“A man likes to believe that he is the master of his soul. But as long as he is unable to control his moods and emotions, or to be conscious of the myriad secret ways in which unconscious factors insinuate themselves into his arrangements and decisions, he is certainly not his own master…” Carl Jung

To ‘see’ energy means to deal primarily with your own psychology and to identify your own behaviour which then you can apply to the greater world beyond.
I really wanted to be a detective when I was a child, much to the annoyance of my mostly unbothered parents regarding this trajectory; reading Nancy Drew mysteries and later other similar novels I was so into as a child was a huge influence on me due mostly to the fact that children often learn writing styles and absorb until they are able to create their own style. Little did I know that I would be embroiled in the middle of the greatest mystery, fully embroiled in mystery, excitement, intrigue and steeped in the deep psychological archetypes plaguing humanity. What I would uncover meant scaffolding dimensions, crossing thresholds of time and space to get to the core of psychological disconnect between humanity and nature.
Without a psychological and energetic view of this phenomenon, we could never advance further into any truth, certainly not into the discussion of suppressed violence which is the ultimate situation. I am also aware there is tons written on this subject using facts, figures which you are free to explore. I am interested in pursuing this as a seer of energy, not a scientist because ordinary science will eliminate anything that is multidimensional or out of agreed parameters. Up to now, the madness of society, itâs violence is only getting worse as we continue that disconnection with the natural world; but you ask what does this have to do with my multidimensional series? Why am I addressing this? Well, a progressive society demands an explanation of the constructs of reality and the book series expounds on the projection of masculine and feminine expressions and the constructs of our society which currently are in dis-ease.
Not only are all realities female by nature, but the very idea of city living is created specifically to accommodate women and children particularly while men are left to fend for themselves as there are no role models in cities for the ideal man. There is only catering to standards of feminine behaviour in which everyone competes to become that ultimate beta male and many fall into this trap unwittingly.
Without the tools or the proper guidance for children, violence explodes into unprecedented expressions and then we shake our head and wonder where it came from; for example, mass or school shootings is a good example of this suppressed and then explosion of violence and drugs help this along. We are responsible for this outrageous systematic abuse of children within the systems and the terrible antagonistic battle between teachers and students which teachers will lose in the end.
All of this is connected to the suppression of natural rhythms and people who have adapted to unnatural ways of living; to accept that our lifestyles which are mostly lazy, oppressive and lack that depth of creative connection with the universe and the planet. We have managed to eliminate the primal connection to the womb, decimating the primal male as soon as he enters the matrix, determining his fate by the lack of parenting which makes it even harder. And women are also affected badly as she will not be able to dance, or act, or perform or nourish if the space that men hold is unstable, immature, undeveloped or plain stupid. How then can the female feel safe enough to trust? So who does she trust?! Government, big pharma, schools, churches. The evidence is everywhere!
It is true that there are a lot of men are completely unaware, and so information and awareness slips away from them, and unless there are leaders or other alpha males to influence their behaviour we are lost. The return of the hero is then fundamentally affecting us GLOBALLY; not just in certain places, but everywhere and all our issues on this planet, the entire whole reality is affected by this lack of heroism. Thus why the state has stepped in to keep you âsafeâ, protection by the state, by the health systems, by the schools which makes things tip over in favour of that suppressed, insane feminine energy.
The state in all itâs glory represents the fearful feminine; the helicopter parent, the overprotective destructive mother which says: shut your mouth, let the education system step in to train you, and once you are told what to do and are shown examples on television on what is expected of you through programming like sitcoms, movies and all the ridiculous rubbish from Hollywood, then you will be accepted in the club. Look at the television shows they showed throughout the twentieth century showing men as mere buffoons, with shows like Seinfeld making fun of the âpowerlessâ man, or âThrees Companyâ or any other number of sitcoms through the introduction television, movies prominently depicting the way the alpha male should be: cowardly, neurotic, stupid and dependent of the state. It is this fundamental withdrawal from the natural order which causes this neurotic behaviour and it is expressed through the collective masses which is a representation of the collective mood. And this affects everyone globally, not just Americans, UK, Canada and Australia but everyone globally who plays these programs in other languages all over the world.
Violence is also acts of the state against the people, such as what happened during the recent âpandemicâ; we know that there has been thousands of years of never changing nonsense from states, kings, leaders of acting violently toward the people but as we well know the state doesnât care and anyone who thinks the state, banks or anyone else in power cares for them, has not done their homework, has never read history or studied politics. You donât need to go very far to find this evidence; you just need time away from movies, travelling, restaurants and clubs so you can study; and people who identify with their jobs are the worst and have the greatest neurosis. What are you doing if not pursuing knowledge?

