The Creative Man is the new human being. This human being is not only alive from within, guided by his own intuition, his instinct and his desires but he is not influenced by the external stimuli to feel alive. The media, the news, the opinions of others are not a huge deciding factor for his life. This new human being is independent in the sense of the word, a true rebel who peers into own inner self for fulfilment. He works with his body fully, listens to it, and is aware of what he is eating and drinking. He follows the guidance of his inner self, without being taken in by the fallacies of the external world that pull him into the deceptive matrix.
The inner rebel is not just aware of his outer world as a passing show but is also aware of his dreaming world. He understands that inner and outer dreaming are bridged entirely through imagination and through the synchronicities the universe offers.
The Creative Man is authentic and you can feel that in his energy and around his eyes. He does not cling to things or people or have any expectations of enslaving another to elevate himself. He is fulfilled from within and it is not only love that comes through him, but so does personal power.
The Creative Man doesn’t have relationships based on desperation or need and he doesn’t play stupid power games. He is aware that power games does not allow for any true authentic relationships. The Creative Man is connected to the moment, living in the powerful new now, using his instinct and learning to control the tonal world around him. He does not manipulate or deceive those he works, lives with or has fun with. In fact, if anything, he brings them to freedom and laughter, knowing very well that his vibration and his very essence influences the world around him.
The Creative Man is open to the future and to change, seeing problems that present themselves as challenges and thus seeing himself as a warrior, playing with the universe by using his skill as a hunter. He does not envy anyone and is aware that he is responsible for his own destiny, that in fact his very consciousness is fundamentally part of the universe. This creator honours his path and the joys and sufferings that are part of his experiences, not censoring himself or caring what people say or think of him.
The Creative Man understands the truth about evil, that it is really an absence of the inner self; he knows that evil is yet another way that energy moves. This type of man is a true leader, in contact with the source of life which exists and flows from within. His life force is ever changing and growing.

Old and Destructive

The Destructive Man, is a walking zombie, and is nowhere near in touch with his emotions or inner self. He is totally insecure and you can see this in his body. He cannot find any reason for his life and can’t even think that deeply. He is needy, desperate and delusional and you can tell because he has bought into the dream of the world and has accepted that illusion as a way to give him purpose. He is addicted to anything that will fill his immediate desires, grasping this way and that, trying to hold onto anything external. The Destructive Man does not go into his heart or into his shadow side, he cannot navigate into the unknown depths of himself and thus is never excited by the true adventure of exploring his own abyss.
The Destructive Man cannot be alone and so he buys into the image of himself as reflected back to him in the illusory 3D world. Thus, his experiences are shallow and he only mimics what he has learned from the falseness around him. He cannot trust and so he fears and cannot be responsible for his own decisions. This type of destructive man is too connected to old patterns and some are often unnaturally close to their mothers as physical or archetypal.
The Destructive Man conforms and all the institutions help him achieve this conformity. Schools, religions and often cultural traditions do not let him see beyond the box; they are what guide him, selling false beliefs that he is supported and safe as long as he does not stray outside the boundaries where there may be danger. In this way, he cannot take back true personal power as he thrusts responsibility onto the external.
The Destructive Man, bred and reared by the shadow aspects of our society cannot see his own pathology, and thus he is agitated, hyper-masculine and possibly aggressive. He is a hypocrite and envies those with their own power and creativity intact, and thus secretly wishes for their fall because he is competitive and often feels a sense of greatness from other people’s failures. He is so compromised that he cannot be independent and thus finds himself in a cycle of destruction which he perpetuates himself.
The Destructive Man avoids and denies because he is so fixated on his own flaws and is unable to move forward creatively, seeking constant approval from external authority figures. His sacredness comes from his image, his external successes, his possessions and how well he can dominate the other either at home or in his business. He is so unaware that he cannot fathom that he is responsible for his own choices.

See picture above: This is what happens when you fall into the SYSTEM that is feminized. You don’t see it coming and before you know it you are in it and can’t get out. In my book series, the Shadow Woman is the key to Ascension. She has to let go of her incessant control, but will she? Not so easily. Women are also involved deeply in genetics with certain men who are their lapdogs and occupy places of ‘power’ in our world.
By eliminating the safety net of comforts in your life, you have the opportunity to free fall in this moment between birth and death, right through the hole of your fear, into the unthreatenable openness which is the source of your gifts. The superior man lives as this spontaneous sacrifice of love.”
― David Deida, The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire

The Great Transformation
To transform from a Destructive Man to a Creative Man requires an integration or marriage within of primal alpha male awareness married to spirituality and I don’t mean the nonsense of religion or the buffalo shit that is thrust on us by the feminized school system. To further complicate this, one needs to consider the various masculine archetypes as some people identify with one or more and can recognize them within. It also requires that one does the research into knowledge themselves and not depend on any mainstream media with their horseshit to define your own individuality or masculinity. Do not allow any women to define you either. You must do it alone.
The path to enpowerment is going to be long and arduous by the time men reclaim it and realize that the power they think they have and the power that is waiting to be claimed is not the same. In the meantime, we should understand that all establishments are feminine and so will not support masculinity into these new found freedoms. One simply has to move out of the boundaries of safety and into knowledge.
Another book that I had to cut and paste and you have to google it yourself due to magically disappearing links: KING WARRIOR MAGICIAN AND LOVER by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette.

“A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war: wide-awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance. Going to knowledge or going to war in any other manner is a mistake, and whoever makes it might never live to regret it.” ~Carlos Castaneda, The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge~
Men banning together is one thing that horrifies the establishment because should kingship be claimed in the positive and not in the negative aspect, it would mean the end or transformation of many of these blatantly controlling ‘holes’ where personal power and awareness are compromised.
My entire Aalayfan book series beginning with the Hood of Aalayfa takes us into a parallel earth, where both men and women are initiated into adulthood, as a stark contrast to what is happening here in this reality where men are largely left to either their own devices or to pseudo rituals to establish a semblance of masculinity.

This is book series is a re-imagined Isis and her royal descent into the world below, where Osiris lives, lost in the illusory world, partly of his own making and his own hard belief system keeping him from seeing his own truth. This is the story of the rise of the Alpha Male and it’s a great one. Welcome back, Osiris.

C. L. Easterwood Artwork;