Redefining Safety: Beyond 3D Fears

Redefining Safety: Beyond 3D Fears. Blogs and Books by Sylvia Xamanka

OSHO: At first, there is little difference between a coward and a brave person. Here is the only difference: the coward listens to his fears and follows them, the brave man puts them aside and goes forward. The brave goes into the unknown despite all fears.

This complete idiocy regarding ‘safety’ and all these moronic slogans plastered and pushed by globalist governments worldwide is total and utter RUBBISH, NONSENSE, IDIOCY. It is the exact opposite of what we want for our lives. What joyful, ecstatic being wants to live with their lives regulated by anyone, never mind by government to such a degree!? It’s simply unheard of except in socialist countries and we see what happened to them. Enforcing seatbelts or passport control or traffic control is not the same as attempting to impose a one world government. Many people who are subconciously pushing for freedom are just footsoldiers who while others who are more aware understand that without spirituality, one simply cannot progress at this time on the planet. And that is unfortunately, what it will come down to. You either have been searching for years, or you are suddenly inundated with all sorts of information that doesn’t make sense to you because you’ve been watching too much Kardashian TV or Bachelor show nonsense. And now mainstream media has stepped in to ‘help’ you.

Regarding current world events which are there to create fear and change, it’s impossible to change anything by using the same energy or vibration, it must be seen from a higher perspective. As I mentioned, those often on the front lines of change are really just reactive foot soldiers and their attempts to change things by force will only make them a vibrational match to the problem. But unfortunately, these are the masses who have only skimmed the top of spirituality, and haven’t been hit as hard by the universe as higher vibrationals who work silently in the background for so many years, decades, having pioneered the drastic changes. But these foot soldiers who have been doing the groundwork, though we are grateful for their role, but many will end up in a new box of beliefs eventually. Unable to absorb or connect to the ‘new’ so it will seem strange, unnatural, and they will turn and fight even against that which is coming!

Without the energetic seer eyes, one simply cannot step out of the illusion, because it takes a bit of work to gain some level of awareness. Though it is our lot to crave freedom and to stand for justice and a happy way of existing, much of the masses don’t have the capacity to even comprehend what true freedom is much less handle it.  Unfortunately, simplistic morality doesn’t exist and someone who is a horrific tyrant in one reality, can appear in the opposite energy in another reality and all the anger and resistance in the world will never change that fact. Many have simply jumped on the freedom bandwagon and have absolutely no idea what that entails. Those who work in the darkness often have the task of pushing us to freedom by their abject behaviours. It requires seeing in ALL directions, not sticking to one perception and making decision about it, it’s far more complex than that. We are only at the very beginning of unpacking this new reality, in which life and death will become redefined in countless ways.

The Upside Down World: Yes, it is. Completely Opposite to Normal.

Everything in this reality is exactly opposite to how it should be, whether it is relationships, families, school or health systems, it’s simply an abomination and has been tolerated for a long time thanks to religions with their influence on familial relationships and because of this suppression have perverted true family unity.  It is actually the askew perception that has created this distorted reality in which everything is related to control and manipulation. And it is this fabrication that is now falling apart at the seams due to the vast spiritual changes on the planet. Our systems are exactly reversed of what they are supposed to be, and in fact, are working against the individual, with so many people having given over their power to the systems.  Some of the worst and extreme examples are North Korea or Iran, but in western countries where many of us are more aware, we would never trust governments with our entire lives, it’s insane. However, globally, worldwide governments are having convulsions and orgasms at the thought of getting rid of alpha types men who are empowered and aware, so they can get women and children as their partners and use alpha males as their bitch. Meanwhile the systems are also feminized, so that doesn’t help does it? Total elimination of men and venerating the damaged woman is their dream come true. That is something that must never be allowed to happen.

Safety: Reject any Man who is a Bum and Has No Purpose

This is a tricky situation. How can you tell if a man is bum? If he is purposeless and so are you, you are both bums and this is vibrational. You attracted each other because we attract what we are.  Whoever you attract you must look at very carefully but this is literally taking relationships to another level of awareness. Someone with no purpose or no interest or if he is interested only in quick flings, unless you are attracted with all your being, you need to stay back. Your job is to save your energy, to protect your womb and your inner dreams; and certainly, while at first it seems fine to get involved with them for ‘fun’, in the end you may end up with children and no support and having to run back to the governments for help! It is important that you are SAFE. Safe to build a home, safe to become creative and authentic. A strong, authentic masculine energy who is honourable and has a purpose and allows himself to be led by his heart is a nightmare for the systems collapsing worldwide. To start taking control of the ridiculous and dangerous behaviours world-wise, men have to rediscover their inner power and masculinity yet again.

This is unacceptable. This is the Dream Man for the System. He doesn’t question systems, he has accepted feminization instead of hunting for personal power, personal honour and acts like a selfish moron because he has bought the narrative hook line and sinker. He can’t think for himself to save his life and remains purposeless, standing for NOTHING, so he falls for ANYTHING. And on top of all that he is the one that most populates the systems worldwide: professionals such as project managers, corporate world, white gloved zombies, brainwashed liberals. Certainly nothing was more revealing than the behaviour of these types during the global ‘pandemic’. And all of this was done in the name of SAFETY. There are even men in the system Shocking.