Adapting to the unnatural way, brushing away violence and the hunter instinct which allows us to explore the unknown and to gain more insight into the vast universe has been completely dismissed. This fundamental truth that has been brushed away by systems which are all based on manipulative female standards of behaviour as well as fixed dogmatic religious nonsense which is also adhering to the systems and is shockingly resurrecting due to what is seen as the âlossâ of traditional family values as society begins to degenerate.
That is shocking that a lot of people are quoting scriptures and other such nonsense despite the fact that you know very well the history of the church and itâs partnership with the mafia, the Nazis and the hidden shadow of worldwide governments. But that is precisely my point, that as soon as society is destabilized one runs in fear back to god which is easier than searching knowledge and information for yourself and standing in your own power. If you donât do the psychological work on yourself, digging deep far enough to look at this spiritually and not the traditional rubbish. Running back to a non-existent God is just another fantasy and we see that the widespread of the religion of peace is doing just that; inciting fear mongering in a scheme that involves tribal mentality, denigration of the physical and an absolute disregard for knowledge and creativity.
But they are not as dangerous as the ones who hide their secret manipulations and operate in stealth and there are many like those hiding secretly in seemingly normal marriages, or companies or in institutions, writhing like snakes secretly with their own loathing. We can add those within the spiritual fields and religion as part of that manipulation but we need to discern because there are also wonderful, advanced figures who have done their work and are exemplary in their missions and their knowledge. Discernment is required to navigate.

The tighter the family and religious traditions the more pressure there is to bend over to ridiculous traditions, especially if you come from very tight, non fluid cultures that insist that you do what the parents want; and the more you adhere to traditions, especially foreign ones, (Americans are far more permissive with traditions for example, as opposed to China for example, where there is more emphasis on sticking with traditions or the will of the parents.) Females are pressured to hide themselves in the darkness and suppress themselves until this rage gets pushed down and expresses itself in the darkness of the subconscious where the dream takes shape! The Dreaming Womb thus creates the complex dreams in which the male or yang acts out the story and this happens if you are a man or woman, it doesnât matter as we all have inner balance more or less.
Ancient cities were meant to protect and contain female energy, allowing for families, monitoring paternity but these places that were devised and built by men have become a trap as well in which they are now forced to submit to methods of control dictated by female institutions, the crowd, pressures of meeting financial goals, etc. The only ones who will succeed are those who submit to the matrix and so we have a lot of expressions of violence erupting from cities which makes perfect sense; catfishing, international drug mafias, trafficking, mass attacks, proxy wars, artificial intelligence, warfare in poor countries, and also worldwide pedophilia. The entire world is now under the influence of the Western big four English speaking countries and they are dictating the standards across the world; thus their standards are also pushed across the world.
Delving into the Psychology: The Hero.
All institutions, all masses, all groups are female which is very strange considering that âmasculineâ energy moves as one, while the female energy is a path in which the feminine has to go within and cannot do it with her âsistersâ. She needs to go onto the solitary path to find information, because she utilizes the power of the womb and the dream. The mature male energy needs to go into the unknown, into truth, into nature, to SEARCH, not go on social media telling people to âstay safeâ, not telling people to wear their âhijabsâ due to their âmoralityâ, not pushing to people to ridiculous scriptures, because you can’t turn to nature for a role model so you turn instead to the church as your leader. This goes on especially in the English speaking countries where they bang around in circles looking for a hero; but all you have to do is look deeper into the crimes of the Vatican? But there is nowhere to turn to for HEROES! And that is the main problem.
The Real Crying Game Goes Like This:
“I canât stand women the way they have become, I canât deal with the strangulation and control, I donât want to be told what to do, and because I have no tools necessary to express my masculinity in a mature way, because I have had no role models, I would rather deal with robots and Artificial Intelligence to tell me what to do. I just replaced the spirit with my âhomiesâ in a turf war, or my drug gang who supply me with that ‘ecstasy’, and now, God is found in AI, someone else to tell me what to do. And despite all this, I am still miserable. Boohoo. Instead of rolling up my sleeves and dealing head to head with the complexity of the spirit, delving into nature and truth, I do not know how to attract what I want and take RESPONSIBILITY for my life! I don’t want to take the reins of my life, so I let the toxic woman’s dream and her dumb standards of behaviours tell me how to dictate my life and now we are in a global, economic and political mess and I don’t have the guts to escape my situation.“

And please don’t come crying to me about how you are a dedicated individual to your family and God; I am speaking here about the collective we are ALL part of because if we weren’t, none of this would be going on anywhere; thus we are allowing this ghastly situation as a global society and the evidence is in every country .