That means living with no plan. What is the universal plan? We don’t know and we don’t care; but we are aware of signals, signs, day to day simple things that are the most amazing because gratitude is hidden there in the creases of the everyday unfolding.

You can’t be a data analyst, a solicitor, a politician, a nurse, a teacher, a manager or some other job that takes up your time and fixes your attention on some empty goal, and really believe that is all there is. It’s just you refusing to remove your attention from the system and the old way things have been done up to now. It is laughable that anyone in their right mind would think that being a project manager, a dentist, a street sweeper, any job, is all there is. You are beyond the job that you do, so if you are miserable, it is your perception not your job.
There is only one PRAYER, and it is not to any god but to source energy which you are part of: I want to KNOW the fullness of myself, and to know that I am part of this amazing universe. I want to know all sides of myself and be in total celebration of all my dimensions and parallels. I am aware moment by moment that I am walking with joy. That is my true self.