Safety for the Feminine Energy: the Masculine is Supposed to Contain it.

The masculine energy is the one that hunts externally, incorporates into his world, while the female does the inner work, hunting within for power and knowledge. Both have a very hard terrain. HE needs not to get stupidly involved in the linear, fantasy of an illusory world which includes, drugs, prostitution, drunken nonsense, and getting lost in fruitless endeavors based on false narratives. The female has to ensure she hunts and gains clarity on the journey within but if she has also been traumatized by systems, how will she do that with no guidance? Joy and authenticity is NATURAL for the feminine divine if they reach that high vibration; unlike the shadow woman who is manipulative, under developed, forever traumatized and cannot be creatively expressive. Men are supposed to contain a divine female, give her the space to unfold magnificently, but while she is given this space, she is not meant to be manipulating the man secretly either. This happens too much because men have underdeveloped female sides and women have underdeveloped male sides! To contain the female world which is the WHOLE physical world, requires that the man gains alot of experiences; men are defined by their experiences which is why it’s harder for them to believe in ‘fairy tales’ which is what the world is made of. They think they are being ‘mature’ and ‘realistic’ when in fact all they are doing is reinforcing their own fixed belief systems.

Mature men are supposed to charm women into cute bows with just their gestures, their words and by being wonderfully in tune, but they can’t do that if they are also out of balance with their feminine side. Don’t ever chase men, it’s insane. He has to be tuned in, and while you are busy seducing the universe, he has to chase you, as a woman who is in love with the universe. If he has that dumb glazed-over look in his eyes which is 90 percent of the population, it screams ‘I am UNSURE of myself’ and it also says that he has NO EXPERIENCE and has no idea what to do with the tonal world which is all female.  The newly evolved aware alpha man is truly in tune with his body, doesn’t get offended over nonsense and isn’t beating his children or wife like a fool because he is an explorer of his feelings too and thus he has control over his emotions and acts maturely. The new man is a protector, his own hero, and has a heart-based purpose for living.  The high vibing partners must think with their hearts when engaging and since a lot of relationships are specifically geared toward spiritual growth, then partings should be TOTALLY GRACEFUL. Nobody owns anybody, it’s insane that people think this way. This requires a huge amount of maturity to approach life in this way and as you can see what is happening around us, alot of humanity is acting out of baseness, survival and immaturity.

“A warrior has to believe, otherwise he cannot activate his intent positively“~Theun Mares

If women are not feeling full safe in a relationship, it will collapse because she has to depend on that man to create a space, a container for her to move safely, to explore her inner self, to uncover, discover, unbury, and begin to learn with clarity. If the man is unsure, unsafe, acts violent or stupid or indecisive, then the woman will have to activate her own masculine side, take over the relationship fully and the man starts sulking because he doesn’t know what went wrong. That’s what we see in the chaos of the world right now and that is the reason for the collapse of the majority of relationships. Then traumatized families send damaged children out to create their own families, when they don’t know if they are coming or going. So a woman bearing children in an unstable relationship, then gets furious if you withdraw your attention, well if her needs are not met, and she and the children are unsure, unstable, then what the hell were you doing? What is your heart based purpose in creating? Are you sure of yourself or a purposeless bum? Is your attention on the family and what’s happening in the dynamic or are you chasing girls, making deals, and escaping with the boys?

Men have no choice but to move beyond the safety of their parents, their governments, these silly systems that prevent them from experiencing life to the fullest and moving into unknown territory and running back to their parents or relatives or to SAFETY so they can start their crying. You are MEANT to take risks, to jump into projects, into creativity, to be bold with relationships, and to move forward taking guidance from others who are intuitive and are also on the same path. You need to open yourself to the universe itself, and stop thinking only in one way, and listening only to mainstream science and media. You are a HUNTER, not A BABY. You need to start searching, discerning where you are going and what your path is. The woman and children need to be watched and tended to; not making children and then hiding in the basement to play video games with your other grown up friends because you are bored. I know we all need the space, but giving the other space to grow and develop requires maturity, free minds and awareness. Nobody who truly loves you will ever control you , including parents, systems, teachers, and all these morons who keep trying to impose themselves on others. Women have to stand for themselves because most men lack leadership! You must choose your experiences carefully and not just spread yourself all over the place. For men, the ego is a massive issue.

Life as we know it isn’t ending, it is Death as we know it, which is ending.

How could you move into risk, into a journey, into experiences if you are always safe?! You must delve into life, without being scared, and many people hesitate; the issue is not even doing something dangerous. How about moving out of your parent’s house? Thinking for yourself?! Start reading, researching and looking around at what interests you. We aren’t even talking about skydiving or mountain climbing! We are talking about taking a risk and trusting the universe will guide you on your way. There is no death, only eternal life, so what can you be afraid of? Unlike the nonsense notions of ‘Ishlam’ which state that we sacrifice ourselves in this life for another, it is the other way around. We are here on the leading edge of creation, forging a path of creation and joy in the present, not in any ever lasting life.

“La Illaha, Il Allahu, the ONLY god there is, is the one inside of you!”

The Aalayfan Series’ By Sylvia Xamanka
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