Awareness: Is the risk worth it? If you drink and take drugs, then you can certainly risk the opposite and go for awareness instead, because it is also a precarious path and you can get the same ecstatic high.
You really don’t need to drink in excess or do any drugs really, certainly not the traditional addictive kind because there are other ways to reach the same high. It is only desperate, lonely, sad or angry people who take things like ‘cocaine’ or ‘fentanyl’ because they don’t know that there is another path. It is the same with all the addictive behaviours like porn or gambling. I know it is glamourized by Hollywood movies which is where it really all emerges from, the cult that runs the world, the cult that is determining where our attention goes has literally taken over the direction of our lives. They glamourize and propagate the idea that destroying your inner being or soul will allow you to move forward gambling yourself, selling yourself for nothing. That’s what the education systems do as well, wanting you to sell your soul, conform to them (instead of the other way around) so that you can fit into society. And still we have parents, teachers and idiot officials who question nothing leading people to believe in delusions.
The way you journey or walk through life is important. How much care are you putting into yourself? Rolling out of bed unwashed, uncombed, poorly dressed mirrors your inner self, your state of mind. People seemingly don’t understand that physicality is an extension of god, unlike what our friends the Gnostics who have meddled and sneakily convinced masses of humanity a denial of the human body, a denial of the physicality and the importance of the human body which is a gift from nature to you. This viewpoint which can be seen everywhere now in video comments and so much discussion which denigrates humanity or the self or wants to eliminate carbon which is completely ridiculous as we are the physical carbon. And who pushes for this ridiculous notion? Religions do of course, the media as well, creating a murky feeling between the joy of existence and the physical body. Some idiot started off with this in order to turn people against their own bodies and that means sexuality as well! What a fabulously devious action!
Subversive Symbolism: You need to keep researching, you aren’t going deep enough into this.
Subversive symbolism and negative archetypes or shadow archetypes will and have always existed especially as we live in a polarized universe; let us look more at the symbolism of the Great God globally. It was a symbol that was reversed, that ‘goat like’ god, which if you reverse you are sort of disconnecting from all that is wild, free and sexual and reverting to perversions of energy that we can see prominently and in power in our world today! That is what happens when you twist energy, suppress it, block it, and live a lie with your delusions, believing the world is as fixed as you think it is. Thus where is this misplaced power and sexual energy going then? It has been pushed down so far you don’t even recognize it anymore. Also it has perverted so much that you will find it in the porn industry, child trafficking, prison systems worldwide manifesting as violence, mental illness, disconnection of all kinds. We then live with twisted, suppressed perverted energy that we believe is normally through the conditioning.
Where is this misplaced power, misplaced sexual energy then? It has been funnelled to the bottom and you find it in the porn industry, in the prison systems worldwide manifesting as all sorts of violence and nonsense and mental illness. Look at the state of sexuality, our anti-pleasure world has perverted so much and that love for high tech and gaming is just an escape again from the primal body. All of this is due to laziness, because people don’t read anymore, and living in the cities, it is easy to dull our senses. This is not to say tech is a bad thing, it has it’s place and certainly it shouldn’t take the place of critical thinking, creativity and self expression. People have just lost contact with so much inner being and so much with the natural world and the idea of self importance is a double edged sword because you must have an ego but an ego can also be to your detriment if it gets out of control. This is exactly why gambling for awareness is a risk! You are playing with fire. Step away from your delusional ego for one minute and suddenly things are not as they seem.
Gambling with Sacred Energy: Where is it all going?
It is going the same direction as violence which we have tried to suppress or redirect so we can use it for militaries, the industrial military complex to fuel economies, wars and disconnection. Your sexuality is your energetic source, to protect, to honour, but the world itself has thrown this away and we know this because of how prostitutes and sexual workers are treated. We do not honour our own inner power or creativity and the way sexuality is treated even in marriages and the harsh state of ‘partnerships’ which believe in ‘possessing’ or ‘owning’ the other person which is nothing short of a slavery emerging from those religions again. The way a society or country treats prisoners is also a huge reflection of society itself and how it deals with power, reveals also how sexuality is viewed; humiliation is attached to all of this as well. Men going to prostitutes, to underage girls, then getting arrested, women being treated like crap because men have no idea what sexuality is and how to maintain their own energy while improving their energy. All of this fundamental destruction of sexuality, this you owe me attitude coming from both sides, plus a lack of satisfying energy exchange has literally destroyed that fundamental need and so from this, violence emerges in the aftermath.
