Self Pity and Guilt: Take Responsibility

Revenge and the Toxic Feminine blogs and books by Sylvia Xamanka

Nobody is coming to save you and there is no hellfire or heaven such as the religions keep going on about. This is a hallucination. Save yourself and stop being a baby. That means questioning everything, including education, parenting and religion. Critical thinking, intuition and examining yourself and your behaviour ruthlessly is the first steps to becoming mature.

Being mature doesn’t mean that you follow anyone in authority; that includes teachers, parents or government authorities. You face only what comes into your face, you engage with the universe only, gaining knowledge from the journey, the road you are on. That is your teacher. And at this time in our world, there is no excuse not to have some sort of knowledge with so much information at our fingertips. Yet many are still talking out of their asses. Maybe it is too much Kardashian TV or BBCX. You can’t be lazy about it, and just relax back, what kind of a spiritual warrior are you? Waiting for another person to decide your fate when it is yourself and your authenticity that should have priority over everything. Make a strategic move, turn around and face any hidden fears. They are detrimental to your life. Here is a list of things to consider regarding responsibility. I would consider anybody trusted to give me guidance but ultimately, you need to go with your heart and feelings.

~HEALTH: It is YOUR responsibility. The government is not your saviour, but this means looking into alternative possibilities. Anything in the body is a manifestation of whatever you have in your mind or whatever you have carried through your lineage. The government can’t save you, stop voting in people to save you. It’s insane.

~RELATIONSHIPS: You go with your feeling, not your parents forcing you or relatives or doing what your neighbours or friends are doing. Ultimately it’s your decision, so I would go with my feeling of desire. You can tell with relationships because of the dynamics or magnetics. Follow your inner self.

CAREER: It is YOUR journey, taking steps in alignment with your heart and deciding what you want to do. You shouldn’t let the fear of failure stop you. And for heaven’s sake, don’t listen to parents, though you can certainly take guidance. Parents or guardians would never force you to go against your heart or feelings. Schools have nothing to do with what you want to do; they are tools that can be used to get where you want to go. For example, if you want to be a scientist, or if you want to learn how to do surgery or to become an architect. You must take full responsibility for all your choices regarding your entire journey from birth to death, examining what happened to you and what choices you made. We are a vibrational match to our journeys before we are even born.

“Self-pity is the real enemy and the source of man’s misery. Without a degree of pity for himself, man could not afford to be as self-important as he is.” DON JUAN in The Power of Silence. Carlos Castaneda.


You cannot be accessible to the universe if your mind is full of garbage, if you gave away your power, sold your authenticity and now are wandering lost without purpose in your life. You are just waiting to die. Don’t waste your time, start the search for your own path because knowledge is key to making any advancements. Sharpening your senses, and understanding that the world stage is just that, a platform for the dance, where power will seek you out. This understanding is part of becoming mature and not blaming anyone but instead standing in your power, ready to face anything. On a side note, you cannot claim energy that you don’t have.

“His weird logic was overwhelming. His words created visions of myself succumbing to something awesome and unknown, something which I had not bargained for, and which I had not conceived existed, even in my wildest fantasies. “What do you propose I should do?” I asked. “Become accessible to power; tackle your dreams,” he replied, “You call them dreams because you have no power. A warrior, being a man who seeks power, doesn’t call them dreams, he calls them real.”

Carlos Castaneda

Contributor PHILIP THUNDER PANTHER TRICE talks about the Balance between the Masculine and Feminine and Self Pity from a Male Perspective:

“These ‘She Thoughts’ are living thoughts which are the source of creation and awake embodied thought, when done with the entire experienced mature body. When the man’s thoughts are corrupted with self-pity on one side, and with self-importance on the other side, then all the embodied thinking is traumatized or tampered with. The blindness of the uncountable quality of double-binding of every meaning with every other meaning. This is both insanity and creates craziness. This is healed by learning to distinguish and removed by healing and integrating self-pity. It has the effect of high coherence. Women naturally give birth to literal children and magically abstract children as the “fruit of their wombs” as products of their entire embodied experienced mature/integrated experience and self. All such children include relationships, corporations, societies, families, people, laws, societies, cultures, worlds, products, homes, families, minds, philosophies, religions, politics, parties, strategies, etc. “All things are born of woman and sparked by men”, or by the divine feminine and divine masculine, in partnership with the Divine Spirit. Whether sane & in sobriety and life-giving, or crazy & ungrounded and death-generating. “You held life & death in your hands, therefore choose life” (biblical saying).”

Societies, systems, schools and families have systematically destroyed the innocent girl, sending her spiralling into the darkness of the desert, packed with an unembraced dark side, and her anger at being denied or tampered with on a variety of levels. If there has been abuse in ANY form, the worse the shadow side will become! This is why women are enraged, why they have become extreme liberals and it is getting worse as men are fleeing instead of standing in their own power to temper them or understanding what is happening. Sexual, emotional or any sort of violence, even the very notion of being ‘unsafe’ within the confines of the family unit, or the damaging school system which creates hierarchy and competition which is NONSENSE and is not teaching at all. If you are slapping, hitting or emotionally abusing children as they are growing and this is continuing subversively in schools, this permanently damages children and they can’t be the same. Parents shouldn’t have children at all if they don’t want them. That means we have to take hold of sexuality so we can produce children with powerful intentions. Ish*lamia* preaches that all children are a gift of god, but that isn’t true, it is simply that they have shame toward sexuality and really don’t know what it is beyond basic function of procreation like most mainstream religions. So all these traumatized, childish, immature women then begin to enact their psycho behaviours in society from a wounded position because they have lost their magical connection to their inner being and the power of their wombs.

