Fairy Tales: How the Universe Operates

Life is a Fairy Tale you Dream and Create and Manifest.

The real fairy tale is You. You who are like the moon and the stars but have forgotten the old tales, and got caught in the web of the spider, in dreams and dramas that are just stories. Volumes that you wrote while sleeping in the Underworld, in the vastness of Xibalba. You who are crawling out slowly, unravelling your tale softly, determined to see your own beauty.

The world of Aalayfa has sprung out of my own dreams, out of the world that I wanted to create. Reality, fantasy and imagination are all interconnected. They are linked together, for everything springs out of the imagination and focused by consciousness, it begins to form and take shape. Thus, you are ultimately responsible to make the jumps into the unknown and into a whole new discovery.
You are the Creator of Your Own Fairy Tale. Welcome to the New Normal.
As the perception opens, so does your ability to see that things aren’t as they seem and that you too are as vast as the universe. That means releasing not seeing things the same way anymore. You didn’t come here to work for a system, breed and pay for a mortgage until you retire and die off. The property, the land, the houses and everything dies off and you end up alone facing your own mortality. It is time to dream yourself free, but that means accessing self knowledge and power. The only way to do this is through understanding energy and seeing things from a higher vantage point, much like an Eagle.
You don’t have to go crazy and travel everywhere or abandon your life as it is. It is important to reach for self knowledge, to reach for knowing beyond the five senses, to learn not just by reading dull and boring stories or watching the news and getting more into your head by becoming a prisoner of your own chaos.
If you don’t search for doorways into mystery and power and passion, you will just live and die and not know any better. To really live, one needs to make demands to the universe and then learn how to bring those manifestations into being but that takes time and an effort by relaxing into your own consciousness. The dreaming state is a major part of this, so is following the signs around you and the synchronicities that is your dialogue with the universe. This is a universe that does not speak in words but only understands vibrations. It is your own feelings that guide you toward what you want and toward the ultimate freedom.
But you need solitude and alone time and meditation to begin dialoguing with the universe and opening your inner world.  You will discover then that you are growing from within, like an enormous abyss that is encapsulating the world around you which you are in control of.  
In the video below, Karin and I discuss the magic of everyday life, the nature of our reality and how one can perceive magical happenings on the canvas around you. Your everyday life is joyful, it’s exciting, it’s magical, but what are you perceiving? Maybe you are on your phone? There is the magic of the sky, the clouds, the sun, the wind. This whole universe is asking you for a seduction, but where are you?

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