If you pay for energy, you should at least give joy and receive or harvest that ecstasy, not leave with empty pockets like a fool, your energy wasted completely for nothing! Nobody is getting anything out of these encounters except for the cartels which are run by men with no awareness, running the game like pigeons for the upper echelons of society which are also just cheap chattel, pimping out entire impoverished men, using them to spread their diseases and drugs. As if that will get you anywhere except fast money and survival. Sure you can do this, stay in survival, literally who cares, but in order to eliminate these types of behaviours, we will have to re-examine the idea of power and getting yourself to the place you want instead of getting yourself banged up and sitting in a prison for 23 hours a day in Mexico. All of this is tied into the fact that there is in general a complete disconnect from communities, family units and a lack of true education keeping people in the dark ages.
Risking it All for Human Trafficking and Drugs: A Sad State of Affairs
Human trafficking and the drug cartels are the result of our collective dream; the dream of wanting immediate power, needing to survive, suppressing the authentic spirit, dismissing violence, the primal and watching some idiot celebrity on stage baring it all and you admiring it all because you have nothing within, refusing to honour sexuality. All of these baseless, sad states are again related to these sad encounters with prostitutes in which you gain nothing. Women are not the only ones harmed during these exchanges. Energy is constantly being harvested, eaten or expelled on this planet. So where is your energy going today?
This is tied directly into the self and our communities, societies, countries and which may or may not depend on families which do contribute to self loathing, submission to systems like schools and religions. Sure there are great families out there that don’t promote this, but they are so few, and especially ethnic groups are notorious for promoting submission. Submission is nothing but absolute humiliation and you should submit until finally you have self loathing running through your blood, and you are herded into the same dumb masses mentality. I know that standing alone is hard and certainly it is not for everyone because not everyone is the same, not everyone has the energy necessary to stand on their own feet and many need the approval of the other.
Risking it All Takes A lot of Courage
The universe cannot be whole without you, that’s how important you are; sure we are all clogs on the wheel that turns but you are an expensive clog, certainly you should be in celebration of yourself even if you are an ant or a galaxy or a cupcake. It really is all part of the consciousness that we are all made of. Risking it all means changing your perception, shifting your viewpoint and stop sticking to one thing as though it is the only truth. Risking it all means taking a different road from the dregs of society which is on the rampage to endless distraction. Awareness requires stillness, detachment, and a wider view of the world and your place in it so you can mull over things, put the pieces together; aloneness gives you a chance to think and contemplate; or you are certainly welcome to join the rest of humanity. That’s what this reality is for, for diversions, for getting into trouble, and getting work promotions, endless travelling, pushing ever faster to the grave that awaits us. Otherwise you can put on the brakes and stop the old patterns, the old behaviours you keep repeating and push yourself onto another path.
Saturnian Archetype is a Huge Influence on this Planet
Unfortunately since we have reverted to a medieval technological state that is just as impoverished as the previous state even as technology improves, it doesn’t mean that we are any more advanced than we were before. A different type of slavery is possibly and many people will definitely end up in it but that is beside the point for the rest of us. The slaves who follow the herd have many lifetimes to discover awareness, get out of the confusions, distractions of the world. Those who are entrenched too much into religion is a good example of those stuck in hallucination, however, it may be helpful for their own path to awakening. The Saturn archetype is one example that has filtered through religions, institutions, the family unit and this is all done through symbolisms and their other favourite too: humiliation.
Let me point out that if children are humiliated, and especially consistently, it is a way not only to control them, but to destroy their inner beings. This is now why the majority of the world, having been destroyed by ridiculous parenting and over reaching demands or simply neglectful parenting or simply parents who don’t know, turn to their godly hallucinations, yet another authority which is the church to tell them how to be and. Look around at the infiltration of society by Saturnian darkness which demands you obey what families want you to become, often guiding you to your destruction if others aren’t available to help you or guide you. It isn’t easy to break out of what you are born into because you cannot simply conceive of anything different. That’s why you have to do the work yourself. An example is the people being interviews for ‘Scientology’ who were born into the cult and talk openly in interviews, that they were unable to conceive any other type of lifestyle. Well it is the same with abused children who say they thought everyone lived this way. This is why so many children cannot be saved through education, as they are being systematically destroyed by their own family; this is the result of having no ties, no community and no outlet for pleasures and ecstasies. This is how humanity has been controlled and continues down this path due to being excessively gullible because there is the idea that whatever is observed is what we should believe because that is what mainstream media wants us to believe, more Saturnian and authority telling us what to believe without examining our own psychology.
