Walking Between Realms

The incessant attempt to keep the mainstream narrative going in spite of the earth’s shifting realities continues going on, which means not only that the control structures have to keep coming up with stories to support the global narrative, but also, protecting the interests of the one percent that run this planet to the detriment of humanity. And we are to blame for giving over our personal power to governments, systems, education systems, and religious rubbish too. Growing up means taking responsibility for the self, for your actions and stop blaming others for your own life.


It is self importance that maintains the view or belief system that there are only five senses, that we have to save the planet by having protests about climate change and such nonsense. Who are you? This planet has gone through alot more than YOU and ME. It has it’s own consciousness and it sure doesn’t need you to save it. Only to be in sync with it! We are simply a flea sitting on this planet. This utter nonsense about ‘saving’ the planet is completely insane and it is pushed by people who are completely out of alignment or out of balance. Those who listen diligently to the mainstream media who push their fear mongering as far as they can to continue controlling you and the narrative going on in your head.

I am certainly not against environmental protection but first of all, it is not only the responsibility of the general public alone to become more responsible for the earth, the way they live, but also the responsibility of those who are in government. But we know what governments are about and it isn’t about saving us from anything. Besides doing the inner work to align with the planet, we need mass recycling centres, mass wormeries for vermicomposting and the use of various environmentally friendly fuels. But we have people running worldwide governments who have their brains in their shoes and we still look at them wide eyed to save us. You don’t need saving. You need only alignment with the inner self. It is natural for nature to be in flux, just as we are, flowing with the changes; not protesting by climate change or standing outside recycling centre, it won’t stop anything. Governments have the power to sway through the mass media which is what they have been doing to get a hold of our perceptions, and it will do anything to get control over the natural world; that was the purpose of Project Paperclip and the weather control programs. Alas, they cannot control it entirely, because they would have to admit that something beyond their power and control exists. And it sure does, but how long and hard can you sit on a cork before it backs up and reverses itself up your you know what.

If governments and officials want to exert some control, they sure can, because it is easy to work with the planet; and to work with the natural world means we must enforce laws and rules for corporations because I am not against sustainable capitalism. You do not need to make huge profits unless they benefit the immediate community because it’s insane. You don’t need three houses and six yachts and twenty empty fields and sixty cars. You can live well with half of that, and benefit the immediate community and the natural world you live in. Power won’t come to you through owning all this nonsense, because you won’t be able to fit it into the coffin when you go. True democratic governments would enforce laws and rules for all sustainable responsible corporations to use biodegradable materials only. You won’t die if you eat off a biodegradable plate, or natural bamboo or use natural makeup, or biodegradable plastics that can be eaten by worms. Worms are saviours for our earth, and we have the capacity to work with them to re-mineralize the earth; at the same time we can create our own energy and power and our greatest superpower is to create our own reality. If we put our brains together, we can come with multitudes of solutions but they must be enforced by governments or the greedy one percent will still sit at the top hoarding mansions for nothing, buying airplanes so they can continue with the business of trafficking. This rubbish doesn’t benefit humanity at all.

Everything you think is Real. Everything and Anything can Manifest.

As the world shifts and becomes fluid, the veils between realities get more blurred so there will be more strange things going on like time slips, magical encounters, synchronicities and strange sightings of things that you didn’t believe existed. There is no imagination. Everything is real, the only thing fake is your delusion about yourself and how you perceive yourself as disconnected from the universe and a linear, five senses human being who isn’t convinced by smart phone pictures or videos or people’s sightings of UFO’s. However, you have an undying love and true belief in the government or the mainstream media, or those Hollywood movies which you watch and then emulate as if they are real. Take this brilliant comment from youtube by Michael M. He says, “Its all conspiracy theory bullshit that’s completely false” WHICH REALLY MEANS, “I don’t have the mental capacity to defend my beliefs so I’m going to rely on elementary level logical fallacies to distract from that fact.”

The Magnificent Earthworm: Magical, Regenerative, Hardworking. Huge wormeries will create jobs and assist us to join with the planet. You can be fashionable, wear eyeliner and STILL get your hands into the earth. Working in partnership with the earth means we are in tune with it’s rhythms. Worms can restore our soils and eat our garbage and can even work themselves into our dreams with their guidance! Yes, you heard me!

Everything is imagination and this concept is only now just beginning to make it’s way into our world and our mainstream realities which means the majority of humanity still thinks that life is only about survival. Look at the inhabitants of the majority of the Middle East. Shall we interview them or just hazard a guess as to their belief systems? Food, money, survival, housing, property, and their reputation; limited thinking is a result of a lack of knowledge and the lack of true teaching and gnosis in schools which are little more than forcing children to fit into the structures of society and the old systems. The reason that people refuse to accept anything that challenges their five sense reality is due to SELF IMPORTANCE: the idea that you feel you need to be in control because of fear of the unknown. And so, you would rather delude yourself than go into the danger of not knowing. This is because of the lack of trust in the universe that you disregard as supporting you which it does.

