceiving which is not defined by lack but with a whole other mindset. Take responsibility for yourself and that will extend to the whole of the world.

Realigning with the Planetary Forces
Let me remind you that this universe is aligning VERTICALLY, which means the energy is now aligning with its masculine side and this will see expansions in outer space and with technology as well as leaps into primal living, redefining psychology, neurology, and a complete upheaval of relationships. We have already seen the independent media explode, people speaking up about their own experiences and their own battles for survival. The masculine energy which has been forced on so many women who struggled on their own for so long, forced to survive, now will be seeing the rise of the masculine energy within men. We are really at the very beginning of this phenomenon that will unfold more and more, that is exactly what the ‘right-winged’ is. It is the masculine energy which is logical, traditional, embracing old type of values and that is what happens while the left which represents the leftover or ‘traumatized’ feminine of the past has been embraced. But you see, we also don’t want masculine energy to go all religious and extremely traditional on us, planting their alpha feet into throats everywhere because that will start wars and upheavals. That is not what we want, but a balance between the masculine and feminine energies which is what is currently happening now but we are at the very beginning. Up to now, as I said countless times before, we live in a global matriarchy and nothing less.
Instead of listening to Hollywood, create your own stories by writing, drawing, singing, sculpting or sewing or anything creative that you prefer while rejecting old stories. Stop giving your power over to authorities that say they are authorities including parents who while well meaning, have violated their roles by dictating rather than guiding their children into following their hearts. Parents who have emerged out of trauma themselves, then send their children into these systems are all set up for the failure of children everywhere. In fact, in places like Greece and Cyprus where I am closely associated to, you can see this in full action; everyone wants the ‘best’ for children and they are forced into jobs they then hate or just adapt to because it is ‘how it is’ and nobody questions institutions that have been liberalized over years and years.
Celebrities are Pigeons who work unsuspectingly for the Elitists whether they want to or not.
Look at the celebrities who play roles that we see in movies, especially with those who really believe that it is just ‘an act’. It is not just ‘an act’ because if you ‘act’ you are getting into the vibrational stance to ATTRACT THAT. The universe doesn’t understand it is a movie or just a scene that you are acting in so that you can get paid; you are actually inviting the universe into the game when you are acting because the universe is abstract and doesn’t understand words. So celebrities or actors who get into the zone or feel of the movie, are doing themselves a disservice if that isn’t what they want to attract. Acting is essentially what we do day to day in order to attract what we want, and it is why there is so much focus on acting in Hollywood. They create the realities they want through YOUR focus and YOUR feelings and YOUR intentions; and if they have nefarious purposes, you certainly won’t know will you? Look at the story behind the manuscript of ‘The Matrix’, the real author was ousted and the two trannies who took it over tells you everything right there. Tranny-isms is a reversal of energy, subversion of the energy, exactly like so much worldwide symbolism. So, what reality will you create? The feminized version of reality from Hollywood which tells you bravo if you are a good, compliant donkey who follows mainstream media, or are you going to follow the way of the critical thinker who understands that there is a far more complex situation going on in which your attention is key for creation. Not everyone is on the same path, that’s for sure, and get ready because like it or not, masculinity is hot on the rise, which will cause upheaval in the old systems. There is no other solution but for men or YANG energy to take responsibility for what is happening due to their previous inactions; they cannot linger back scared of their mothers, wives, sisters or daughters and how they will be ousted from society! This is what has been going on so far. Rebellion is naturally masculine even if it is a woman acting on her masculine side! There are however a few dangers that will come from this: one being the insistence of the feminized ones currently in schools, systems, hospitals, corporations clinging desperately to the past because they are blindly insisting on the old systems. And secondly, the ones who will be rebelling but clinging to the outdated systems of the church and religion and god and such nonsense. They are currently on the rise now, but it is not a uniform movement toward ascension but very individual. Still though, we must keep an eye out on those currently standing for ‘traditional’ values and things from the past, because that was ALL nonsense too, and also stems from fascism, such as violently beating children because Jesus said so. Utter lunacy.
Understanding that we are multidimensional beings who are infinite, living on an infinite planet and with the ability to create our own manifestations. This planet is trying to regain the balance between it’s yin and yang sides which are manifested as infinite fragments that go on forever. Everything including politics, economics and anything going on collectively and individually is that expression of rebalance. Stories are told incessantly, YOU are also the story dreamed in by the universe. We learn through knowledge and understanding and that is exactly how perception shifts. And always know, the universe LOVES stories, and loves yours the most!

Here’s a gorgeous poster of the ASSEMBLAGE POINT: You are just a point of perception which can not only shift, but you also have the ability to choose where you focus. You are not just human but an extension of source energy which is infinite. Your body is an extension of source, despite the lunatics who separate the body, spirit and soul. It is utter lunacy: there is no afterlife to worry about, but THIS life which is the further most expansive point of the universe.