Dreaming in the Underworld-

Writing Real Fantasy Worlds


For the past twenty years, I have experienced the most interesting phenomenon of entering dream realities that I have focused in during the writing process. My unfolding into this new learning was completely tinged by magic, mystery and a pathway of the heart that I couldn’t imagine would ever be possible. We are never told at schools about this path of magic and dreaming and joy. We are disheartened into a cold reality that was manufactured by those who are not interested in the earth’s progression. Thus during this mysterious process of writing, or even the art of re-writing, became for me an amazing discovery of how to focus reality, manifest it into being and watching my characters come alive.

This whole idea is not for the faint of heart living in a 3D bubble of reality. It is for those who are the living embodiment of power. Finding yourself in dreaming mode, in alternate moods or feelings of other worldliness can take you into other realities that are just as real as the world we live in here.

The type of dreaming that I am focusing on here is not the kind which is what we experience when we sleep at night. That kind of dreaming is only the first stage of learning how to tap into the unconscious state. It is where beginners must go first. Night dreaming is the place we release our belief systems and allow new perceptions, as long as we are able to focus with intention.

More and more what is happening is a collision of the waking world and the dream world. That is what it means to be moving toward more multidimensional awareness. We are being guided by our higher selves and other worldly guides, going through tangible contact, magical encounters and synchronicities. Your dream scenarios act out both in your dream world and your waking world more and more. This why gaining a degree of clarity is vital for everyone, especially those who are on the path of the heart, the path of redefining power clearly. A woman who is on the spiritual path cannot transform herself or anything without having a degree of clarity from within.

Look around at the reality you are in. You will only see from your own unique perspective, but authenticity is a key factor if you are searching from a heart based perception. The universe who is your co-conspirator respond with scenarios that mirror back to you your reality. For example, I continuously have women who oppose me appearing as a reflection of myself. They are unaware versions of myself with an agenda. They are a resistance movement. But the only way I can see this is if I have something to compare it to from the past. Are there patterns from the past that are appearing? That’s where you begin. Flesh and blood people are nothing but backdrop to the stage you are standing on. They are patterns of energy. Who and what keeps appearing? Track the pattern!

My own patterns which are realities superimposed on each other are places that are related to the shadow or places of the dead where Inanna meets her sister Ereshkigal in the Huluppu Tree. That’s how I focused it and so that is how it appears in my reality. It’s all about energy and the universe will use your focus to create scenarios that we have written in, attracted to ourselves through the path of least resistance.


Ereshkigal: What is Hidden in the World Below:

Identifying our Shadow

She is the shadow woman, swallowed by her own fears and suppressions. She is depicted as demonic, suppressing her awareness and the power of her own womb. She is the one who has tapped into yang, but not enough into yin; she has suppressed herself so much, but eventually, all suppressions must surface in some way, mostly ugly ways. Ereshkigal is she who opposes truth and clarity and suppresses one of the most important things of all: her sexual and creative energy.

So why is the shadow woman, Ereshkigal so valid? Well for one thing, she is most women today, especially the ones who populate the establishment, the ones that dread what we embrace. Those who want control and power at the expense of everyone, because of their flagrant egos and this is the type that populates the planet today: unconscious, subtle controlling maniacs.

Well, dear Ereshkigal, the mirror of us has spread herself far and wide and performed so well, that you wouldn’t even recognize her unless you have gone deep into your own shadow side and examined it. She is to be found everywhere: in every institution including banks, schools, religions and marriages. She has even interjected her subtle controlling bullshit into the new age movement to make sure nobody escapes. Schools are a great example of her power and control: if you are a teacher in any school especially in the first world, no matter the reason, you have been swallowed up by Ereshkigal, which is why there is so much pressure all over the world through the media to send children to school and why attendance is becoming more compulsory.  As insane as it sounds, it is illegal for children not to go to school in the UK. What more an we say about that? Is that a sign of a democracy? How can anyone force anyone to do anything? Especially children who are pure source energy?

So Ereshkigal can be likened to a reversal of energy, the same ancient swastika the Nazis used when they took the ancient symbol and reversed it. This is what subversive symbolism is about. It is the use of ordinary information and how it is perceived or seen, and this light entering our eyes as perception is fundamental to our way of seeing reality and the world around us.

Poor Ereshkigal, the Shadow Woman wants freedom too from her chains of unawareness. She plays a vital role in our everyday world, in our unawareness, she is that which creates a passageway to freedom. How long can we be stifled by her? She must loosen her hold on this planet one way or another and the way to defeat her is through become aware yourself.  It is true that she is annoying, with her old limited beliefs, her manipulation, clinging to her tired past in order to control everything, but she is indeed the ruler of the underworld.

But she did open the door to Inanna, her sister Inanna, the Lady of the Morning Star, the opposer of limitations and the destroyer of the old and comfortable; Inanna who understand in her greater wisdom, all about these strange juxtapositions.

Inanna is you and me, on the brink of transformation. Seers of clarity, ecstatic beings of joy who know how to surrender to the universe, as Toltec warriors and lovers of existence.  

So maybe it was worth it when Ereshkigal hung Inanna on the hook to die. Start the Aalayfa Series to find out how it ends, when Inanna met Ereshkigal and how Inanna came from the Great Above to the Great Below to discover the greatest love of all, is that which is You.


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