This means that the root of psychology and dysfunction needs to be addressed first at the family level, and I’m afraid we must scrutinize to the very nth degree, the idea of sexuality which is what forms and creates new life. There are few and far between parents that act as guides and are not subtle, manipulative dictators; this then continues to the feminized educations systems where this manipulation continues. This global education has spread worldwide as it was intended. I am not against education, learning or critical thinking. I believe that it is the methods that are used that are nothing short of a meat grinder, not real education. There needs to be much more awareness and a huge overhaul of how children are being humiliated.
Time is needed to examine things, to ask questions and to ponder existence, instead of wasting energy from the cradle to the grave because to be honest, we have no time here, time goes so fast; certainly the path of power is not for everyone, it is not the usual nonsense churned by thousands of woke women on social media. Most people are blind to their own psychology because they simply don’t read.
It is worth to take a less travelled path, you never know what to expect on the path or the journey into the unknown; I have heard survival stories that have brought people to their knees through realizations. Some have survived wild attacks in nature by bears and lived to tell the tale, or survived being stranded at sea, or had struggles with something beyond themselves. This is the only way sometimes, to go through the fire, because pain always pokes you awake, makes you aware.
Surviving at the lowest point brings you to a level of seeing something you never saw before. Having been on the streets myself, I am surprised at how fast your desire for awareness vanishes when you are just out to survive. That is why awareness is not for everyone, because it is hard to desire it, without the help of Spirit or nature it is a long process and for some it never really happens. They go to the cradle and the grave with a sense of importance when in reality, nature will feed on you and spit you out with the same fervour. We are literally being eaten alive in this reality, the moment we are born; it is a question of energetics, how much energy you are born with and how much you have saved and not wasted on rubbish.
Someone sitting at the slots or sitting around gambling the nights away, or drinking and wasting themselves away is someone who does not know how to live really. They are just so miserable, drowning themselves in sorrows; because nobody has ever really taught them how to turn around and look at themselves. That’s energy that is simply mis-used and can be gambled in another direction, by gaining awareness.
Awareness is deeply psychological and there are many techniques for it and you can obviously research this for yourself; questioning everything is a start, but if the life is beaten out of you by parents, teachers, religions, and such rot, you aren’t going to search for anything. You will just repeat patterns, cycles and deal with the same boring lifestyles and beliefs and nonsense; then death will come and you will begin the same thing again, in one reality or another. Frankly, it really doesn’t matter to any of us what you choose, because awareness is a risk and it isn’t easy standing alone, breaking free because it is a danger! That’s why we call it a gamble and a risk because people might not like you, you won’t get anyone’s approval and they completely reject you as I have been my whole life.
I was always puzzled as a child and growing up as a teen and then into early adulthood what in the world was going on as I have never really been accepted. I really had to do the work and follow the stream of energy to the place where I am now which is a place of full confidence, living moment by moment in the small spaces where one has the chance to connect with magnificent source energy. You magnetize to yourself through your awareness, through personal power, through becoming present in your physical body, filling the spaces of your body until you are full of your own energy; the REAL meaning of self importance! Fill yourself with the joy and presence of what you are, because even if the world goes on without you, so what?! You have attained that awareness in a world stuck in delusion, dreams and hallucinations.
I saw a documentary a while back about a woman who was communicating telepathically with deep sea nurse sharks; at one point they told her that they didn’t care about anything that didn’t have to do with themselves; the sharks were only interested in their own paths, their own lives and it is the same phenomenon with cats who are loving, but so hilariously self possessed which is why we find them such amazing teachers.
Gamble the right way then. The gamble for awareness, risk it all for an alchemical union, a relationship with maybe a partner, or maybe, definitely the universe. I would never settle for less, I would risk it all for awareness, for seeing in a new way because I am going to die one day. Death is forever present, chasing us relentlessly from birth, but to shift into a new way of thinking is a huge risk, to move the way the universe moves, brings you into a whole new life you never imagined before. Either that, or just stay stuck, sure you can do that too and best of luck.