Weak men and psychotic women who have both abandoned any internal power are a danger to our world and to our planet. These are the same people who have infiltrated ALL systems and who run all the mainstream media, science, education, politics and law. Morons and idiots who think that we should trust the mainstream and the governments going forward have never spent any one iota of their time researching true history. Not to think or look outside the box is fundamentally a danger to this planet. Nothing will change if you spend all your time watching sports, playing xboxes and sitting in your parent’s basement. Unfortunately, nitwits who have gotten into the mainstream education on all levels are determined to send us all pitching forward into their fantasy of extreme control because it is the only way for them to orgasm.

We are embarrassed that so many weak men have collaborated with the feminized system and have been doing this for hundreds of years, seemingly unaware. No self respecting true male would ever comply with something like what happened in 2020. You should have all be up in arms, not standing by the governments which are ALL feminized. You are not a woman and all of this behaviour is nothing but female standards of behaviour, that you are expected to comply with like you did at school or because you were told at work how to act proper. If you can’t see it, you are a problem.

The Self Pity Disease

Indulging in self pity is the external mind, speaking to you, telling you to cry over your situation because you are helpless and can’t change your situation. Self pity separates you from your true self, and it perpetuates ‘victim mentality’ which screams to the universe: “I am powerless and can’t claim back any power for myself, I don’t trust the universe, I have no connection to my inner source and I feel myself slipping deeper into despair because I feel like I am not in control.” The self pity disease is something that sneaks up on you but just know that genuinely happy people look for solutions, ways around self pity. Equally as important is becoming ruthless with the self, which means examining details around you with great ferocity and then asking yourself why you are attracting this to yourself. Identifying self pity is the first step toward freedom from it, but it takes maturity, introspection and searching the inner self. Women in self pity are deadly: they are needy, clingy, desperate and can’t get out of that cycle and it often attracts abuse as well. For men, it creates anger because they feel they can’t control the circumstances and start the weeping and shirking responsibility because they are not mature enough to understand that they are part of the landscape and do indeed have the power to execute decisions. Both sexes need to see from a higher perspective but this requires maturity and knowledge.

Stuck in Marriages: Poor Me, I can’t get out.

Couples stuck in relationships seems to be one of the most common things that I hear of, especially with non-English speakers. Couples stuck with each other due to guilt; guilt about finances, guilt about disappointing children, guilt for deserting, guilty because they feel they are doing wrong and going against society’s standards. Guilt for disappointing society which is a huge cesspit of nonsense. Guilt because they want to live out dreams but they are scared of their spouses; this is VERY common in European families or Mediterranean cultures etc. It is stressful and destructive because society condemns those who want to make a move toward their dreams but can’t. This causes people distress to no end, as well as forcing the to lie to themselves and those around them because freedom is NATURAL and so is experiencing many things. This incessant, soul destroying guilt opens the pathway to self pity and the feeling of not being able to act or make one’s own decisions. Countless people are stuck in these circumstances, but gathering the courage to act requires being authentic, ruthless and active which are very yang qualities. The Mediterranean culture especially including Slavs, Arabs, Bulgars, Greeks, Italians, etc, that whole area, is a CESSPIT of foolish standards baseless religions and cultural rubbish to force people to get in line. Guilt and self pity thus go hand in hand, producing feelings that people can’t control their own destinies, when in fact, they can indeed control their lives, their choices without feeling guilty and without fearing your PARTNER who you are married to. Men staying by force in relationships will turn to porn, to video games, to other women or maybe other external activities to divert themselves; women in self pity could fall into victimhood very easily with self pity, foregoing any of her dreams which will then be suppressed and eventually manifest darkly. Both sexes need to be honest in marriages and just be clear about their desires; if the other doesn’t approve or doesn’t want to listen, it’s not your business. Your task is to be authentic and clear. You don’t owe anyone anything except for your inner self; and you can be there for your children too; mature adults can make things work. I did want to add this afterthought to this blog: Chris Watts is a perfect example of mental blockages that have manifested into terrible, unfathomable violence because he wasn’t brave enough to just leave the relationship for fear of disappointing others. This is what happens when truth isn’t spoken and the desires are suppressed and there is no way to deal with guilt or suppressed violence.

Guilt is what opens the road to self destruction and self pity. Guilt destroys the soul slowly, eating away at it, unless you get a grip of your thoughts and belief systems. This also happens with countries such as the UK and Germany, steeped in guilt over past wars, or colonialism. This needs to stop because it is destructive collectively and then being guilty makes you prone to being manipulated.

 ‘In other words, my ruthlessness is not because I am wanting to prove myself right. My ruthlessness is an attempt to help the other person break out of their view of the world, no matter what it takes. This is the true meaning of unconditional love.’ ~ Théun Mares Publications

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