So instead to be ‘safe’ you follow a narrative and someone else’s idea about what you should be: movies, music videos, even historical or religious figures are all irrelevant when it comes to following your own heart-based path. Like you, the true nature of this planet is multidimensional and it is made of tiny stories; stories that were told, listened to, carried or created. The source energy or ‘god source’ expands due to what it learns, extrapolating and becoming more through your unique experiences. So by creating something you really desire, you manifest something out of your imagination and your desires are not less than what the globalists want and salivate to create. They just use the masses to focus the energy using the mainstream media as a tool. In 2008, I remember standing in the tube shocked to see how everyone was reading the exact same newspaper; and as I stared I remember thinking that is how they are creating the emerging reality. Words that are used to push the reality they want to manifest: likely, maybe, possibly. They have been using the same nonsense for years and pushing the masses in that way; remember the stories of Princess Diana and even recently the fear factor they tried to push when they were slobbering over the ‘covixd’ narrative. Way, way too much power in the mainstream media and sway over the masses by the nonsense they are continually spouting. We saw the same with the way they manipulated stories of Princess Diana, (an obvious symbolic sacrifice) and even more recently with the ‘maybe’ ‘possibility’ ‘likely’ words used to continue to push the fear factor when they started with the ‘covxid’ narrative.  

Everything is real. Anything you have created in your mind, or there has been created collectively has or will manifest because thoughts are things, so be careful what you are thinking or dreaming of. If you are a crazy, scary clown and pretend to be a murderous figure, etc, this is what sort of vibrations you will attract. Believe me, I wrote a four-book series in which I had the horrific experience in my innocence, to live out the story out scene by scene. Who knew I was such a good storyteller?! And even worse, I found that the characters arrived at my doorway knocking, looking for me! Imagine that! Yes, we are extremely powerful beings and our imagination is the key to creation; so watch what you think of, what you dream of, what you create with your thoughts.

Everything is real. Mermaids, bigfoots, flying dragons, Loch Ness monsters, the wondrous fae, woodland monsters, creatures unknown and dogmen. How dare you think they don’t?! Everytime, I see videos of people in good faith taking pictures or filming what they see, idiots continue to deny it, because their thick heads can’t computer it. They want them dead or in cages, they want to see blood. They want mainstream media to agree with them! That won’t happen. You have to start expanding your senses and stop being stupid. Believing celebrities and politicians is ok but mermaids don’t exist?! And yet you are salivating after the mainstream media; you are desiring someone to agree with your narrow vision. Zimbabwe has been recently having issues with their fae and mermaid population killing people and without youtube, we wouldn’t likely have any idea that they were having this issue. They are living in other realities than we are in the west. Kardashian world is not the only world there is, neither are those nonsense soaps and dramas you watch regularly. Get with deprogramming yourself and start looking beyond a boring, sterile existence. You need to start searching within if you can; but note that not everyone can do this. The rest will merely stay behind and continue operating for us in the old reality until their life terminates and is recycled into consciousness.

“The more we delve into quantum mechanics the stranger the world becomes; appreciating this strangeness of the world, whilst still operating in that which you now consider reality, will be the foundation for shifting the current trajectory of your life from ordinary to extraordinary. It is the Tao of mixing this cosmic weirdness with the practical and physical, which will allow you to move, moment by moment, through parallel worlds to achieve your dreams.”

― Kevin Michel, Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams

Now is the time of walking between realms, not just through the dreamtime, but also in the every day world. This is why people are shocked with the paranormal all the time; it rattles the systemic foundations of their beliefs handed down to them by brainwashed parents, schools, systems, and mainstream media such as it is. What is more magical than connecting with other realms, with aspects of yourself, with the mysteries of the planet and understanding more about the inorganic world? What is more joyful than doing visualizations with the animals in the dreamtime? You get to walk with the animals and engage with them with a pure heart. The true shaman is authentic to themselves, doesn’t have a crazy agenda to get power because I see that a lot in shamanic groups because everyone thinks it is romantic or ‘unique’ but it really must be seen clearly because mostly it is just attention seeking or a money making scheme, nothing to do with spirituality which is heart based, authentic and clear. One can certainly share stories, share the journey absolutely and it is important to support the other because it is a collective effort and because it is fun to be on the journey with others so we can laugh and learn things in more depth. But especially the feminine energy, is alone on this path, she must go into the journey head first, to get clarity. Don’t worry, gals, the universe is the best lover there is and he will join with you for sure! For all spiritual warriors, death is there, waiting, issuing the challenge, and love alone doesn’t cut it, you have to take back personal power on all levels. Death we are not afraid of you. We have dancing feet!

“Look at my dancing feet, Neti!”

Anatat from ‘Return to Aalayfa: Awakening. By Sylvia Xamanka’ 

Join me and the Other as we journey below the sands only to discover that we are one and the same. Me and Anatat join together in the shamanic dream to create a never ending story and discover not only that we have the same higher self, but we are on the journey to resurrect HIM, the Great God who sleeps unaware and has forgotten himself. Yes, he is difficult and broody and tangled in the underworld, but he is also leading the way in his own awakening. So we spin the tale of awakening, and you are welcome to cosy up to us on the edge of this other reality. Author interference has never been this primal.

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